
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
PheralSparkyleftyfb, 13 eh? I was using lubuntu on a gateway solo 9300 in 201100:45
PheralSparkynot a bad guess00:46
PheralSparkyeax_, you around?01:08
=== antonispgs6 is now known as antonispgs
gerica, spanish? :v02:38
Geronimopara qué?02:42
Geronimoquizas existe un ubuntu-es02:44
Geronimono lo se02:45
gericcapaz aiga02:49
tomreyn!es | geric02:49
ubottugeric: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:49
gericgracias <302:51
meustationhow would one proceed to install the multitrack audio editing software Reaper on a regular 20.04 LTS Ubuntu? Is it in the repositories accessible through synaptic, or is the procedure a more exotic one?02:55
tomreynmeustation: it's a proprietary software built for windows, which according to their website works through WINE only. Bot the fact that there are no native Linux builds / executables (that WINE is needed to run it), and that it's proprietary rule out that you'll find it packaged in the official Ubuntu repositories02:59
tomreynthat is, via apt. things may differ for snaps, but i assume it's not available there also02:59
pickanickHi, I just had a crazy idea. Apparently Kubuntu LTS is supported for three years, Ubuntu LTS for five. Is it possible to ;) "downgrade" ;) Kubuntu back down to the "Ubuntu 22.04" version?  Is KDE on "Ubuntu" supported for longer than "Kubuntu" ?03:50
=== TWPEagle8163715 is now known as TWPEagle816371
luna_3Folks, somehow I have no spellcheck at all and I miss it. 22.0406:56
Guest15hey all what good research tools cam I expect to find in Ubuntu KR07:19
Non-ICEI chose postgresql10 when installing 24.04 lts and after installing there is no /usr/lib/postgres.... ?07:50
Non-ICEwhere does i have the dumbs?07:51
gary_borgwhy was it when i uninstalled snapd it fucked up my whole system.08:25
Non-ICEdid you have a backup?08:25
gary_borgdont worry i took a backup by preserving it by putting it in the freezer.08:26
gary_borgwrog chat.,08:26
gary_borgnah mate didnt have a bacckup.08:27
gary_borghow do i setup a ad/'cs using vsamba08:27
gary_borgad/dc *08:27
gary_borgnot ad/dc it sounds like ac/dc08:28
gary_borgi mean id /ds08:28
gary_borgad/ds if MY FUCKING KEYBOARD WOULD WORK08:29
gary_borghello my name is gary burger08:33
random-jellyfishDid anybody update to 24.04? were there any unpleasant surprises? I'm not sure if I should update...08:43
=== remy_ is now known as Remy
cbreakI updated several machines to 24.04. There were minor issues early on, and I still don't have any display output during boot (but that might be an nvidia / driver problem, not an upgrade problem)10:03
cbreakother than that it worked ok.10:03
cbreakon most machines anyway. I ended up reinstalling from scratch a bunch of them because upgrading was so much slower10:03
cbreak(I had to upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04, then to 23.10, then to 24.04, because there was no direct upgrade path)10:04
meustationthank you very much tomreyn10:32
tomreynmeustation: you're welcome. if you'd consider native software, there's audacity (which is apt install-able) and there are others which might not be as easy to install. i'm not really into the topic, though10:37
tomreynyou could check what UbuntuStudio provides10:38
=== gvg_ is now known as gvg
fwehtcan i see somehow which snap packages where installed as dependencies and which ones are leafs?  are dependencies automatically removed when i remove a snap package?10:54
fwehtand not every snap package corresponds to a folder in `~/snap`, right?  which ones do?10:55
ravagenot ~/snap but /snap10:56
fwehtah thank you!10:59
ravageand snaps are not really cleaned up automatically11:05
ravagebut if you try to remove the core18 snap example and snaps depend on it you get an error11:06
ravageso i sometimes go through the list and try to cleanup everything11:06
fwehtravage: thanks a lot, will try!11:12
ravagethere is a --purge parameter for snap remove. but only use that if you really dont care about the snap data11:13
ravage(and user data)11:13
meustationtomreyn, I use audacity from time to time, but it's nowhere near what Reaper caters to. I could've sworn I saw on its website that it was installable on linux in some not too simple way (using wine classifies as simple for me, since I had the need of it for dvdshrink); Reaper is for me a sort of "minimum needs met" solution; I'm aiming to build podcasts from a voice guide track and songs I have on either cd or mp3 but11:24
meustationthe kind of control I need to get it done is something that will probably mean using one of the multi-video&audio mixing software. not having to work on real time broadcasting means I don't need ubuntustudio's live kernels.11:24
meustationhave no knowledge about any of the video editing softwares on the repositories though, I'm open to suggestions and caveats11:25
=== rajm-and is now known as rajm
tomreynmeustation: i don't have better suggestions, most likely because i'm not into audio/video processing11:36
tomreyni think that there are linux audio related channels on this IRC network, /msg alis help11:37
bagatur-lphi, I have written a script to install built files to a user local with symlinks, but I wonder what else I can use for it11:42
bagatur-lpmaybe a user level package manager that you recommend11:42
BluesKajHi all11:55
=== SystemFailure is now known as blahblashblah
blahblashblahSo...I woke up this morning to my system dying due to no drive space...syslog is full of gigs of lines of GFileInfo errors. https://pastebin.com/bVqzxs7912:15
pickanickblahblashblah: which OS version?12:28
blahblashblahXubuntu 24.0412:28
pickanickUpgraded from 22.04 or installed fresh?12:29
blahblashblahUpgraded from 22.0412:30
pickanickUntil the problem is resolved, one way of getting by is to change the point at which the current log is rotated out and the < N-1 logs are compressed. I don't recall how its done but I know its possible. On the bright side, repeated error messages often compress really well.12:35
blahblashblahI wonder if linux will ever learn that spamming the error every few milliseconds until the system becomes unusable isn't really useful.12:36
xplora1aIf you are the bit of core reporting the error it is difficult to determine that you were there 100 milliseconds ago and don't need to report the error again.12:38
ioriablahblashblah, using Thunar by chance ?12:48
blahblashblahI have, but not often12:50
blahblashblahUsually just do stuff in a terminal, but sometimes.12:50
blahblashblahCould you give me the full link, that doesn't seem to work in this webirc thing, and I can't start a real client.12:52
blahblashblahactually, you probably did and the webirc thing helpfully broke it. :P12:52
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Debian bug 1070716 in gvfs-daemons "/usr/libexec/gvfsd-trash: GFileInfo created without standard::name, should not be reached" [Important, Open]12:52
blahblashblahLooks pretty similar. :P12:54
ioriablahblashblah, keep an eye on journal size (sudo du -sh /var/log/journal/) and on syslog (you can safely remove it)12:55
=== lukasz is now known as Zorro
=== hino is now known as greenhorn
blahblashblahHonestly, I'm probably going to switch this machine over to mint. I've been slowly getting tirerd of the whole 'snap all the things!' trend.12:59
=== lukasz is now known as Dindunuffin_arig
blahblashblahI appreciate the help though.12:59
Dindunuffin_arigHi All13:00
younderSand boxing software has it virtues too, for security and stability.13:05
younderYou want the latest version. Snap includes the libs and support programs in the state the program expects it.13:10
younderRUST f.e.s is way better off with snap. I canned version would soon be obsolete. Firefox need the sand boxing. Perhaps they overdid it - just a few wouldo?13:12
=== Guest26 is now known as ydag
=== deepSleep is now known as Guest2233
eelstrebori followed the instructions at ubuntu.com for adding repositories but the "Add Source" button stays greyed out. what am i doing wrong? ubuntu 24.04.116:50
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
=== tom_ is now known as paul424
alphaaurigaedepreciated gnome-authenticator 3.32.2 on ubuntu 24 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-authenticator18:03
alphaaurigae Read, https://pastebin.com/n5FVc6aX .. this version 3.32.2 creates real issues probably and should be replaced maybe.18:03
alphaaurigaeI ran into some real issues today on xubuntu 24 as described. gnome-authenticator DEV confirmed 3.32.2 depreciated. Losing 2fa access isnt nice. So maybe this is important.18:05
ubuntunetHi all18:41
ubuntunetwondering if anyone knows if can help with a server issue?18:41
ubuntunetFor a friend ;_D18:41
vortexxubuntunet: don't ask about asking a question, ask the question18:43
swansalut à tous18:46
vortexxswan: !fr18:50
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper «/join #ubuntu-fr» ou «/join #ubuntu-qc». Merci.18:50
sixwheeledbeastre gnome-authenticator: it may still be hanging around due to the gtk3 vs gtk4 you mention. It will be down to the maintainer possibly from the debian repos rather than being a ubuntu issue. I use KeePassXC for TOTP, you can have multiple TOTP apps and you should store the recovery keys somewhere.18:53
sixwheeledbeastlooking at packages the 4.5.0 is available for Oracular18:55
alphaaurigaeThe dev said its on ubuntu, at least on what i understood. I wondered too why its on "The Oracular Oriole" but not on The Noble Numbat and The Jammy Jellyfish . Ill setup the new version with flatpak.18:58
sixwheeledbeastIf you don't want flatpack you can try the .deb from the packages page with gdebi and hope the dependencies can be met. It's only been uploaded to sid 3 weeks ago well after versions would be locked for lts releases.19:00
sixwheeledbeastIt could be that noble can't meet the dependencies, if it can maybe it can be backported.19:02
alphaaurigaeWouldnt bother so much if it didnt create a real problem today. I thought for a minute that i lost all my 2fa access which would have been a real issue because i didnt setup a backup device.19:03
alphaaurigaeOnly by trying to first find the db file (that wasnt named after the app and the location only had authenticator in it but with a capital A so locate didnt find it and there was no place where the location was outlined or that its a sql file. Then the second downer, after acessing it with litesql over sonsole , great the table is there but the key encrypted (logically) ... wanted to test if the app still acess 19:03
alphaaurigaentry , bingo. it was added to the db file. After doing so and restarting all entries showed again and i could create a json backup.19:03
alphaaurigaeMaybe it wouldve worked by running the app through sudo too, concluded because adding the test key required sudo.19:04
alphaaurigaewhatever, its a real problem to run into an issue like this and a "new" repo like 24 should run 3-5 year dated depreciated applications .. no clue ... this seems odd politely19:05
alphaaurigaeshould not*19:05
alphaaurigaeits so un usual that something goes this wrong on lts ubuntu that i bothered to post here, consult heir dev support channel. Using ubuntu for almost 16 years and this is one rare occasion where i thought wtf this can crate some real life problem19:07
sixwheeledbeastwhile 24.x release has been rocky, packages like this are extra and not part of the OS. It's down to those package maintainers, there was a bug report May 2023 about buggy behaviour.19:16
alphaaurigaeback, had to reboot19:37
swan@vortexx salut19:44
alphaaurigaeUpdated the gnome-authenticator with flatpak as recommended by the project maintainer dev. the depreciated 3.X should possibly removed from the repositories and / or updated as it potentially does more harm than good. Users  who run in the situation i experienced may find themselves with lost account access on important services and the issues that come along.19:49
swanj aimerais savoir il y a du monde de dispo s il vous plait ?19:50
PheralSparkyis there a distro of ubuntu tailored specific for newer touch screens 2 in 1 laptops like dell?19:55
sixwheeledbeastI would expect vanilla ubuntu with gnome is most touch friendly flavour.20:07
sixwheeledbeastthere is ubports but that's more tablets and mobiles.20:07
PheralSparkyah, but having nothing but issues with the ubuntu regular distro20:15
eoli3nHi, i'm connected to a ubuntu host with ssh -X and i can't start firefox20:35
eoli3ni get Error: cannot open display: localhost:11.020:35
eoli3ngoogle-chrome starts but the keyboard mapping is unusable : "enter" gives "j"20:36
eoli3n"maj" gives ","20:37
=== kaleozhou_ is now known as kaleozhou
vyrylsUbuntu has its own sans-serif and monospace fonts. What does it default to for serif fonts?21:52
pycuriousis this the correct way to upgrade openssl on ubuntu 20.04LTS - https://orcacore.com/install-openssl-3-ubuntu-20-04/ ?23:15
pycuriousI was expecting to use a .deb file perhaps - I'm not sure about a "make install" here23:17
rboxthe correct way is to not mess with the core packages that the OS providers23:18
rboxif a base pacakge is not the version you want, you should update your dist to a newer version23:18
pycurious@rbox I need openssl upgraded on 20.04lts - is there a good way to do that?23:18
rboxuse a container23:19
yoshiserryhi all, I'm using 24.10 beta release and having trouble connecting to my ubuntu desktop machine (that I want to use as a server), from a windows 10 home machine.23:34
yoshiserrybot h machines have a consistent ip address, I have tried tightvnc from windows using ip address to ubuntu machine with one of and both of remote login and desktop sharing enabled, i've also tried being logged out of the ubuntu machine.23:36
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
leftyfb!next | yoshiserry23:46
ubottuyoshiserry: Oracular Oriole is the codename for Ubuntu 24.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.23:46
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
yoshiserrythanks ubottu, I will try the #ubuntu-next channel, could a mod please update this message to reflect that: #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 24.10, 24.04, 22.04, 20.04. #ubuntu-next for 25.0423:51
yoshiserry@ubotto, thanks any ideas as to why I am unable to connect to the ubuntu machine remotely (I gather the remote desktop and desktop sharing features were introduced in a previous version (have been around a while).23:55

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