
anankehmm, so this is a long shot, but for reasons beyond my control, I need to figure out how to set some of our ubuntu 20 AMIs to use old style network interface names (ethX vs ensX). I've experimented with passing net.ifnames=0 to the kernel, but to no avail01:24
anankehowever, based on dmesg, it seems that cloud-init is writing out /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml using ens5. sure enough, adjusting that file by hand I can get eth0. Question is: how do I force cloud-init to use old style names?01:26
minimalanake: I'd guess the issue is not to do with getting cloud-init to use old style names but rather with getting some other part of Ubuntu (i.e. udev) to use the old style names01:53
minimalananke: does cloud-init.log show c-i seeing the "new style" names for interfaces? I'd assume so01:54
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holmanbananke: which datasource? can you share a paste of the log? 22:57

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