
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
chase_hello everyone00:55
chase_i need help using hexchat00:55
bpromptchase_: hmmm well, is not ubuntu per se, however, feel free to ask at #ubuntu-offtopic , join us over there :)00:59
sarnoldwhy not #ubuntu?00:59
sarnoldhexchat is still shipped in ubuntu, right?00:59
chase_well i have linux int01:00
kutcause hexchat is offtopic to ubuntu01:00
chase_ok sorry01:00
sarnoldchase_: ah. then you'd probably be better served in a mint forum01:00
kutmints sound yum01:01
bpromptchase_: or join us at #ubuntu-offtopic01:01
bpromptchase_: mind you I'm running hexchat right now01:01
kutyou hacker01:01
bpromptsarnold: yes, hexchat is still shipped in 24.04 :)01:02
sarnoldwoot ;) it's not for me but i'm glad it's still working well enough to keep it around01:02
=== hype_ is now known as hype
tomreyn!info hexchat noble02:10
ubottuhexchat (2.16.2-1build2, noble): IRC client for X based on X-Chat 2. In component universe, is optional. Built by hexchat. Size 349 kB / 1,001 kB02:10
=== Douwd` is now known as Douwd
enigma9o7That version was released this year even.  2024-02-07.  But noted in changelog it's final version.02:12
enigma9o7https://hexchat.github.io/news/2.16.2.html fyi02:12
enigma9o7Hopefully a new maintainer steps up, brings it into the future.02:13
pragmaticenigmaplenty of other clients out there02:14
NewtonTrendyhi does anyone know permissions well i have ls -al "drwxr-xr-x  1 nominatim nominatim 0 Sep 24 02:44  nominatim-data" and i cant understand why im getting "bash: cd: /media/felix/Elements/nominatim-data: Permission denied" as nominatim user02:20
NewtonTrendyits a portable hard drive if that makes a difference02:21
pragmaticenigmaNewtonTrendy: The drive is mounted as felix, for nominatim to access the portable drive, it would need to be mounted as nominatim, or you would need to setup the mount so that all users can access the device02:22
NewtonTrendyok i dont know why i didnt clock that, thanks02:22
pragmaticenigma*mounted using nominatim's account02:22
NewtonTrendyi need to mount it for all users02:22
NewtonTrendycan i still hard symlink it?02:26
pragmaticenigmano, symlinks follow the permissions of the original object02:26
NewtonTrendyok, thanks again02:26
pragmaticenigmayou will have to setup an fstab entry ... but for that part, I'm not familiar with enough to guide you. hopefully someone can help you02:27
NewtonTrendyUUID=519CB82E5888AD0F  /media/Data  ntfs-3g  defaults,windows_names,locale=en_US.utf8  0 002:30
kuti used the app called disks, gtk-disks maybe? on phone now02:30
NewtonTrendythanks kut :)02:31
kutim too lazy/slow for uuids02:31
NewtonTrendysudo blkid02:31
kuti have a lot of harddrives attached02:32
kutall that ascii02:32
luna_3Folks, somehow I have no spellcheck at all and I miss it. 22.04  ( I asked this a day ago and noone noticed. )02:54
luna_3Chihuahua I had to go to the google  small mexican dog chiwawa and it answered!02:55
=== vincejv_ is now known as vincejv
tomreynluna_3: for which application?03:37
tomreynhave you tried this? https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/prefs-language-install.html.en03:38
NewtonTrendyI've noticed on dual screen with nvidia kernel i get the choose file dialog open half on the second screen and i cant move it. if i drag the app to the second screen it centers. how do i actually give the details needed to debug this?04:15
enigma9o7maybe a video?04:20
gebbionehello all04:50
tomengland24.10 works well! is there a way to enable the tpm after install?04:50
tomenglandi dunno how ubuntu did it but all the snap apps look sharp.  and I'm on wayland.  on other distros, it would look blurry without some ozone adjustment04:54
Bashing-om!next | tomengland04:54
ubottutomengland: Oracular Oriole is the codename for Ubuntu 24.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.04:54
tomenglandahh thank you04:55
NewtonTrendywe're on 24.04 right?04:55
Bashing-omtomengland: :D04:55
Bashing-omNewtonTrendy: 24.04 is the latest release, yes.04:56
NewtonTrendykiwix seems to be very very buggy but it does run (freezing often)04:57
NewtonTrendyi decided to add a python zim library to my prepping archive just in case04:58
=== vincejv_ is now known as vincejv
gebbioneis anyone aware of a local config manager that would help setting up an OS after a fresh install? I could write my own set of ansible playbooks but interested in knowing if anyone had done it already05:35
mgedminthe closest I have is a shell script that does a dconf load for a bunch of settings05:37
gebbionei think i need to script something but it takes time05:44
gebbionebut upgrading is painful too everytime05:45
gebbioneso I might invest this time once hoping i can just re-install in the future instead of upgrading05:45
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BluesKajHi all11:39
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=== paul is now known as Guest7457
josua1232hi there I have a ubuntu server I'd like to host a website, is there a way to tunnel out of a network and have it point to a domain ?14:23
kk1234josua1232: cloudfare tunnel? it's free14:24
pragmaticenigmakk1234: that's not even close to what they're asking14:25
NoImNotNineVoltit's an alternative to what they're asking14:26
pragmaticenigmastill have to get the server exposed to the Internet14:26
kk1234pragmaticenigma: umm maybe, it's not clear14:26
NoImNotNineVoltnot for inbound connectivity. isn't that the whole point?14:26
pragmaticenigmajosua1232: You would need to configure the network gateway to allow access from the Internet, specifically for network port 80 and 443, to reach your server behind your network firewalls and gateway.14:27
NoImNotNineVoltor, instead of doing that, you could use cloudflare tunnel.14:27
josua1232I have access with dyanmic dns but I want to use a domain I bought14:27
NoImNotNineVoltwhich might be especially relevant if you're behind NAT and don't have access to configure port forwarding.14:28
josua1232sorry was not clear with my question14:28
NoImNotNineVoltokay, so then the TCP/IP connectivity is already there, you just want to address the "use dynamically-assigned IP with static DNS" problem?14:29
NoImNotNineVolti solve that with a script that runs periodically to compare my WAN ip with my DNS A record, and if different, invokes my DNS host's api to update the A record.14:30
NoImNotNineVoltbut that's brittle and annoying.14:30
pragmaticenigmaNoImNotNineVolt: why not use ddclient?14:32
josua1232I can't forward port 80 on my modem as my ISP blocks it for no proffesional accounts.14:34
pragmaticenigmajosua1232: if I'm understanding the recommendation of cloudflare tunnel correctly, you do not need to port forward or change any settings on your modem/router.14:35
pragmaticenigmayou install cloudflared client on your machine, it sets up a tunnel to cloudflare which forwards the requests to your webserver from their infrastructure. You would just need to configure your domain to point at cloudflare's gateway14:37
pragmaticenigmaprobably a much safer way to host a personal web server anyways14:39
josua1232@pragmaticenigma thanks so much I was a little confused thay makes sense14:39
josua1232will I be able to configure ssl or does that not change anything?14:40
pragmaticenigmaif cloudflare tunnel is the direction you want to take, I think those are questions you'll have to seek out for yourself. I'm only guessing, but cloudflare can probably manage an SSL connection for you.14:43
pragmaticenigmajosua1232: this is what others were referring to: https://www.cloudflare.com/products/tunnel/14:43
josua1232@pragmaticenigma ok thank you for your help14:47
=== msyke1 is now known as msyke
NoImNotNineVolti'd guess the https ssl/tls terminates at cloudflare, then the tunnel-based connectivity has its own encryption.15:24
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest5783
throwthecheeseHow do I get it through Xorg's thick skull to add my stylus at STARTUP rather than upon proximity? Currently it does the latter and it's breaking the behavior of my screen rotator16:30
throwthecheeseI've tried to hard-code the device into my system via a config file but xinput still doesn't list either the pen or the eraser part of the stylus at startup/login, just a stylus device at the keyboard section (FYI I have a Goodix touchscreen)16:32
throwthecheese^ + Ubuntu 22.04.516:33
tomreyni'm not sure it would work any different there, but maybe try wayland, too.16:34
throwthecheeseWayland doesn't have this issue but there is a really annoying unpatched bug in KWin that causes streaking/connected strokes on XWayland16:36
throwthecheeseAnd unfortunately Krita is an X-only application at the moment16:37
throwthecheeseAny way to hammer it through Xorg's head?16:38
tomreynah, you're on kde (Kubuntu?) then - that's also relevant to point out, i guess. but personally i would not know how to achieve what you're trying to do. maybe soemone else?16:41
throwthecheeseKDE on a degnomed Ubuntu installation16:42
pragmaticenigmathrowthecheese: that honestly puts your machine in a state that who knows what the problem is. Can you try it with a live image?16:43
throwthecheeseI have a Kubuntu USB lying around although I suspect it will not be free of this annoyance16:46
=== throwthecheese|2 is now known as throwthecheese
throwthecheeseJust as I expected... my stylus also isn't recognized on the fly on the live USB16:52
pragmaticenigmathrowthecheese: everything I find online regarding a goodix interface, is that it requires some heavy system changes (but articles are from 2018.) Ubuntu 24.04 has been released, as well as Kubuntu 24.04. Kubuntu lists Krita as one of their flagship applications to receive updates this release. Kubuntu runs Xorg by default (or at least it has been.) The issue I feel with "I degnomed ubuntu" is it's vague and ripping out packages has the17:01
pragmaticenigmatendency to remove things that something else needs. I would start with Kubuntu, and work on a solve there. Not after ripping an existing install to shreds and trying to pathword it back together. I personally have never had luck switching desktop environments like that, I could always add another one, but trying to remove them always has left my machine in an unstable state.17:01
throwthecheeseFYI I had XFCE as my daily driver before I degnomed my system and I had the same issue with my stylus not recognized instantly17:15
=== armel_ is now known as armel
=== armel_ is now known as armel
throwthecheeseThe issue is that my device is not only not present at login/startup in my xinput output, it doesn't even have a path in /dev/input either17:25
throwthecheeseIs there a way to get the device and Xinput entry for my stylus created at login instead of upon proximity?17:30
=== armel_ is now known as armel
throwthecheeseDisregard what I've said. There is indeed a device for my stylus but X only recognizes it upon proximity17:36
=== infogulch11 is now known as infogulch1
Teridona while back I reinstalled snapd to fix an issue with chromium not running.  I noticed that on the system on which I reinstalled snapd, the snap list is smaller than it was before.  Is there a way to tell how those other snaps got installed previously?  I never explicitly installed snaps like "core18"... https://bpa.st/EDIU618:08
LuckyManTeridon, some snaps like core18 are needed by your other snaps18:10
LuckyManthey are ment to be there18:10
LuckyManotherwise snaps would be much bigger18:10
Teridonyeah but how'd they get there (which snaps need core18)?  are snaps installed as part of installing other packages via apt ? are there snaps that are part of the default Ubuntu desktop install?18:13
pragmaticenigmaTeridon: yes, snaps can share resources or have dependencies on other snaps18:13
Teridonwhat about apt?  if I "apt install chromium" does it install the snap?  I didn't explicitly mean to use the snap for chromium18:14
pragmaticenigmaTeridon: It is possible that the packages provided by apt would be snaps18:16
pragmaticenigmaTeridon: and chromium is one of the applications that is installed as a snap even when installing packages using apt18:18
LuckyMansnaps are nice18:22
LuckyManthey are confined18:22
LuckyManthey dont mess with your computer18:22
Teridonluckyman:  I'm not being paranoid.  I'm trying to learn how Ubuntu works.18:25
Teridone.g. I have no idea what program needs "gnome-46-2404"18:25
Teridonand I have no idea how to determine that18:25
TeridonYes, I could just reinstall all the snaps that were there before, but I will have learned nothing18:25
pragmaticenigmacore18, core20, core22 are Ubuntu cores, gnome-42 and gnome-46 are Gnome Desktop resources. Other snaps that you did install listed those as dependencies and thus were installed. This is the main reason for Ubuntu to push snaps. it allows developers to target those resources, instead of an entire operating system. So the application developer or maintainer doesn't have to wait for a library to become part of the primary OS. Instead they18:28
pragmaticenigmacan reference a shared snap resource package and offer their latest version of their application regardless of the Ubuntu version installed.18:28
pragmaticenigmaIn other words, I could write an application that requires something available only for Ubuntu 24.04. But because of snaps, someone running Ubuntu 20.04 could also get the application running.18:29
LuckyManthe name core is just the base distribution they were developed for, so core24 is the latest Ubuntu LTS18:30
Teridonah, ty -- "snap connections" is basically what I was looking for.  Though, it still leaves me with the question of gnome-46; i.e. gnome-46 does not appear in my connections list18:33
=== Sidewyz1 is now known as Sidewyz
LuckyManTeridon if you want to dig, read the snaps documentation, or even learn how to do a snap, it's not that hard18:34
thunderhi folks. not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I noticed when doing `ls -al` of a directory that all the entries are showing as '-????????? ? ? ? ?            ?' or equiv, and various "permission denied" errors, in spite of permissions being just fine. any idea what causes that, and how to correct it without loss of data?18:38
Teridonty LuckyMan and pragmaticenigma -- I appreciate the explanations.18:38
thunderfyi, the os concerned is debian bookworm, but everyone in #debian seems to be asleep atm, so figured it couldn't hurt to ask here.18:38
pragmaticenigma!debian | thunder18:38
ubottuthunder: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!18:38
thunderindeed. which is why I figured you might be able to answer18:39
nmeeHi, I just installed Ubuntu 24.04 on a new Lenovo Yoga Pro 7 laptop. I have a strange issue in that it only boots if I have my external HDMI monitor plugged in. Both monitors work in that case. Without the external monitor, it hangs with a black screen right after entering my LVM encryption password. Any ideas why?18:39
pragmaticenigmathunder: This channel does not provide support Debian. Ubuntu is a fork nearly 20 years removed from the debian branch18:39
thunderokay. what would be the appropriate place to ask this question? it's probably not directly OS specific, but maybe a filesystem thing?18:40
Teridonthunder:  #linux maybe.  but that sounds like a permissions or IO error; e.g. see https://serverfault.com/questions/65616/question-marks-showing-in-ls-of-directory-io-errors-too18:42
pragmaticenigmathunder: when I see a line of ?'s in my file list, it usually indicates the storage device is lost or something is corrupted.18:42
=== Sidewyz1 is now known as Sidewyz
thunderhmmm. this only occurs with one specific directory. everything else seems fine. I'll try #linux.18:44
thunderthanks for you help18:44
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
LuckyMannmee, do you have a nvidia card?19:09
=== Sidewyz1 is now known as Sidewyz
PheralSparkyso am 4 reinstalls in on the dell inspiron 16, and its just freezing during installs20:38
PheralSparkyor rath 5-620:38
PheralSparkyre-prepping install media on an sd card, to see if the usb drive is borked20:39
bpromptPheralSparky: w0t?20:44
=== antonispgs6 is now known as antonispgs
PheralSparkyinstaller froze again :(21:21
PheralSparkytop of the keyboard is rather warm :(21:21
sarnoldclean the junk out of your fans / heatsinks?21:24
PheralSparkyjust did, cleaned and repasted the new laptop's heatsink and dried thermal paste21:57
sarnoldany luck?22:05
PheralSparkywell it is cooling a lot better with ceramique 2, as expected, but it just froze during installing the system22:08
PheralSparkyIm gonna try zeroing out the 512GB NVMe22:13
mybalzitchdid you try the nvme command22:19
mybalzitchinstead of just writing zeros via dd22:20
bpromptPheralSparky: so, what's the deal?  the installer not working?   what installation option are you using?   are  you making a new partition for the system?  is it installing to an existing partition?  UEFI?  is the HDD formatted as GPT?  how about an EFI partition, is it there?22:22
PheralSparkyGPT of course, install starts, but stops when it gets to installing system22:27
bpromptPheralSparky: can you hmmm do a Live session before installing?  just to see if it loads a live session at all, you can install from the live session btw, but you can also inspect stuff like  your partitions, and do drive checks22:28
bpromptcould be a bad installation usb stick too, or a bad iso download22:29
PheralSparkybprompt, of course, always been using that22:29
PheralSparkyholy cow it actually finished this time23:40
PheralSparkyno freezes, after redownloading iso, verifying checksum, and prepping drive23:41
enigma9o7how did you prep the drive?23:42
enigma9o7probably woulda made sense to verify checksum before re-downloading iso, since that would imply you already had it23:42
bpromptPheralSparky: aha!, then it was a corrupted iso :P23:48
PheralSparkyrufus, copy set to dd as gpt format, and another laptop(my personal budgie laptop) as a control test, verified a bad usb drive23:48
PheralSparkyat least it wasn't windows corrupting the drive setup23:49
PheralSparkybut whats odd, I had a fresh iso on the laptop downloaded aswell23:49
PheralSparkybprompt, after updating the system and snaps, I changed scale to fractional at %125 for my moms taste, tried changing the cursor size in universal access, from default to large, and no change23:50
PheralSparkynto even after a restart23:50
PheralSparkyis universal access in budgie broke?23:51
bprompthmmm, I don't use Scaling myself23:51
PheralSparkycrap :/23:51
PheralSparkyafk, gotta prep dinner23:52
bpromptPheralSparky: you could  just change the screen resolution to a lower one, it has the effect of scaling components Up23:52
=== antonispgs2 is now known as antonispgs
bpromptI've set scaling in windows for folks, it can be a bit of a pickle, dialog windows truncated atop or bottom, missing [OK] [Cancel] buttons, because of the truncation23:53
bpromptnot saying is bad, but it has those caveats23:53

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