
anankeholmanb: AWS user-data. thank you for checking in, I think I got it solved for our needs via a bit of an ugly workaround02:15
anankewe build AMIs from the upstream ones, using packer. to succesfully switch back to the legacy names I'm doing a three step process:02:16
ananke1) initial user-data has runcmd section where I inject net.ifnames=0 as a kernel parameter in grub's config, and I replace ens5 with eth0 in /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml02:17
ananke2) the system is rebooted afterwards, and the change in netplan is applied - I get eth0 _on that instance_02:18
ananke3) packer finishes making a new AMI from it. new instances using that AMI have the kernel parameter applied, and cloud-init generates a new netplan config using eth002:19
anankenot ideal, but it works nonetheless02:19
holmanbananke: gotcha, yeah I'm curious if the network config from ec2 provides that interface name03:58
anankeit doesn't03:59
Guest54HI falcojr, We are provided Cloud for customer, and custom vendor and product follow guide (https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/etc/nova/release.sample), but if we are changed product to another name, cloud-init can't recognize VM running on OpenStack. Can I change code cloud-init and add a new name cloud provider in this line09:44
Guest54(https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/c9dce94d316028b15d9f2781fee959da745aea52/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceOpenStack.py#L28)? Our vm doesn't running on another hypervisor, so we didn't config flavor with property chassis-asset-tag like HUAWEI09:44
Guest54I don't know if cloud-init allows adding DMI_PRODUCT_NAME diff "OpenStack Nova" or "OpenStack Compute"09:51
Guest54Anyone know that? Or how openstack can provide chassis_asset_tag to vm? Thanks all10:36
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