
cocolinoI don't know if anyone knows what I am talking about, but. Discord keeps pushing a notification telling me that an update is available and that it will update automatically in x days.08:48
cocolinoAnyone know how to turn that off? Is driving me crazy.08:48
mparilloHave you tried this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Discord#Discord_asks_for_an_update_not_yet_available_in_the_repository10:33
tomreyncocolino: ^10:52
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alberto_join poker11:13
BluesKajHi all11:19
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IrcsomeBot<StagenCo> Hello, I am currently on kubuntu 24.04 and I just added my google account on "online account" but when I click on network/google drive it remains on loading in progress and I have no error. is this a known problem?12:42
IrcsomeBot<CocolinoFan> Oh, Telegram and IRC are linked.13:05
IrcsomeBot<CocolinoFan> Sorry Cyril, I don't know... I am fairly new to Plasma too, and I really don't want to connect Google to my computer to check >...<13:05
IrcsomeBot<StagenCo> No problem, I will continue to look for a solution or not connect my google account :) (re @CocolinoFan: Oh, Telegram and IRC are linked.13:20
IrcsomeBot<StagenCo> Sorry Cyril, I don't know... I am fairly new to Plasma too, and I really don't want to connect Google to my computer to check >...<)13:20
IrcsomeBot<StagenCo> what did I mean by "Oh, Telegram and IRC are linked" (re @CocolinoFan: Oh, Telegram and IRC are linked.13:27
IrcsomeBot<StagenCo> Sorry Cyril, I don't know... I am fairly new to Plasma too, and I really don't want to connect Google to my computer to check >...<)13:27
IrcsomeBot<CocolinoFan> I speak on Telegram now13:27
cocolinoNow, I speak on IRC :D13:27
IrcsomeBot<StagenCo> ha ok you speak about you not me :) (re @CocolinoFan: I speak on Telegram now)13:28
IrcsomeBot<StagenCo> ?13:28
IrcsomeBot<CocolinoFan> Yep, sorry for the confusion.13:29
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> We have a bot that bridges the two networks :)13:29
IrcsomeBot<mzxxb> hey, is there anything special about why kubuntu.org using HUGO?13:35
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> It isn't using hugo, so I don't see what you mean (re @mzxxb: hey, is there anything special about why kubuntu.org using HUGO?)13:37
IrcsomeBot<mzxxb> source: https://github.com/kubuntu-team/kubuntu.org : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/f6a00b68/file_78825.jpg13:38
IrcsomeBot<mzxxb> @RikMills13:38
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @mzxxb That is work in progress, but not live yet13:39
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> That should be clearer13:39
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> KDE also uses hugo, so that makes it familiar13:40
IrcsomeBot<mzxxb> ohh13:47
IrcsomeBot<mzxxb> got it13:47
IrcsomeBot<mzxxb> thanks13:47
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pickanickAnybody on 22.04 recently get "the screen locker is broken and unlocking is not possible anymore" ?  Kubuntu has been rock solid for a long time and I wonder if the cause is a recent update, or my recent change of background to solid black ...???  The instructions "loginctl unlock-session N" delivered an unusable session but "kwin --replace" (after a seemingly ineffective "plasmashell --replace") seems to have recovered the session.14:16
pickanick(last commands were given in the Alt-F2 Krunner window)14:17
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x__ hi16:41
DSDotNameHi all17:46
DSDotNameone half year Kubuntu user on my laptop and desktop17:47
DSDotNamefirst real linux os distro I started to use as mainframe machine ;-)17:48
DSDotNameMajor reasons jump from MS Windows desktop was AMD APU issues on MS Windows and official drivers. Movement ot the OS Kubuntu solved GPU issues out of the box.17:49
pedahzurDSDotName: Glad it's going well for you117:55
pedahzurI started using Kubuntu in 2006; Madrake before that, and Redhat 6 (not EL6) with KDE before that. I've loved KDE for a LONG time. :)18:00
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=== DSDotName2 is now known as DSDotName
DSDotNameI am using Debian long time in my servers based at Rasberry Pi. Linux as the desktop I am using only few months. It is for all the work and dev and so on. For Faming and VR I am switching to MS Windows.18:08
DSDotNameI tried gnome one and half year ago and this attempt to swtich to Linux at the desktop wasn't sucesful. I tried swtich also all the media and games, etc. This was the mistake. Then I switedch back to MS Windows.18:11
DSDotNameLater, one half year back I again tried to switch and selected Kubuntu with KDE Plasma, and after some spent hours wihin the Plasma Kde Desktop I knew that it is my system for now. :D18:11
=== DSDotName60 is now known as DSDotName
DSDotNameWhich irc client you recomend? I am on the WebChat client.18:16
DSDotNameI used IRC ten years ago.18:17
pedahzurDSDotName: I've used Konversation for quite a while. Solid client.18:21
DSDotNameI am back from Konversation18:29
DSDotNameIt is better18:29
DSDotNameThanks for good tip.18:30
DSDotNameI have read about Valorie aka Grandma of Linux.18:32
DSDotNamegreat respect and honor to all who created all this18:38

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