[01:57] I am confused regarding KCM modules in Plasma 6. [01:57] We have a few packages compiled with KF5 in the repo and they do not work. [01:57] One of them is even in default image: kde-config-whoopsie. [02:49] While there are still apps to do, nothing like the intense Plasma 6 packaging, we will be able to have more fun with 25.04 tweaks and improvements. [03:16] sgmoore Thanks. [03:16] So I should assume non KF6 KCMs are broken until 25.04? [03:16] Do the KCMs have to be ported to KF6 to work? [03:16] Also, won't whoopsie being broken affect Ubuntu bug reporting? [03:53] FYI, Kleopatra: https://kfocus.org/wf/secure.html#bkm_kleopatra [03:53] There's TONS of stuff on the kfocus website, btw. [03:54] all searchable and maintained. [03:54] eugenesan that's for you :) [03:55] I hope it might be useful. [04:08] mmikowski: Thanks. Kleopatra looks good for GPG keys management but no SSH support nor gpg agent. Seahorse still better despite being Gnome App ;-) [04:08] Regardless, Kfocus project is nice and I am still browsing it. [04:11] eugenesan There probably some overlap. We provide KeePassXC as the password and secrets manager, and it works quite well shared over Dropbox and NFS for multiple parties, and even on Android Phones (iPhones too, probably). And it has SSH agent. https://keepassxc.org/docs/ [04:13] Although I've never explored it, so *maybe* it works. [04:14] I've user KPXC for years (in fact I kinda did the initial work to fork it from KeePassX :-) ) and knew it had SSH agent but never got to check it out since seahorse was always there ;-) [04:17] There is a lot to learn from Kfocus. Thank you for the tips. [04:21] eugenesan I'm looking at it now. You have to enable it, but it looks good so far. You can hit (+) and then select "SSH Agent" on the LH side. I enabled it there. I always use .ssh/config and public keys for remote login. [04:23] mmikowski: Nice. Now we need KDE app for GPG agent. [04:32] fwiw, this review outlines the purpose of Kfocus: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/09/kubuntu-focus-ir14-gen-2-review-using-linux-instead-of-messing-with-it [04:33] eugenesan not sure what to do for a GPG agent ... [04:35] mmikowski: No worries. Something will pop up. If not Seahorse is great and is the default for most Ubuntu flavors. [04:42] https://ebzzry.com/en/gsk/#gpg # totally lazy web search [04:43] Also up for consideration: kde-wallet. [04:50] mmikowski: I am too lazy for both options. Seahorse is plug&play, install and forget. There is a reason why it's so widely used. I was surprised it's wasn't part of Kubuntu. [05:12] mmikowski: I think we already have a GPG agent implemented by pinetry-qt + gnupg-agent. So Kleopatra + KeePassXC might provide SSH/GPG services. [05:12] The only remaining component is libsecret passwords. I don't see any KDE nor QT integration with it. [05:12] Since I rely on libsecret, Seahorse will have to do for now. [05:14] I am sure I could migrate to Kwallet/Kwallet cli but that requires work and is incompatible with anything but Kubuntu. [06:39] eugenesan libsecret is supported by KeePassXC, and now kwallet. It's documented on the kfocus site. [06:43] mmikowski: Good to know. I'll have to research the topic deeper. [07:36] talking about kleopatra, anyone has build the latest package? [07:36] the one in repo is [07:38] eugenesan kde-config-whoopsie looks to be something packaged like 10 years ago and I can't fine any sort of upstream for it. I will ask Harald about it. Were there more kcms? [07:39] PIM qt6 packaging is/was not done in time. What we got is what we get. (re @myfenris: talking about kleopatra, anyone has build the latest package?) [07:57] seems I use keychain for gnupg-agent [08:01] tried to build but its require kf5 (re @myfenris: talking about kleopatra, anyone has build the latest package?) [08:01] 🙈 [08:01] i guess need to change the deps right? [08:02] /me long time not build the package [08:03] looks like debian got it packaged 2 weeks ago - https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/kleopatra/-/tree/debian/experimental/debian?ref_type=heads Too late for us though. [08:27] In the transition from Qt4 -> Q5 there were similar things. As the ecosystem was not as huge then it was less marked, but it happened [08:42] we may have to remove kde-config-whoopsie, it isn't maintsined anywhere by anyone [08:43] Yes, I did the same with the qapt-deb-installer which was broken [08:43] ok [08:45] Though kde-config-whoopsie, will just not appear in system setting if installed. So users may not know it is supposed to the there. qapt-deb-installer was broken in a very visible way as it presented itself as an option to install a deb in a context menu [08:46] But dropping whoopsie kcm should not be an issue IMO [08:47] @sgmoore maybe also drop kio-gdrive is that is not Qt6 and working in dolphin [08:48] @sgmoore maybe also drop kio-gdrive is that if not Qt6 and working in dolphin [08:50] need guide/help/assistant: https://launchpad.net/~fenris/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/29116401 <— is this correct how im building the package? [08:50] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/11634ee9/file_78841.webp [08:52] It is, unfortuately the signon-ui sync fails tests on 4/5 arches and beyond my ability to fix, so the kaccounts stack isn'y going to make it in. Removing. (re @RikMills: @sgmoore maybe also drop kio-gdrive is that if not Qt6 and working in dolphin) [08:56] did we want to seed the webcam and recorder apps or ? [08:57] I don't think we should really start seeding new things now unless doing so fixes a important bug [08:58] We can mention in release notes that they are available to install [09:00] sounds good [09:06] @sgmoore also seeded are kio-admin and kio-audiocd. I don't think these work in KF6 dolphin, so again perhaps useless. saying that removing them risks forgetting to add them back when they are updated to KF6 so hmmm ? [09:06] I am commenting so as to not forget [09:07] Of course :) [09:07] Need more ☕️ [09:12] kio-fuse is also useless right now [09:12] Sigh. [09:13] indeed [09:14] In the end, if we had stuck with Plasma 5 we would be open to worse criticism than a few missing features [09:15] yeah, we did our best. Next release will be spectacular! [09:15] Plus no reason we can't put these things in a PPA or oracular for people who want them back [09:15] in due time [09:15] This is very true [09:17] qt4-qt5 transition there were loads of us, 6 plus debian. This time it was mostly you and I plus debian folks. I think we did pretty darn good. [09:18] Alongside new Qt/plasma, feature restoral should IMO be a where we focus on at the start of 25.04 [09:18] Yes [09:18] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/f062c7bc/giphy.mp4 [09:19] I think we should put a thank you to the debian folk in our release notes. No way we could have done it without there efforts (re @sgmoore: qt4-qt5 transition there were loads of us, 6 plus debian. This time it was mostly you and I plus debian folks. I think we did pretty darn good.) [09:20] I totally agree [09:20] can you refresh my memory on pulling kubuntu-meta? [09:21] pull-lp-source kubuntu-meta [09:21] thanks! [09:35] Confirmed by Harald that whoopsie kcm is archived and will not see any ports. [09:40] Not a surprise really (re @sgmoore: Confirmed by Harald that whoopsie kcm is archived and will not see any ports.) [09:41] yeah, it's ubuntu specific I think? [09:42] Very (re @sgmoore: yeah, it's ubuntu specific I think?) [09:46] Maybe porting a few things like that could be a nice task for new people who want to get involved. If they are still useful that is [09:51] I think it is. Getting Involved wiki needs an overhaul, it dates back to qt4->qt5 days lol [11:16] hi [11:52] Hi all [13:25] FYI, kio-admin in 5.27 was problematic. We used it for BTRFS rollback features initially, but then removed it because it was too unreliable and prone to crashing. [13:26] sgmoore RikMills ^^ [13:26] hopefully it is in better state for 6.x. [16:56] Looks like minimal effort to get it to compile with qt6. Also un released. (re @IrcsomeBot: hopefully it is in better state for 6.x.) [22:00] Thanks Scarlett. Say, I've been looking at how to book a hotel for the Ubuntu Summit. Any suggestions? [22:00] bbiab, moving desks ...