
=== vanmarco__ is now known as VanUnamed
eugenesanI am confused about KCM modules designed for Plasma 5 on Plasma 6.We have kde-config-whoopsie installed but I can't see it's UI.01:44
eugenesanI also tried installing another one, the same issue.01:45
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== VanUnamed_ is now known as VanUnamed
DSDotNameHi, I am using Kubuntu on my Laptop and because I faced with the problems how to very easy solve battery draining with my Ryzen Pro, i did very simple bash script.06:08
DSDotNamePowerSaver is intended for managing the power (maximum) frequency settings of individual CPU cores, which the Linux system can use for itself. You can actually throttle the processor to save electricity.06:08
DSDotNameif the laptop disconnects from power Where Plasma calls the following command: /home/tomas/dev/bash/powersaver/powersaver.sh half06:09
DSDotNameIt is more simple than some other over-combined solutions and projects.06:10
DSDotNamestill usage: powersaver.sh [ none | mg | half | ultra | custom [max_freq] [Mhz|GHz] ]06:10
=== DSDotName is now known as info
=== info is now known as DSDotName
=== DSDotName is now known as FiverBox
=== DSDotName is now known as FiverBox
=== FiverBox is now known as DSDotName
=== DSDotName is now known as FiverBox
=== FiverBox is now known as DSDotName
=== DSDotName is now known as EvoBox
BluesKajHi all11:52
cocolinoHello BluesKaj o/11:53
BluesKajhi cocolino11:54
DSDotNameKubuntu Rulezzz15:00
soundscouthi everyone. i have 3 packages appearing at apt list --upgradeable, do i worry about these or do i just wait a while?15:31
soundscoutnamely: python3-distupgrade ubuntu-release-upgrader-core ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt15:31
=== alucardromero5 is now known as alucardromero
=== osidorkin4 is now known as osidorkin

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