
=== jesus is now known as tlakuacheee
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corpedi am steve03:39
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NewtonPumpkindoes anyone know, you cant make a directory on an ntfs partition a postgres data dir when the drive is not mounted as the postgres user, i think i read you can use a symlink and make the symlink dir owned by the correct user, does this sound right?04:12
NewtonPumpkinwouldnt all subdirs be owned by the wrong user?04:14
Square2what is the situation around themes in latest ubuntu? It seems all theming is based on elaborate scripting and downloading zip files05:00
xanguaUbuntu has accent colors since 22.04, then latest gnome (47) officially added accent colors Square205:06
Square2xangua, what does accent colors mean?05:08
Square2oh, just coloring05:08
Square2I mean full fledged themes that changes icons, fonts and possibly more05:09
xanguayou can also do the way you described, download and extract themes somewhere like /~.themes in your home05:10
xanguaand use a tool like Gnome Tweak to select and apply such themes05:11
Square2xangua, seems like theme support is removed in Gnome Tweaks. You can just change icons and fonts05:24
xanguammm that's unfortunate05:28
mike_121does anyone else have a gufw crash on nouvaeu driver?05:34
Square2xangua, i worked it. Thanks for beliving in me.06:05
Square2..it out*06:05
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ben25 labynet.fr06:45
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MaturionHi guys, I have an Ubuntu 24.04 guest VM (using KVM / lib-virt / virt-manager). Host is Arch Linux. On my Ubuntu VM I can access the internet only via GUI apps like Firefox, but not via the terminal. E.g. ping does not work. DNS resolving does not seem to be the issue, though, because I still get an IP. I already tried reinstalling everything, to no avail. Interestingly this problem was not there when I was in live "try out09:09
MaturionUbuntu" mode, before installation. Network setup from the host side does not seem to be the problem. Other VMs have the exact same settings and no issues like this09:09
MaturionAnything I could do?09:09
MaturionI'm 99% sure the issue is within the guest VM's configuration09:09
tomreynMaturion: so, based on what you're writing, resolving hostnames on the shell still works, but setting up a tcp connection from there doesn't? i'd test this with netcat or curl to verify.10:22
Maturiontomreyn: Thanks for you reply. In the meantime, I got it to work by disabling IPv6. Don't know why that helped10:23
tomreynmaybe you had a bad ipv6 route there10:23
BluesKajHi all12:07
lotuspsychjewelcome varo12:51
lotuspsychjevaro: come to #ubuntu-discuss if you wanna chitchat12:57
varook thinks13:00
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cbreaktried the kubuntu 24.10 beta yesterday, but I had to go back to 24.04. After the upgrade I used wayland, which worked very nice with plasma 6, but I did have weird problems with nvidia-smi, and later with lutris -> wine -> world of warcraft, with the keyboard input getting stuck and everything freezing. not sure why.21:34
cbreakalso had problems with nvidia-smi running OOM for no apparent reason. Possibly related, possibly not21:35
cbreakI'm just mentioning this in case someone else has similar issues.21:35
cbreak(I tried both drivers 550 and 560, no difference)21:35
ubottuOracular Oriole is the codename for Ubuntu 24.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.21:39
cbreakUnfortunately I didn't have time to diagnose it further, so can't provide any useful dev-feedback, sorry :(21:40
cbreakall I have are symptoms. I didn't want my raid group to wait :/21:41
rboxso you're just here to whine?21:41
tomreyncbreak: it's nice that you're giving feedback on 24.10, it's just not the right place21:42
cbreakI'm here to provide a list of symptoms so others can watch out for it and maybe coordinate21:42
cbreakI will obviously try it again once it's been officially released, with more time to spare to investigate21:43
cbreakrbox: heh, sorry, didn't notice that you made a joke about lutris wine / whine, funny :P21:44
rboxi didn't... sounds like you're just whining21:45
tomreynso *this* channel is about support for the releases listed in the /topic.21:45
cbreaksure, alright, I'll wait 12 days more21:45
tomreynrbox: let's try to be kind?21:45
rboxand rewind?21:45
Guest15Hey May I can ask whether Linux fixed its AMD GPU shit performing?21:49
Guest15Mean of the 7000 series21:49
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ravageyou can ask about a specific support problem you may have with an Ubuntu release supported in this room21:50
Guest15It's a general question21:50
Guest15Everyone using AMD Rx 7000 series will know about what I am talkig21:50
ravagethen the answer is no21:50
Guest15Hmm sad21:51
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
=== Thermoriax_1 is now known as Thermoriax
SquareI installed flatpak in 24.04.1. Flatpak suggests to install the old "Ubuntu Software" app and makes things a bit confusing. Any way around this other than resorting to command line only?23:02
syphyrcommand line is way less confusing23:07
SquareYet, no of the main stream OSes uses command line for package management23:08
enigma9o7Hmmm, you can install gnome-software with the flatpak plugin if you want a GUI appstore.23:09
enigma9o7You can also use the flathub website if it's you're only flatpak source...23:09
enigma9o7(Which has an install button you can setup to work)23:09
Squareah ok23:10
enigma9o7installing "gnome-software-plugin-flatpak" with apt will pull in the needed app.  But yeah its what the old ubuntu-software was based on.23:11
SquareAnyone bumped into issues having global hotkeys in 24.04 (wayland)? In this case for an app called "copyq". Also I guess FlatPak is a parameter here too23:21
Squareoh, seems to be a Wayland limitation23:24

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