
Square(For anyone wondering, you had to assign a ubuntu global shortcut with a shell command to make it work.)00:07
SquareWhat is the goto editor for gnome? Both snap and apt install of "gedit" gives various errors so maybe something else now?01:40
Square(in 24.04.01)01:40
rboxif you're getting "various errors" you've seriously screwed somethign up01:41
Squarerbox, vanilla install. Probably second program I installed01:45
Squarethey're just warnings though01:45
rboxso you're getting warnings, not errors01:45
rboxso then use gedit01:46
SquareHere they are https://dpaste.org/WWVgO01:49
SquareRealized gted is the new default. Seems better so I'll just use that.01:49
rboxyou're always gonna get warnings on gtk apps01:52
rboxjust ignore them01:52
SquareWhere did the weather app go? I can't remember what one that came with 24 was called? Gnome weather? Also, how do you get it to show as an applet?02:11
SquareAnyone got wether in their top bar and/or indicator area?02:36
Squarein 24.04 that is02:36
tomenglandis there a teams app that doesn't require me to login everytime i open it up?03:08
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Your_Dogfor linux? i just pwa that thing05:25
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iseneSolution for autogenerating program menus (without running Gnome/Kde/Xfce) - an app launcher? Several years ago I used aemenu, but that is long gone. Any suggestions?06:19
morgan-uFolks, somehow I have no spellcheck at all and I miss it. 22.04  chrome pluma hexchat discord messenger06:32
morgan-uand webpage textboxes06:32
morgan-unEXT how do I install a deb. eg sofa server.06:33
morgan-usae they dont do "hi" here. you have a question you just ask it straight out.06:34
morgan-u!sae ubottu ask06:34
morgan-u!ask ubottu sae06:34
morgan-u!ubattu ask sae06:35
morgan-uthat's a bot that tells you how to do itNext question, how do I use ubottu  22.0406:35
morgan-uHere you sometimes just have to wait I've asked the spellcheck questionon 2 different days so far.06:36
morgan-uWe can go to the "talk" channel to tal /join @ubuntu-offtopic  <-- just click on that channelname06:37
morgan-uwrong .join #ubuntu-offtopic06:37
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:39
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/06:39
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone06:40
morgan-uI've got no .deb file. If I look in the archives i have all kinds of things. back another day. I had something sofa serverdot deb but it was a folder and didnt open with anything I could put my finger on. TOMORROW07:06
morgan-uI extracted and said keep directory structure but the whole lot opened in downloads, AND I havent got the foggiest as to how to create a folder. I have tried this for years and domehowew never found out how. Everyghing I try gives me submenus that dont include make a folder. Argh!07:08
OG_MagiC:split-window -h -l 20 'cat ~/.irssi/nicklistfifo'07:35
rfmOG_MagiC, you woke us up for that?07:37
OG_MagiCrfm: what?07:45
OG_MagiCoh fuck, wrong window07:45
OG_MagiCmy bad07:46
naokimay I ask bootloader configuration (grub/efi/extlinux) on riscv64 and aarch64?08:41
naokirecently I installed Ubuntu 24.04.1 Server from live server image to USB-SSD08:44
naokieverything except u-boot is on USB-SSD08:44
naoki(spl, u-boot, etc are on SPI or microSD, but it doesn't matter)08:46
naokiit seems ubuntu server uses grub/efi to boot kernel08:46
naokibut dtb seems not to be loaded from file system on aarch6408:47
naokion aarch64, dtb combined with u-boot is used for kernel08:48
naokion riscv64, it seems something copy dtb to /boot/dtbs/ and probably grub/efi uses it08:50
naoki1. I want to use dtbs from /lib/linux-image-`uname -r`/08:51
naoki2. I want to use extlinux instead of grub/efi08:51
naokiwhat should I do for it?08:51
comphnaoki: i have no idea about your question but maybe it has something to do with your partition layout09:05
comphor maybe not09:05
comphsomehow ubuntu boots from the ubuntu partition in my case, even tho it's not the first partition09:06
comphwell, i messed it up by changing the the wrong thing in grub, then it would boot from the first partition09:06
comphand couldn't even find the ubuntu partition; so i reinstalled grub on my later partition and it worked again09:07
comphbut sometimes it seems that the OS can make changes to the mbr or something, when it boots, so the bootloader gets corrupted (win)09:08
toddcnaoki: may have better luck in ubuntu-server09:15
xypronnaoki: The package flash-kernel uses /proc/device-tree/model to look up the device-tree file name in a database and copies the relevant one to /boot/. grub-update adds a devicetree command in grub.cfg to use this device-tree. If you want to use /extlinux/extlinux.conf you have to installe package u-boot-menu and run u-boot-update.09:16
yziquel__debug symbols for apt: https://packages.debian.org/sid/apt-dbgsym. anyway to get them in ubuntu ?09:31
naokixypron: I already install u-boot-menu to generate proper extlinux.conf, but I cannot change boot method from grub/efi to extlinux09:38
naokiand thanks for the info about flash-kernel, I'll check it09:38
xypronnaoki: I thought that U-Boot prioritizes extlinux. If you uninstall flash-kernel and GRUB it should pick up extlinux/extlinux.conf.  Please, be aware that if you do not boot via EFI flash-kernel will write a script /boot/boot.scr.  What U-Boot are you using?09:41
naokiI'm using mainline u-boot (v2024.10-rc5 now)09:42
naokiwell, /boot/boot.scr doesn't exist on both aarch64 and riscv6409:43
naokimainline u-boot works well with extlinux before I installed ubuntu server09:45
naokiI tried to remove efi things under /boot/, but still u-boot try to load/run efi/grub :(09:45
xypronnaoki: rename /EFI to /EFI.old09:46
xypronnaoki /EFI/boot/bootriscv64.efi is the fallback for booting via EFI09:47
naokithen u-boot fails to boot...09:47
naokiI'll try again09:47
xypronnaoki: as you are asking about upstream Ubuntu maybe #u-boot would be the right channel. For extlinux to work CONFIG_BOOTMETH_EXTLINUX must be enabled.09:55
naokiit was worked before I (re)installed ubuntu server09:56
Guest29What is LVM used for?10:34
toddcGuest29: Logical volume manager  Instead of set partitions sizes linux can enlarge any partition as needed10:36
tomreynGuest29: LVM can make it easier to resize file systems / reallocate disk space to file systems. it can also support file system snapshotting10:36
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tomreyn(there is also software RAID support in LVM)10:37
tomreynin case you're familiar with windows, they have a similar concept called "dynamic disk"10:38
Guest29toddc tomreyn thansk a lot, so i guess in any case it is better to install ubuntu with this LVM both with and without encryption, i.e. in the sense that it is still a good and useful thing10:40
tomreyndepends. if you already know you'll never need it anyways, it may be better to not use lvm because it increases complexity10:41
tomreynit's one more layer you (or whoever manages your computer) would need to learn to handle10:42
Guest29toddc tomreyn ok but seeing from the image it is necessary to do the encryption, without encryption I could choose whether to use LVM or not, instead if I use encryption I have to use it by force10:48
mgedminif you plan to ever change your partition layout, it's a very very good idea to use LVM10:58
mgedminif you just install once and will never touch the partitions, you can skip it10:58
ogra_yeah, LVM is really only useful if you need to dynamically resize stuff on the fly10:58
Guest29mgedmin ogra_ yes but it's necessary for encryption if i understand well11:07
Guest29for now I have saved with password and checked the encryption checkbox only for a few things via a winrar archive, I'm not very good at computers, I don't know what is the best system to protect privacy and all your personal data including vacation photos, girls you meet around or musical works that I create and that I don't want anyone to listen11:12
Guest29to before I complete them, but I remember that then there were programs that used a technique called "BRUTE-FORCE" that tried all possible combinations of characters to find the password and open winrar archives with password and also with the encryption option checked. Since even encryption without winrar if I'm not mistaken the data is encrypted11:12
Guest29on the HD but you always have to use a password, maybe with this brute-force method it is possible to find the password and access or not?11:12
yziquel__Guest29: if you are "not good at computers", then the following answer may not suit your needs. But, on the command line, there is a tool called "pass" that allows you to automatically generate randomised passwords, store them in an encrypted fashion on your hard drive, and get them in your clipboard from the command line so that you may copy paste the generated passwords. https://www.passwordstore.org/11:16
yziquel__it solves many practical day to day issues. but i'm a command line kind of person... so your mileage may vary.11:16
toddcapg will also generate passwords   soo many ways when using linux   I also use encrpted ZFS but it has bit of a learnig curve ext4 is sooo easy I skipped lvm but many use it11:18
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yziquel__toddc: does apg handle storage by default, like pass ? or is it just a password generator ?11:26
Guest29yziquel__ toddc i read the article. Too difficult for me, but i'm just talking about the mechanism of operation. if the data on the disk is encrypted, if i understood correctly you can't access it from the pc itself also because when you start ubuntu you have to enter a password and maybe this is needed both to access the operating system and to11:27
Guest29access the encrypted data on the disk, and you can't access it for example with the hard disk disassembled and connected via cable or in any case elsewhere. But what i wanted to say is that even if the data on the disk is encrypted and we still need a password to access it, isn't it possible for malicious people to find this password through these11:27
Guest29programs that use the BRUTE-FORCE technique to find passwords?11:27
toddcyziquel__: just a password generator only I also recommend keepassXC for sites but you will need to remember your password for encrypted drives and log in11:29
yziquel__Guest29: the data is encrypted with a master GPG key. So, essentially, you type your unique password locally on your computer (the only one you keep in your head), and pass will give retrieve your randomised password and put it in the clipboard for you to copy paste into whichever applicate requires it. So all the security is in your head, not on disk. And you can access as many randomised password as11:30
yziquel__you want. one per website/application. This way you solve the brute issue, because it's randomised, and also the security issue because it's encrypted. If you want even more security, get a yubikey.11:30
toddcGuest29: yes but if the drive is not encrypted it can be read fron a boot disk or mounted on another computer11:31
yziquel__toddc: no. the key is encrypted. if your hard drive is not encrypted, your key is still encrypted. if you have password at boot time issue, then get a yubikey so that it's external. once upon a time, i had a FSF smartcard doing that. to read the key on the smartcard, you need to have serious technology. like state actor or big corporation.11:32
yziquel__to read (maliciously) the key on the smartcard.11:33
Guest29yziquel__ yes but i'm referring to data on hard disk not for sites, app and wer services. I'm talking about the cases of losing your computer or hard disk and you don't know in whose hands they end up and who accesses all your data or what they can do with it. regarding the password, even if it is unique and you don't have it written down anywhere11:38
Guest29but you simply remember it by heart, through these brute-force methods they could still find it with countless combination attempts11:38
yziquel__Guest29: if you lose your hard disk and it gets into someone else's hands, then he can read the public GPG key of all your passwords. He can also read the private GPG key. But it's encrypted with a passphrase, which is the only thing you need to keep in mind. If he doesn't have access to the passphrase, the attacker cannot unlock your private key, unless your passphrase has low entropy and is11:40
yziquel__susceptible to brute force attacks. so take a passphrase with high entropy11:40
yziquel__only good entropy protects you from brute force.11:41
yziquel__and brute force is not that easy for an attacker.11:42
yziquel__what will compromise your secrity is more your daily flaws than an attacker brute forcing a good entropy passphrase.11:43
Guest29"yes but if the drive is not encrypted it can be read fron a boot disk or mounted on another computer" toddc yes, but even encrypted i guess it can be read if someone use a program for decryption and a method to find the password such as the brute-force techiniques11:44
yziquel__Guest29. even if it is read, your private GPG key is protected by a good entropy passphrase. so your data is safe.11:45
pragmaticenigmaentropy is not a measure of strength. it is a measure of randomness. please stop with the mischaracterization.11:46
yziquel__Guest29: brute force works only if the passphrase is chosen idiotically. if "brute force" worked, the whole blockchain world would not exist.11:46
yziquel__pragmaticenigma: sorry. i'm a mathematician. i tend to use the words i know on the matter. please expand on the distinction if you feel like it.11:47
pragmaticenigmayziquel__: don't need to be a mathmatician to read the definition of a word.11:48
yziquel__pragmaticenigma: i do believe entropy is key to avoid brute force attack. not sure the dictionary will help me out on that.11:49
BluesKajHi all11:54
pragmaticenigmayziquel__: You could have "high" entropy in an short, say 8 character, passphrase and a modern computer can brute force that in about an hour or less. You could have low entropy an a passphrase 512 characters long, and it will take a brute force attack hundreds of years to figure out. Entropy has little to do with the strength of a passphrase. All entropy does is aid in the ability to pick a random passphrase that is unlikely to guessed11:58
pragmaticenigmathrough things like social engineering.11:58
yziquel__pragmaticenigma: ok. then replace "entropy" with "entropy in the sense of Kolmogorov-Chaitin algorithmic complexity".12:12
yziquel__pragmaticenigma: entropy is a measure of information, in fact.12:12
pragmaticenigmayziquel__: if you're going to use a word like entropy... you need to put away your books and degrees and approach it from the standpoint of someone who doesn't have all that. The base definition is at best what anyone can be expected to know. You would have been far better off using the phrase "high complexity" in the assumption that most people here are going to have a better grasp of that and your intent and meaning.12:18
yziquel__pragmaticenigma: i do grant you that i use the term in the sense of a mathematician.12:19
pragmaticenigmaKnowledge is knowing a Tomato is a fruit. Being smart is knowing a Tomato does not go well in a fruit salad.12:28
yziquel__pragmaticenigma: i would disagree, given the times we are in.12:31
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:31
pragmaticenigmaGuest29: I'm not sure if you're still out there. Encrypting a drive is mostly about reducing the ability of a random stranger coming upon your computer and being able to access the information held within. In most cases, that random stranger is more likely to think the device is broken and attempt to format the drive so they can use it. This would be the preferred outcome, as the data because irrecoverable once the drive has been12:35
pragmaticenigmareformatted. In the rare case someone thinks it is worth their while to find out what is on the drive. The goal there is to make sure you have created some passphrase or password that is sufficient complex that attempting to brute force the drive is going to outlast yours and theirs lifetimes. In short, really encrypting a drive is about keeping honest people honest, and the less honest sufficiently busy enough to not cause immediate12:35
pragmaticenigmaharm to you by discovering what is on your drive.12:35
hwpplayer1my sha value is not the same as written on the website, what does it mean ? is it exploited ?12:58
yziquel__hwpplayer1: maybe you used the wrong program to compute the sha.12:58
hwpplayer1I downloaded via Firefox ESR12:59
ravageand it means that it differs. nothing else12:59
yziquel__or the website could be out of date12:59
hwpplayer1I'm gonna switch from Debian Bookworm12:59
hwpplayer1I run sha256sum command sha... file...12:59
hwpplayer1But the USB was working it has been booted13:00
hwpplayer1Though the interface was buggy13:00
yziquel__sha256sum seems ok as a command line.13:00
hwpplayer1I guess too13:00
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RikMillshwpplayer1: what ISO from what webpage?13:01
ravageshadyisos24.io 🙂13:02
pragmaticenigmahwpplayer1: a mismatched hash (or sha) value indicates the downloaded file may have experienced corruption in transit, or the storage device didn't successfully write the file or has become corruted on the disk. Recommend downloading the file to a known good drive (not a USB stick) and verify there.13:03
pragmaticenigmahwpplayer1: also, since I've seen this a few times recently, make sure your checking the actual file you downloaded13:09
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realivanjx"dpkg --add-architecture arm64" is not working on noble? how do i install arm64 packages on amd64 architecture for cross compiling?14:58
realivanjxFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/noble-security/restricted/binary-arm64/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]14:59
ravagesudo apt update14:59
mgedminrealivanjx: you may need to add Architectures: amd64 to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources for the security.ubuntu.com URL15:02
mgedminafaik arm64 only exists on ports.ubuntu.com15:02
realivanjxravage: thats the error from apt update15:02
mgedminby default apt update will try to download the lists for every architecture from every configured archive URL, unless you add the 'Architectures: ...' override15:03
ravagealso I don't think that architecture is on that servers15:03
realivanjxdo you know the one liner command to do that? this is for docker container build15:03
ravageIt's on ports.ubuntu.com15:03
mgedminit might be possible to write a sed oneliner, but I don't want to risk messing things up and corrupting your sources.list15:06
mgedminI would edit the .sources file with vi (I like vi)15:06
Adryhello all, does anyone have skill in postinst of a debian package installation on ubuntu ?15:19
enigma9o7Surely someone does.15:20
leftyfbAdry: it's best if you describe the issue you are having an issue with15:21
Adryyes thank :-)15:21
AdryI already have a installed software  (our software in company), for example with the 8.0.0-1440 version, and when I try to update it with (sudo apt install mypackage.8.0.0-1489)  the preinst script log correctly "update and 8.0.0-1440" of input parameters of the preinst script, but in the postinst script I got "configure" for first parameter and15:24
Adryno second parameter (where I hope to find the new version 1489). I checked on the deb package the 1489 version is correctly set and I don't know why isn't consedered as an update in the postinst script :-(15:24
mgedminAndy: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ap-flowcharts.html implies that the postinst should be called with 8.0.0-1440 as the parameter, if I understand the diagrams correctly15:31
mgedminthis is confusing15:31
mgedminthe ubuntu wireguard howtos are useful15:39
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crorafHi guys, I have some issue that has become unbearable so I need support. I access the internet via wi-fi connecting to Mobile phone hotspot. At first it worked fine, but since a year or two ago I have trouble establishing connection, so I need to turn wifi on-off, turn hotspot on-off, restart, and at random it manages to connect. After the connection is established it works perfectly.16:05
pragmaticenigmacroraf: how often do you reboot the mobile phone?16:07
crorafvery rarely (but i never reboot it to establish the connection)16:08
pragmaticenigmacroraf: I would start by rebooting the phone more often. Residual effects can linger from what's been run on the device. The next part is that I don't think there is a solve from Ubuntu. If the computer is able to connect to other wifi access points, the problem is more likely the phone. Check your saved wifi connections and remove any that you do not connect to regularly, or more importantly do not recognize. I have difficulty16:11
pragmaticenigmaconnecting to my phone's hotspot mode when it's connected to another wifi that it is configured to use. Making sure that either unused connections are removed, or turinging off wifi before starting the hotspot would be my operating procedure.16:11
crorafpragmaticenigma, I haven't really tested but the problem seems to be either in Ubuntu or in specific Ubuntu+my_phone combination. Other devices immediately connect to phone's hotspot. I need to test if PC has trouble connecting to other hotspots.16:19
enigma9o7I'd just use a cable, avoid the problem completely.16:20
crorafSomeone should check the logs and see exactly what is the reason for failure16:20
crorafcable to what?16:21
enigma9o7usb cable from pc to phone16:21
crorafTo share internet? I didn't know this is possible16:21
enigma9o7Its called USB tethering, and certainly possible, and as long as you enable it on thep hone side, it's automatic on ubuntu side.16:22
pragmaticenigmacabled connections are possible, don't know if all manufactures and/or models support it16:24
crorafand reduces power consumption I guess, so many benefits16:25
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nb_I Use Arch BTW18:48
lotuspsychjethis is the ubuntu support channel btw18:51
alina_male moon18:55
leemy bluetooth headpones are not working19:38
leewont show up under devices19:39
bpromptlee: does your computer have bluetooth?  not all do, is it ON?  it could be off19:43
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Guest20how can i tell if Intel ME is disabled with ubuntu 2420:44
enigma9o7If you wan tot be sure it's disabled, you could add the kernel parameter that turns it off.... but I realize that wasn't yur question.20:46
Guest80Can i just install windows and download window mE tool20:47
Guest80It would be easier20:47
enigma9o7easier thanwhat?  And  that wouldn't tell you if it was turned off in ubuntu anyway.20:47
Guest80Well i duno how to add the kernel parameters20:49
enigma9o7Unless you disabled it, I would just assume it's on, but is there some reason that is prompting you to ask?20:49
Guest80Ive librebooted my bios with version 61220:49
Guest80I thought 612 libreboot automatically removed intel ME20:50
Guest80i ran a few commands in terminal but im unsure if intel ME is on20:52
leftyfbGuest80: sudo dmesg | grep -i intel_me20:52
morgan-uI want to install a  .deb -beginner at this.  I have this https://www.cherryservers.com/v3/assets/blog/2023-12-11/01.png  and using the ff page for guidance, I dont understand what to pu after the sudo apt install -----  So I dont understand waht they are doing.20:53
Guest80That command doesn't do anything20:53
leftyfbthen it's not enabled20:53
=== letrow is now known as arnon-jaya
Guest80So intel ME is off?20:53
pragmaticenigmamorgan-u: this channel only provides support for software available in the Ubuntu package repository. For help with software direct from the developer you will have to ask them for assistance.20:54
leftyfbmorgan-u: sudo snap install opera20:54
Guest80Oh ok another guy on here told me different but his English wasn't great20:54
enigma9o7sudo  apt install ./filename.deb20:55
Guest80He said if that command doesn't work, Intel me is on20:55
leftyfbGuest80: he was wrong20:55
Guest80But he told me to put in sudo dmesg | greg -i mei_me20:56
enigma9o7morgan-u If you can't understand basic command line usage of apt, then install gdebi from software manager and that can install it.20:56
Guest80The worry part is, is if i type sudo intelmetool -d -m20:57
Guest80I get20:57
Guest80ME pci device is hidden20:57
leftyfbmorgan-u: if you open the "Ubuntu Software" app and search for "opera", you can install it from there20:57
Guest80rcba address: -xfed1c00020:57
Guest80MEI not hidden on PCI, check visibility20:58
Guest80Can't find me PCI device20:58
Guest80But ive seen other say they got a different response when typing that command20:59
pragmaticenigmaGuest80: Intel ME is integrated into the CPU, it's not going to show up on the PCI device list20:59
Guest80Im using a q9000 quad core20:59
Guest80Its a old thing20:59
pragmaticenigmaGuest80: What exactly is the concern?21:00
enigma9o7well in that case,21:00
leftyfbGuest80: there's no supported method in Ubuntu for disabling Intel ME. It's a firmware issue and the tools for modifying said firmware are beyond the scope of this channel21:00
Guest80So what OS you recommend21:00
pragmaticenigmaIt cannot be disabled by the OS21:00
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: not exactly true, but also not supported nor recommended21:01
Guest80So what do i do then, i might aswell not of bothered flashing the bios chip21:02
pragmaticenigmaGuest80: If you had any hope of being able to disable it, it would have been in the manufacturer supplied firware/bios21:02
leftyfbGuest80: put it back the way you found it. Or maybe try #hardware for support with messing with the firmware21:03
pragmaticenigmaGuest80: But again, what is the concern exactly?21:03
pragmaticenigmaIs it interferring with something?21:03
Guest80I just wanted to know if Intel ME was removed from my system21:03
Guest80Thats the whole point of having custom firmware on my laptop21:04
leftyfbwhy do you need custom firmware on your laptop?21:04
Guest80To get rid of ME21:04
Guest80Because its spyware and a problem according to some21:04
ravageyou see that your are going in circles here right?21:05
leftyfbgood luck21:05
Guest80its like me adding a anti virus to my laptop21:05
leftyfbit's not21:05
Guest80if it gets rid of intel Me then it does21:05
leftyfbRemote Management != spyware21:06
pragmaticenigmaGuest80: It is required for the CPU to operate. When anything references disabling it, is primarily disabling it's ability to communicate when the machine is turned off, using the ethernet port. Which allows the manufacturer and other tools to flash system components without having to fully power the machine on.21:06
Guest80I here is does but, im not sure about the boot sequence on laptops, They change over the years21:07
pragmaticenigmaGuest80: it has nothing to do with that21:07
Guest80So all the stuff on you tube is BS21:08
Guest80ive just been watching some videos online and thought id give it ago, Im no expert on this21:08
leftyfbGuest80: you're putting an awful lot of thought and effort into a perceived problem based on false information21:08
leftyfbGuest80: put it back and enjoy your laptop21:09
enigma9o7yeah broadcast tv is true21:09
Guest80How do i know you lot are telling the truth?21:09
enigma9o7if you want to trsut something, just trust tv.21:09
leftyfbenigma9o7: please stop21:09
enigma9o7anyone can upload soemthing to youtube21:09
enigma9o7but to get on tv takes more effort21:09
tomreynin fact, everyone should stop discussing firmware on this channel21:10
tomreynGuest80: please try your luck elsewhere. there is also #ubuntu-offtopic, which has its own set of rules21:10
tomreynthat's not because i'm trying to hide something, but because this is an ubuntu support channel21:10
Guest80I cannot believe how some of you sit here and give out all the answers you must have boring lifes21:11
Guest80I come on here to ask, if i get the answer im off. Thats why i don't believe you guys21:11
tomreynGuest80: i dno't know your answer, and i don't think the others know it ultimately, too, based on what i read. but that's not the point, please stay on topic here.21:12
enigma9o7I cannot believe some people waste their time watching youtube, but to each their own.21:13
Guest80 Because its got me here, Learning about libreboot, I would of never of found this site21:14
HolidayHello! I'm tryin to use authselect on 24.04.1 server but I'm getting "/etc/authselect/authselect.conf is missing". pam-auth-update doesn't seem to have flags for like pam_access.so, and I was trying to avoid editing the /etc/pam.d/ by hand to follow another units more Red Hat approach. Any suggestions?21:15
Holidayweirdly all other like "list", test" whatever for authselect works, I just can't do the "authselect select sssd" or it barks about the authselect.conf file21:16
tomreynHoliday: is authselect a software ubuntu provides?21:17
leftyfbit doesn't look like it to me21:18
tomreyn!info authselect noble21:18
ubottuauthselect (1.5.0-1, noble): Tool to select authentication and identity sources from supported profiles. In component universe, is optional. Built by authselect. Size 153 kB / 957 kB21:18
pragmaticenigmaHoliday: maybe this is more Ubuntu specific way of achieving your goal: https://documentation.ubuntu.com/server/explanation/intro-to/sssd/21:18
Holidayhrm I guss it does come from universe, didn't realize21:18
tomreynand i didn't realize authselect was packaged for ubuntu21:19
leftyfboh, I was checking on jammy, I guesss it is in noble21:19
Holidayyeah I checked 23.10 (local machine) and was like hrm doesn't exist... weird. 24.04 it does haha21:19
Holidayso I guess I'll just edit the files by hand or copy over from my 22.04 LTS template. I just know a different related team to mine uses authselect with the service and providers to do up the pam configs that way (easier to automate too), but if you edit by hand then authselect will scream "SOMEONE TOUCHED THSE, I'M NOT DOING THINGS"21:20
Holidayso I was trying to avoid that but looks like that's the way. I apprecate helping me catch that comes from Universe and not a standard package as well. The RHEL admins can just be sad :)21:21
tomreynglad we could 'help' there. ;)21:22
HolidayI'll try to find a way to reach out to the maintainer of the package too to let them it may be missing a required file? Thanks again!21:23
tomreyn#ubuntu-server might know more about it, too21:25
tomreynbut you may need to invest some time in getting a response21:26
Holidayunderstood, I'll poke over there. Thanks!21:26
Holidayhey just wanted to update, it is that type of Monday. Re-checked a RHEL 9 I have, then re-tested 'authselect select sssd --force' on the 24.04 and it at least "worked" this go. I think it's just a sign to quit for the day! Thanks again haha21:35
=== antonispgs3 is now known as antonispgs
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Bashing-om!ask | lord_23:31
ubottulord_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:31
lord_my guis23:31

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