
=== She is now known as Shelob
=== Bahhumbug is now known as Boohumbug
Test2024Hello, IRC!00:16
enigma9o7Test failed succesfully.00:17
Test2024Hello, IRC!00:20
=== NewtonPumpkin is now known as NewtonSanta
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Guest54Hi, please let me know if there's a better location for this question. I've upgraded to 24.04.1 today from 22.04 (not a clean install), and have a new graphical glitch happening under specific circumstances. Only when my displays are arranged in two rows (display 2 and 3 on the top row, display 1 on the bottom row), when playing web video in the02:26
Guest54foreground of display 1 (e.g. youtube) display 1 will flicker horizontally when my mouse cursor is in roughly the bottom half display 2 or 3. I was wondering if anyone has seen anything like this or has any suggestions on debugging the problem. This is a slightly awkward description, so let me know if there's a way I can provide better information.02:26
Guest54I have system specs available if that would help. Thanks!02:26
enigma9o7I'd try logout and login to X and see if problems just go away.02:27
Guest54Sorry, I'm something of a noob with anything outside of basic use - X as in Xorg? I'm on wayland02:31
=== Sario is now known as Scario
ElliriaYou might want to try turning off hardware acceleration.02:35
ElliriaSettings → System → Use hardware acceleration02:35
Guest54In the web browser? I have it off already.02:38
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DreskI just upgraded from Lubuntu 22 LTS to 24 LTS, everything is fine but dnsmasq is broken.  I am getting a particular error message about failing to set the DNS configuration.  Despite it being about DNS, the DHCP server shows REQUESTs and ACKs, but does no offers.  I am not sure what is going on with dnsmasq.  Does anyone have experience with it?03:09
DreskI should also mention that I have NetworkManager running systemd-resolved, but a quick network check shows only dnsmasq listening on port 5303:10
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Bashing-omDresk: A thought - ' less /etc/resolv.conf ' > then it is dnsmasq for the system resolver. else ?03:40
DreskBashing-om: I just seemed to fix it by modifying /etc/default/dnsmasq.conf and uncommenting IGNORE_RESOLVCONF=YES03:41
DreskIt's strange because I don't have resolveconf installed, I do have systemd-resolved service, but it's not listening on port 53, and I'm still getting the error in DNSMASQ, but now it's working with that one change03:42
Bashing-omDresk: Sorry - I am not the sharpest tack in this took box -- but dnsmasq.conf I expect to be resolved to it means systemd-resolved.03:46
Dresk.53?  That's arbitrary03:46
Bashing-om< TJ-> "resolvconf is responsible for /etc/resolv.conf (which is a symlink) if it contains it means systemd-resolved is  the system resolver; if then it is dnsmasq (usually   controlled by network manager). In either case you shouldn't be trying to overwrite resolv.conf, but configuring the respective resolver to use those alternative DNS servers (you can do that in network-manager03:48
Bashing-omvia the connection editor, IPv4 tab."03:48
DreskHere's my next question : I used to use Muon Package Manager, but that's dead.  I'm using Synaptic right now, but I don't like it.  I hear to use Discover?03:50
enigma9o7plasma-discover is more of an app store than a package manager UI03:51
enigma9o7it only lists major apps, not individual packages.03:51
enigma9o7afaik synaptic is the only package manager GUI03:51
DreskRecommendations for a lightweight package manager that was like Muon and like Synaptic, but better than Synaptic's pretty ghetto UX03:51
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loganleeshould i upgrade my ubuntu?05:36
loganleeit's 22.04.4 LTS05:36
mgedminif you like the thiny newest things, and don't mind dealing with the occasional bug05:37
loganleehmmmm ok05:38
=== MiguelX4133 is now known as MiguelX413
mgedminTIL that rmdir doesn't support interactive confirmation with -i07:41
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reactormonkIs there an iso < 3GB somewhere? Only got small USB sticks here.07:53
mgedminubuntu-24.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso is 2.8 GB07:54
mgedminin theory you can install the server and then convert it to a desktop with apt install ubuntu-desktop^07:54
reactormonkSweet, thanks07:55
frostschutzreactormonk, if you have grub, internet and enough ram, you can use the netboot installer, it will download as it boots07:58
frostschutzjust boot linux,initrd from ubuntu-releases/24.04.1/netboot/amd64/07:58
reactormonkI have a ventoy, if that counts07:59
frostschutzany bootloader as long as it can load linux initrd07:59
frostschutzit's usually meant for PXE booting but it will work if you just load it with grub or whatever08:00
frostschutz24.04.1/netboot/amd64/pxelinux.cfg/default for boot parameters08:01
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kedigamiplay nice everyone09:52
Square2I'm quite pleased with 24.04.1 I must say. Feels like nice upgrade. My favorites so far is the tiling, gted and new app center.10:04
=== pikapika_lunar is now known as militantorc
m4tflixbella raga12:07
BluesKajHi all12:10
=== pick is now known as pickanick
fwehthttps://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/nautilus/-/issues/3273 im experiencing this bug, but only in vscode (snap) and also im on xubuntu, so no nautilus, how can that be?13:37
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 3273 in GNOME/nautilus "Crash when opening folders with js or json that have content" [Closed]13:37
fwehtwhat i mean with vscode is vscodes file selector, which looks identical to the file selector of other (snap) apps like firefox, but only vscode exhibits this very weird bug?  like it totally kills vscode when there is a json file in the folder?13:38
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
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aidenim scared15:56
aidenwhat is irc15:56
enigma9o7Perhaps you could look it up on the world wide web?15:57
=== A_Dragon is now known as Awoobis
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pGtIs there a way to get GParted to copy an NTFS partition as raw sectors? Not thru ntfsclone.16:26
=== rudw0lf is now known as spook0lf
throwthecheeseIs there any way to get my stylus listed as a proper pointer device instead of a keyboard with zero classes? For context I'm trying to provide automatic rotation for my stylus and I can't seem to get it work seamlessly due to this issue16:27
throwthecheesexinput list --long gives me this output: https://paste.linux.chat/?855c97a2af921284#6TQoCHEJ7jt1MYCT6qDUxuPdzux5YHSEko95J2XUoz7J16:27
throwthecheeseThe tip and the eraser for the stylus is not present on the list at startup, only after they are triggered, but it's largely the fault of the Goodix kernel driver16:29
maxim_im need hep16:30
pGtHi maxim_ :)16:31
maxim_im can't open firefox16:31
pGtWhat happens when you try?16:31
maxim_not opens16:32
pGtHow do you launch it?16:32
throwthecheeseI can't rotate the main stylus device via xinput/libXi as I invariably get smacked in the face with an error, thus I have to reload the device list every few miliseconds to get my component devices picked up but this method is plagued by horrible latency that I can't seem to get rid of16:32
maxim_im teskbar, menu16:33
throwthecheeseTry to launch it via command line16:33
pGtthrowthecheese: Isn't it a specialized device, so maybe better ask in a channel where stylus users hang?16:34
pGtmaxim: What do you mean "menu"? When you press WinKey and type "firefox", does it show up?16:35
maxim_but how?16:35
maxim_pGt no16:35
throwthecheeseAssuming you have the snap version, you have to navigate to the directory where your snaps are stored16:35
pGtmaxim: If I got it right, it's not that Firefox doesn't launch, it's that you don't see it available at all?16:37
pGtWhen did it last work?16:37
throwthecheeseSuch as /snap/bin16:37
maxim_pGt im just opening menu, now in "internet" and opening firefox16:37
maxim_and t=not working16:37
throwthecheeseOr you can launch it with snap run firefox16:38
maxim_im installed without delete windows16:40
throwthecheeseThis latter is the proper way to launch snaps from command line more-or-less16:40
* throwthecheese 's tablet also dual boots with Windows16:41
maxim_it is ok my firefox is 0b?16:41
throwthecheeseWhat do you mean by 0b?16:41
pGtI don't understand where you see/don't see it. Maybe screenshots?16:42
maxim_im looked in explorer and see 0b in firefox16:42
throwthecheeseAs in zero bytes?16:43
pGtScreenshots would help to understand better what you mean.16:43
pGtIs there a decent GUI file hasher that can handle 100K+ files?16:46
pGtPlain *deep isn't great for that usage.16:46
throwthecheeseTry to reinstall your firefox snap or switch to the DEB if that doesn't solve your issue16:46
joeehow to delete a file which looks like ''$'\033''OB'$..OBgg'16:49
maxim_I can from phone re-install firefox (just download from orig. site and open in PC)16:53
throwthecheeseIf you get the DEB or the archive, then theoretically yes16:54
enigma9o7joee There are lots of ways to delete files.  You could do it from a file manager or from command line.  There are GUI and TUI file managers available.16:54
enigma9o7If it has weird characters, put it in another set of quotes. Even grave accent works for quotes with bash iirc.16:55
enigma9o7But usually if file has weird characters it'll already be surrounded with single quote16:55
maxim_or i can install firefox fron terminal16:56
enigma9o7Are you asking a question or just telling a story maxim?16:56
joeeokay i used rm *OB*16:57
enigma9o7Well the answer is true.  You can do everything you said you can.16:58
enigma9o7Permission granted.16:58
maxim_install from terminal needs an file16:59
throwthecheeseI'd start with reinstalling the firefox snap with the snap remove firefox and snap install firefox commands from terminal16:59
TeridonI think they are asking how to do it.   maxim:   "snap remove --purge  firefox && snap install firefox"16:59
throwthecheeseIf that doesn't solve the issue, give Mozilla's PPA a try: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa17:00
enigma9o7It's best not to install a browser from a file, as there are regular security updates.  If you don't want to use the firefox snap, mozilla offers an apt repository you can use.17:00
enigma9o7Or there's that PPA, either one.17:01
enigma9o7However if you did download mozilla's tarball for firefox and set it up manually, if you do the permissions right it can update itself outside of package manager.  But really snap, apt repo, or ppa are better options.17:02
enigma9o7Especially if you dunno what you're doing.17:04
maxim_1 or 2 to download?17:05
maxim_in newer ver.17:05
escolaO GAUCHO17:05
escola_opa jacutingA17:06
escolaEO PIX17:06
escolaNADA AINDA17:06
maxim_what next?17:10
maxim_sorry for pinging17:10
tomreynmaxim_: which ubuntu version are you running? this command, in a terminal, will tell:  lsb_release -ds17:10
tomreynokay, and you installed firefox using the snap?17:11
tomreynthat's the default way to do it on 24.04. which other way did you use?17:12
maxim_im download the xz file, but im idk how to install17:13
tomreynis there a reason you are preferring to do it this way?17:13
tomreynon linux, most of us prefer to use package management software for managing software installed. not always, but almost always.17:14
tomreynit gives you automatic updates. and snaps also run in a container, which makes it safer.17:14
maxim_im wanna do in terminal17:18
tomreynsnap install firefox17:19
leftyfbsudo snap install firefox17:19
enigma9o7If you want to extract the xz file, even tho we've told you that's not the best way to install firefox, just "tar xf filename" it'll create a firefox directory with firefox binary in it.17:20
maxim_it says too early for operation, device not yet seeded or device model not acknowledged17:20
enigma9o7You can either just leave it in your home dir and run it from there, or if you want to set it up for all users move it to opt and set permissions so it can update itself.17:20
jsmoothI'm trying to upgrade Laravel PHP Framework to version 11. However, it requires Php 8.2 and I'm only seeing 8.1 in the repo. What is the best course of action for installing php 8.2?17:20
leftyfbjsmooth: ubuntu 24.04 has php8.317:22
enigma9o7then if you want it in your menu you'll have to create a desktop file yourself too.17:22
leftyfbmaxim_: please screenshot or pastebin the error you are getting after running "sudo snap install firefox"17:22
enigma9o7This is the reason to use snap or apt to manage stuff, you don't have to do any of that.17:22
jsmoothOh, I just need to upgrade my Ubuntu?17:22
leftyfbmaxim_: also, Firefox comes pre-installed on ubuntu desktop. You should already have it installed17:23
jsmoothRight now I think I'm using jammy17:23
leftyfbmaxim_: ( cat /etc/os-release ; snap list firefox ) | nc termbin.com 999917:24
jsmoothHow do I check my Ubuntu version to be sure?17:24
jsmoothYup. It's jammy..17:24
jsmoothI thought jammy was 24.0417:25
enigma9o7It's not.17:25
leftyfbjammy is 22.0417:25
enigma9o7noble is 24.0417:25
jsmoothOKay.What's the most recommended way to upgrade?17:25
enigma9o7run the script and cross your fingers17:26
jsmoothWHich script17:26
tyklingwhich fingers17:26
enigma9o7and ideally your pointer and index fingers should be crossed, on both hands.17:27
leftyfb!upgrade | jsmooth17:27
ubottujsmooth: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:27
maxim_dir os-release not created17:29
maxim_or not added17:30
leftyfbmaxim_: ( cat /etc/os-release ; snap list firefox ) | nc termbin.com 999917:30
leftyfbmaxim_: you need to type that all into a terminal, including the ( and )17:30
maxim_PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS"17:31
maxim_VERSION="24.04.1 LTS (Noble Numbat)"17:31
leftyfbmaxim_: you did not follow instructions17:31
leftyfbmaxim_: the command is everything after this period.             ( cat /etc/os-release ; snap list firefox ) | nc termbin.com 999917:32
bprompt!paste | maxim_17:33
ubottumaxim_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:33
tPgI'm running md5deep recursively, on a lot of files. After some minutes it seems to get stuck. Any idea how to figure out what's going on?17:33
tomreynstrace, if oyu run it again17:35
maxim_im soon get an bedtime17:35
maxim_im sorry17:36
maxim_im just install wine and install firefox for windows (or opera GX)17:37
tPgtomreyn: Is md5deep known to be fragile/buggy?17:38
bpromptmaxim_: I got here just a few minutes ago, what's the issue anyhow?17:38
leftyfbmaxim_: Firefox comes pre-installed on Ubuntu desktop17:38
maxim_in pre-installed Ubuntu (or mine ver. is Lubuntu) not worked17:39
leftyfbmaxim_: sudo snap install firefox17:39
maxim_not working17:41
maxim_cannot install "firefox~": invalid instance name:17:41
maxim_              invalid snap name: "firefox~"17:41
maxim_or wait17:41
leftyfbmaxim_: sudo snap install firefox    not   sudo snap install firefox~17:42
maxim_it says17:42
maxim_sudo snap install firefox17:42
maxim_too early for operation, device not yet seeded or device model not acknowledged17:42
=== vqueiroz is now known as Reactor
maxim_it he says17:43
=== Reactor is now known as RadioactiveVulka
bpromptmaxim_: you know you can just get firefox from their website, they have a bzip2 file you can simply unzip and run17:43
=== RadioactiveVulka is now known as RadioactiveV
=== RadioactiveV is now known as ReactiveReactor
leftyfbbprompt: lets not17:44
bpromptmaxim_: if  you need Opera, they have an ftp site from you can get a .deb for installation17:44
maxim_good idea17:44
leftyfbmaxim_: sudo apt install --reinstall snapd17:44
maxim_if you say "download opera on linux" i can!17:45
leftyfbmaxim_: sudo apt install --reinstall snapd ; sudo systemctl restart snapd.seeded.service17:45
leftyfbmaxim_: lets stick with supported suggestions please17:45
maxim_here we go17:45
maxim_is downloading17:46
leftyfbmaxim_: downloading and installing opera and firefox from the websites is not supported here. If you run into any issues, you'll need to seek support from their respective vendors17:46
faizulhello guys17:47
bpromptmaxim_: I agree with leftyfb on the support part, mind you I run Opera perfectly fine =)17:47
leftyfbfaizul: hello. What can we help you with?17:53
tPgCan GParted be forced to copy a partition as sectors?18:00
JanCif you mean just a raw partition copy, that's how it always copies?18:01
tPgIt's NTFS. It uses ntfsclone.18:01
JanCtemporarily rename ntfsclone so that it can't find it18:05
tPgAnd what, assume it'd use a fallback dd or something?18:06
leftyfbtPg: use dd18:07
tPgWhat about setting up the partition table correctly?18:07
leftyfbtPg: are you cloning an entire drive?18:07
leftyfbtPg: what do you need to replicate a partition table then?18:08
leftyfbjust create the partition using gparted and then use dd to copy it from your source18:09
tPgBecause I want it to work. :)18:09
leftyfbwhy wouldn't it work?18:09
tPgThe sector size needs to be exact.18:09
tPgSo you won't get reads or writes beyond the actual partition data.18:09
JanCwhy would you get those?18:10
leftyfbtPg: please describe in detail what it is you are trying to accomplish18:10
JanCunless you mean the filesystem is larger than the partition?18:10
tPgJanC: If doing stuff manually, who's to say the partition table is exactly the same size? I'd rather an existing software did the whole process, and made sure everything is as it should be.18:12
tPgNo, the FS is fine.18:12
leftyfbtPg: please describe in detail what it is you are trying to accomplish18:12
tPgleftyfb: Copy a partition across HDDs, and verify it.18:12
JanCthe size of the partition table is irrelevant, the size of the partition itself is what is important18:13
tPg1) If possible, I'd rather avoid ntfsclone because there's more "smarts" than needed.18:13
leftyfbtPg: you know you can dd an image to a partition that's slightly bigger and then shrink it after as need right?18:13
JanCgetting the exact size & checking it is trivial math18:13
tPgIf the size in the partition table is larger/smaller, it's room for trouble, especially if you have another partition after the copied one.18:13
leftyfbnot true if it's larger18:14
leftyfbtPg: you're overthinking this18:14
JanCif the destination partition is larger then there is no issue indeed18:15
tPgI don't want it larger, but exactly the same as the source.18:15
JanCif you really want that, then just create it exactly the same...18:16
tPgI think it's natural to want an existing software to do it all, as storage-related structures are important if one cares about the data there. :)18:16
tPgNo off-by-1s.18:16
leftyfbthen use clonezilla18:16
tPgDoes it give more control, or does it just not use ntfsclone for simple 1-on-1 copies?18:17
JanCGParted will refuse to copy if the target is too small18:17
JanCand if the partition was too large, you can always shrink it afterwards18:19
JanCto match the FS18:19
tPgThat assumes GParted can be made to not use ntfsclone.18:19
JanCBTW, do you want to copy or move?18:21
tPgCopy. Different drive.18:22
JanCI'm pretty sure if GParted can't find ntfsclone it will just copy18:25
JanCalthough, maybe not, hmm18:26
mkarajohnhello! sorry, new here, I have an issue with the suspend functionality on a new Lenovo laptop and I'd like to report it, what's the process? Thanks18:38
lotuspsychje!ask | mkarajohn18:42
ubottumkarajohn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:42
gordonjcplotuspsychje: they're not asking to ask a question18:43
gordonjcplotuspsychje: they asked a question18:43
gordonjcplotuspsychje: they aksed how to report an issue18:43
lotuspsychjereporting an issue on irc is asking the details of the question18:44
gordonjcpmkarajohn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs18:44
lotuspsychjebefore reporting bugs, we advice to ask your question on irc first18:46
lotuspsychjeto avoid dupes18:46
bprompt!bugs | mkarajohn18:47
ubottumkarajohn: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:47
mkarajohnOk, I'll drop it here in case what I am facing is known/fixable, otherwise I am reporting it: On a new installation of Ubuntu noble 24.04 x86_64 (kernel 6.8.0-45-generic) on a brand new Thinkpad T14 Gen 5 (AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 8840U)  when I suspended (either by closing the lid or by pressing the power button) the screen is in fact off, and the18:51
mkarajohnrelevant LEDs enter a "breath" mode, indicating a suspended state, but there is an audible mechanical "tick" sound coming from underneath where I the fan is located and the laptop produces heat (gets hot if it's in a closed environment like my backpack). This does not happen when I boot on Windows, so It's an Ubuntu issue.18:51
bpromptmkarajohn: if it's in  your backpack, why not just shut it down? :)  just  wondering18:53
bpromptwell, I guess is like a hibernate sorta18:53
mkarajohnI want to just open it up and resume work where I left it18:54
bpromptright, hibernate is meant to do that18:55
bpromptso do suspend btw18:55
bpromptmkarajohn: will using hdparm help?  https://linuxconfig.org/change-hard-drive-s-sleep-standby-mode-timer-to-reduce-power-consumption18:56
bpromptmaybe, just maybe, the cpu fans are going off due to HDD activity, and yes, it shouldn't  be there in suspend18:57
mkarajohnI would prefer not to use hibernation for 2 reasons: 1) it's file based, which from what I 've read is not as reliable as partition based, and 2) I'd need to allocate at least 32+gb for the swap file, since that's my RAM size and considering the Ubuntu partition is only 256GB, I'd rather not do that. My Thinkpad x13 on Ubuntu 22.10 never had issues19:03
mkarajohnwith suspend, I never had to install anything extra or fiddle with it for suspend to work, so I'd like to have the same experience on the new machine.19:03
bpromptmkarajohn: hmm roger that19:05
mkarajohnlet me check if it's got anythng to do with Windows fast boot thingie, i'll return to report if it was the culprit, brb19:10
mkarajohnok, that was not it, I had already disabled the fast boot option on Windows19:16
bpromptmkarajohn: maybe  hdparm would lend a hand?19:16
mkarajohngoing through its documentation already, I'd like to check the current disk idle time to compare to my old laptop19:18
mkarajohnok, so I did sudo hdparm -I /dev/nvme0n1p1, to get info on the ssd, but it just prints back the device path? I must be doing something wrong19:23
mkarajohn...does checking hdparm make sense if I am using an ssd? I see in the manual it talks about "the spindle motor"19:26
younderWell hdparm is for SATA/SAS devices not SSD's19:26
Teridonnot NVMe SSDs  (SATA/SAS SSDs exist)19:27
mkarajohnok, so it will not help :D19:27
Teridonuse nvme-cli instead of hdparm19:27
younderStill a lot of the data hdparm gives like the number of sectors just doesn't make sense for a random access device like a SSD19:28
mkarajohnso we still give chances to it not suspending properly because of disk activity?19:28
mkarajohnif so I'll check what I can with nvme-cli19:28
bpromptmkarajohn: it has to be disk activity I'd think, thus the cpu fans going off19:29
mkarajohnanyone knows how can I check the kind of logs this person mentioned in this post? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2459803&p=14028663#post14028663 maybe I can get some more info on what is failing in my case19:33
leftyfbmkarajohn: journalctl -k19:33
youndersudo nvme error-log /dev/nvme0n1p1 gives a error log19:36
throwthecheeseWould somebody be kind enough to port whatever global menu addon Ubuntu was using to 22.04+?19:37
mkarajohn`journalctl -k | grep suspend` only gave back these: Oct 01 22:15:06 ThinkPad-T14-Gen-5 kernel: Low-power S0 idle used by default for system suspend19:38
mkarajohnOct 01 22:15:06 ThinkPad-T14-Gen-5 kernel: nvme 0000:04:00.0: platform quirk: setting simple suspend19:38
mkarajohnnvme logging does not show any errors :/19:40
younderthrowthecheese: Do mead gnome extensions and turn on app menu?19:41
throwthecheeseI meant whatever extension Ubuntu used to provide global menus before removing it19:42
bpromptthrowthecheese: I use kubuntu, so hmm dunno what that might be19:42
throwthecheeseKDE does have a global menu applet19:42
bpromptthrowthecheese: hmmm where?19:43
bpromptI mean, "global menu" sounds very ambiguous19:43
enigma9o7I was unaware there was global menu for gnome...19:43
throwthecheeseBasically it takes the menu bar of an application and places it on a panel19:43
enigma9o7and with so many apps going gtk4 and losing their menu, its far less useful.19:43
bpromptthrowthecheese: you mean, it "rips" the pulldow menu and makes it "floating"?19:44
enigma9o7similar to macOS.  certainly the plasma addon works fine, and there's one for xfce too.19:44
enigma9o7maybe one for unity? but anyways didnt even know there was one for gnome.19:44
throwthecheeseUbuntu used to ship with one until about six years ago19:44
enigma9o7bprompt: it puts it in the top bar19:44
throwthecheeseI can't switch to Unity as it's X-only (or at least the version in the jammy repos)19:45
xanguamore like a decade ago, are you talking about Unity? throwthecheese19:45
enigma9o7global menu only makes sense if you have a panel on top, which ubuntu does ship with by default.  with plasma you move your bar to the top or add another one.  with macos its there by default.19:45
bpromptenigma9o7: hmm like macOSX finder, I see, hmmm I've seen that in an Enlightment theme, but that was part of a theme19:45
enigma9o7well that shouldn't prevent you from using it, but unity isnt super well updated.19:45
enigma9o7Hmmmm I've never seen it for enlightenment either... it would have to be a module if it was for e.19:46
throwthecheeseBlame the Goodix kernel driver for it19:46
bpromptthrowthecheese: yeah, for all we know, is not installed by "default", but available as addon or theme19:46
throwthecheeseIf it worked nice with my stylus I would be more than happy to go back to X19:46
mkarajohnok, I think I am just doomed to wait for lenovo to update its compatibility table. according to this https://support.lenovo.com/gr/el/solutions/pd031426-linux-for-personal-systems T14 Gen 5 is not even there, and if it was i'd probably still only "officially" support Ubuntu 22, like the rest of the Thinkpad line19:48
mkarajohncould I maybe rollback the kernel to whatever Ubuntu 22.10 was using and see if suspend plays normally or am I talking nonsense?19:48
enigma9o7mkarajohn: yes, ubuntu maintains a mainline repo of all sorts of kernel versions for debugging purposes, useful for finding regressions by determining the last version of kernel a particular feature worked19:49
throwthecheeseBack to the subject: the reason why I want the EXACT menu addon Ubuntu used to have ported because the only available global menu extension is kinda laggy19:49
enigma9o7which is the one you want?19:50
mkarajohnlet me check what Ubuntu 22 was using19:51
throwthecheeseThis is most apparent with LibreOffice. I would get a soft lockup upon launching/switching to LibreOffice if that addon was active19:51
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topcat001throwthecheese: what do you mean by soft lockup?19:55
mkarajohnhah, well, my old laptop is on Ubuntu 22.04 but the kernel is updated to the latest version too 6.8.0-45-generic.  So I have 2 Thinkpads, one on older hardware (Ryzen 7 pro 4750U) one on newer hardware (Ryzen 7 pro 8840U) both with the 6.8.0-45-generic kernel, and the old one suspends fine and the new one has suspension issues. I tend to think19:55
mkarajohnit's a hardware issue, which hopefully will get fixed at some point. what's your opinion?19:55
throwthecheeseTo put it bluntly, that addon requires a Threadripper at least (not the one that was included with Ubuntu). Not even my Ryzen 5 rig is immune to these lockups, although it lasts for only a fraction of a second. On my tablet, which runs on a Celeron, it's worse though19:55
throwthecheesetopcat001: If I launch or switch to LibreOffice while the addon is active, it becomes unresponsive for a while (even my cursor gets stuck)19:56
throwthecheeseIf you're wondering why I would move back from KDE: XWayland19:58
throwthecheeseAt the same time though, I'd rather not deal with flimsy in-window menu bars20:01
morgan-uI dont know how to ask. The last time I asked the people who answered either thought I was trying to use some external software that didnt come with ubuntu -- DUH if I wanted to install using deb i wouldnt be trying to install something that was already there. Anytime you use deb you aare installing something new and deb IS part of the Ubuntu package. -- and I gave the url of the ubuntu help page that explained how to do a deb20:01
morgan-uinstallation - It was the page i was using asa model. But another person who answered me thought that I was trying to install OPERA which I am not because that was the eXAMPLe on the ubuntu help web page.  -- I am sad, and hopeless. No problem right.  I used to get clarity here. Now it is Just like a whirlpool that draws me in and spits me out, outside the channel. See you later, friends.20:01
morgan-uIn addition enigma... gets snotty with me and tells "lil ole me" to go use the GUI. I have been using apt since 2006 because the GUI versions are terrible and confusing. On the other hand his put down is a lot like the old days when you had to pass a gauntlet of harrassment or they wont tell you anything. Man it's a bad day in this neigborhood.20:04
enigma9o7What is your issue?20:05
enigma9o7I suggested `sudo apt install ./filename.deb` if you were trying to install a deb file.20:05
swebbQ: How difficult is it to just build a repo for internal use that contains just a few packages?  Is there a quick-and-dirty tutorial about how to do this using a web browser or something?20:05
enigma9o7And if that didnt work, I suggested install gdebi from gui and click on deb file from package manager.20:05
enigma9o7You also linked a tutorial that had those exact same suggestions, plus 2 others.20:05
swebbs/web browser/web server/20:06
enigma9o7So still no clue what you want and sorry if I seemed snotty.  Maybe if you share screenshot or pastebin of what you're trying to do and what's going wrong.20:06
enigma9o7I certainly never said anything about opera.20:07
enigma9o7I'm pretty sure you're mixing me up with someone else.20:07
enigma9o7(errr i said from file manager, not package manager, sorry)20:08
throwthecheeseI could swear that Ubuntu did have a global menu for a while after switching to GNOME 3x. Guess I was wrong20:19
LuckyManthrowthecheese, what do you mean by global menu?20:19
LuckyManhave you tried "windows" key?20:20
throwthecheeseIt's a panel applet that displays the menu bar of the current application20:20
throwthecheese*in focus20:21
xanguayes it did, it was/is called Unity20:21
throwthecheeseAnyways, I would like to have this addon ported to 22.04+ https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1250/gnome-global-application-menu/20:21
LuckyManwhy are you using 22.04? 24.04 is out20:22
LuckyManthe windows key is actually called "Super"20:23
throwthecheeseMost Linux distributions recognize the Super key, but that's not I'm talking about. I'm talking about moving the menu BAR from the application window to the top panel20:25
enigma9o7we already went thru what a global menu was a minute ago, sheesh.20:27
enigma9o7Luckyman: my keyboad has a windows key, dunno about yours20:27
enigma9o7maybe you spent that $200+ at popshop for keyboard with super key20:28
enigma9o7but most of us use windows laptops and windows keyboards and in fact do have a windows key20:28
enigma9o7https://system76.com/accessories/launch they may have a super key, but don't have a menu key, or ins key for that matter.20:30
enigma9o7(unless you spend another $100)20:30
enigma9o7throwthecheese https://github.com/Sominemo20:36
throwthecheeseNot an option; theirs is the same laggy Fildem menu; the only difference is that their fork supports GNOME 4620:37
enigma9o7ah okay, yeah that old one you linked said the successor was fildem one, and this said it was fildem for gnome 46, yep.  so if that doesn't work well enough for you, time to switch to plasma :)20:39
throwthecheeseOne word: XWayland20:39
enigma9o7actually wait 9 more days for kubuntu 24.1020:39
throwthecheeseAnd this is what XWayland does to your stylus: https://bugsfiles.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=17387820:41
enigma9o7plasma 6.1.5 will be in upcoming kubuntu and it resolves most wayland issues.20:41
bpromptOR, just wait 9 days and 6 months for Kubuntu 25.04, or wait 12 months for Kubuntu 25.10 and so on and on on, or just use what works right now and covers your needs20:42
enigma9o7well yeah the longer you wait the better, but plasma 6 is basically the same as 5.27 but with fixes for wayland (and port to qt6).  plasma 5.27 is not reccommended for use with wayland20:43
throwthecheeseI don't think Plasma 6 would solve the streaking20:43
bpromptThe man who waits for just the right time to start never gets anywhere. ~~ Roger W. Babson ~~20:43
enigma9o7So it is worth waiting the 9 days.20:43
enigma9o7I dunno about streaking, I thought you wanted a global menu.20:43
bpromptenigma9o7: there are always fixes, all the time, on all versions, next version will fix this or that, and so on20:44
enigma9o7Even if you add one in GNOME, it's not so useful cuz the majority of GNOME apps have switched to hamburger menu instead of menu bar.20:44
enigma9o7bprompt: indeed, but this particular case is a significant one.  they are insisting on wayland.20:44
enigma9o7If they didn't care about wayland, then it wouldn't really matter.20:44
bprompta global menu, hmmm, with all the ergonomics Apple has added, which are terrific, the global menu isn't one of them as I see it20:46
bprompta global menu, hmmm, with all the ergonomics Apple has added, which are terrific, the global menu isn't one of them as I see it20:46
bpromptin case you missed it :P20:46
bpromptanymore than Microsoft adding a "wavy keyboard" which I never liked20:47
throwthecheeseShouldn't have plugged that KDE Neon external hard drive (or USB) to my tablet; got stuck in a reboot loop20:47
throwthecheeseAnyways, I need global menus for my dual (both desktop and touch) workflow20:52
throwthecheeseThere are a lot of "power" desktop applications I use that need some kind of accomodation20:56
bpromptthrowthecheese: ok, I've never needed them, I can use it, but no need really, local menus work20:56
throwthecheeseThey are way too flimsy20:56
* throwthecheese puts finger into pencil sharpener20:57
LuckyManenigma9o7, you can simply put a sticker above the windows logo21:17
throwthecheeseBack from a KDE Neon live session21:27
throwthecheeseI still get streaking on XWayland, so no, upgrading to Plasma 6.1.5 won't help21:28
oerheksKubuntu and neon?21:28
enigma9o7Just random naked people running by?21:29
throwthecheeseKDE Neon is an Ubuntu-based distribution developed by the KDE Team21:29
throwthecheeseIt comes with the same Plasma version the latest Kubuntu will have21:30
oerheksno, it is not, it is kde playground21:30
oerheksplease seek support in their channel for issues, else #kubuntu21:30
throwthecheeseFor context: I said that I have a bone to pick with Plasma's XWayland implementation and somebody here suggested that I should switch to the latest Kubuntu when it comes out21:33
throwthecheese(Not a Kubuntu user, just degnomed my Ubuntu)21:35
oerheksi would stick to LTS for now, until 6.x comes out21:35
loolyhello  hew problem sam idiot hacket end disablet all securiti peces end live karnel update end chent turn on21:40
loolyend hi is wocin wath iam duing end stoping mi task21:41
loolysambadi help pls21:41
oerheksreinstall ubuntu. good luck21:42
oerheksthen restore your data, after being updated.21:43
loolyhi is using the kidihack for ip adres chen aima change ip21:44
loolyor manueli instal security updates21:44
loolyiam instalet lest morning secure update end evritin vas normal bat leitar hi hacket mi scrin go darkr21:45
loolywen hi woch21:45
loolyor create vrbox for internet connect end root fils so hacker chend use root21:48
pragmaticenigmalooly: if you want assistance, pleas keep your conversation in channel. This allows others to benefit from the help you receive as well as make sure others can contribute helpful information or corrections21:51
loolyiam despret frst hi delitet fails for lutris den hi delitet adar stav iam so despret end instalet the new updates securiyi end evriting was  fine end det idiod kems afer abaut 6 hr leter beck end disablet liv karnel pec end live update live softer update not working21:55
loolyClient: HexChat 2.16.2 • OS: Ubuntu "noble" 24.04 • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2400G with Radeon Vega Graphics (3.60GHz) • Memory: Physical: 11.3 GiB Total (8.3 GiB Free) Swap: 3.9 GiB Total (3.9 GiB Free) • Storage: 53.3 GB / 114.8 GB (61.5 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590] @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 17h • Uptime: 36m 12s21:57
enigma9o7This channel is english only.22:01
loolychen i install securty update onlli22:02
loolyfrom terminal22:03
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jsmoothI've been running do-release-upgrade and it said that upgrade is complete, but is also has paused to say taht no entry for mantic can be found and is asking if I want to continue. IT says upgrade may not work.23:47
pragmaticenigmajsmooth: what version of ubuntu are you starting with?23:50
pragmaticenigmanot sure why your machine is trying to upgrade to an EOL version. Are you setup for the LTS update channel?23:53
jsmoothI didn't know I needed to do that manually23:56
jsmoothRight now apt says it's pulling from noble23:56
jsmoothBut I need to know if I sh9ould tell it to continue23:57

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