
=== BODpc_ is now known as BODpc
nteodosHi, https://launchpad.net/~nteodosio/+archive/ubuntu/wirepipe/+sourcepub/16514754/+listing-archive-extra is stuck for 15 hours in "pending publishing" state, has something gone wrong?07:54
maprerijust out of curiosity, https://launchpad.net/~mapreri/+karma - any clue how I could figure out what the "Upstream Translation Imported" is?20:23
KombuchaKipIs there a maximum size for a source package that can be uploaded to a PPA builder? I'm not asking about the total size for the APT repository itself, just for the source package.23:34
cjwatsonIn theory I don't think there are meant to be arbitrary limits (unless I'm forgetting something); in practice once you get past a few gigabytes you may run into weird behaviour that's tested only rarely23:43

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