
brmassa`kwin_x11: symbol lookup error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkwin.so.6: undefined symbol: drmSyncobjEventfd`00:04
sarnoldare you perhaps using amd's proprietary drivers? https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/1esdwhg/comment/li5cbzw/00:08
brmassa_VERY possible.00:10
brmassa_thanks man. I will try some things there...00:16
brmassa@sarnold! uhuuu i'm back! thanks man.00:29
sarnoldbrmassa: all sorted out? :)00:44
brmassayes. re-installing a proprietary AMD deb package from the site solved immediately (well, i need a reboot). But your tip was in the right direction00:47

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