
KombuchaKipcjwatson: Thank you. I'm contemplating a source package of about 1 GB. Hopefully the PPA doesn't choke on that.00:11
sarnoldi'm not on the launchpad team but that feels like it ought to be okay -- with the warning / caveat that iirc the default ppa quota is 2gb, so hopefully the binary packages aren't quite that big :)00:19
cjwatson8GB for new PPAs as of a couple of years ago00:26
cjwatsonPretty sure you wouldn't be the only one with 1GB source packages00:26
sarnoldoh yay 8gb is much more like it :)00:31
KombuchaKipOk great. Binary package will be around the same size. It's music files which are already compressed, so I should probably give whatever the appropriate debhelper tool a hint not to bother trying to recompress everything.02:44
kkeithleywould someone please remind me where I can look to see why a build submitted with dput didn't even try to build?  (https://launchpad.net/~nfs-ganesha/+archive/ubuntu/nfs-ganesha-6)  I've submitted a couple of builds for noble and oracular. The dput is successful, but nothing is shown in 'View package details' nor do I get any email.13:48
rbasakkkeithley: the most common reason for no acknowledgement to an upload whatsoever is if the signature didn't validate (since then it can't be sure where to send a rejection message).13:55
rbasakI don't think such rejections are logged anywhere you can reach them unfortunately13:56
kkeithleybut I've done other builds with the same signature and they worked fine13:59
kkeithleyI even had the first build I submitted for oracular build (i.e. actually failed to build, but showed up on the build page) but a couple of follow-up builds didn't show up. 14:02
rbasakI don't know then, sorry14:09
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guruprasadKombuchaKip, do you have the appropriate rights to upload/distribute music files under an open source license (as required by Launchpad)?16:34
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guruprasadkkeithley, there was an email sent to the email address on file for https://launchpad.net/~gluster-builder, with the rejection reason.16:41
guruprasadThe reason for rejection in this case is the second example mentioned in https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors#Apparently_successful_upload_followed_by_a_rejection_email16:42
kkeithleyThe second reason?   Unable to find distroseries: ?    Are "noble" and "oracular" not valid somehow now? I've got other builds that used those17:15
guruprasadkkeithley, the example that I was referring to was the one with the message "Rejected: File <UPLOADED_FILE> already exists in <LOCATION>, but uploaded version has different contents. See more information about this error in https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors."17:17
guruprasadThe one that you asked about is the third one17:18
guruprasadThe gist of the issue is that you can't upload file that already exists in the archive but has different contents. This usually happens due to reusing version numbers and you cannot do that.17:22
guruprasad*upload a file17:24
kkeithleyI guess you mean the .orig.tar.gz file?  In this case the nfs-ganesha_6.1.orig.tar.gz file?  Or do you mean the .dsc or .source_changes file?  In the past I know I've occasionally forgotten to bump the release in the changelog  and (re)submitted a build with the same release string in the changelog, and that did not build. (Note that atm I don't have access to ~gluster-builder's email. I'm trying to resurrect where that email might be 17:31
kkeithleygoing. Usually things work and the accounts were created many years ago.)17:31
kkeithleyOtherwise I'm not sure how the very first build that I did, e.g. for noble, could have a "version of a file" (of the .orig.tar.gz) that's different than what's in the archive. Unless it's comparing it to the .orig.tar.gz from the build(s) I did for oracular.17:36
guruprasadkkeithley, the actual error message is "File nfs-ganesha_6.1.orig.tar.gz already exists in nfs-ganesha-6, but uploaded version has different contents"17:41
kkeithleyokay, that helps. Thank you17:43
KombuchaKipguruprasad: Yes, I have the rights. It's a private PPA and the files are licensed from a third party.18:14

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