
=== salecroixa is now known as Endymion
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silentjohnHello. I'm running Kubuntu 24.04, and recently every time I boot up, my mouse moves but I cannot click on anything.  I've read to do Alt + Ctrl + F1, and that seems to restore functionality. But what is actually going on? Why do I need to do this workaround every time?01:56
=== moses is now known as mosesmos
Guest439I am using Kubuntu and would just like to give a little of my opinion, for whoever may like to hear it10:33
=== Guest439 is now known as j
=== j is now known as Guest127
Guest127anyways, I left fedora because they made it almost impossible to run X11, and I need X11 for a few applications that can't run on Wayland10:35
Guest127Arch with KDE is my prefered OS but I need Brother printer drivers, which are only available for debian and fedora based systems.10:36
Guest127I only managed to get Arch printing in b&w lol10:37
Guest127so, Kubuntu is almost perfect, besides the fact that I like Flatpaks because Snaps are so slow. I had a hard time getting the Flathub repository working, in fact I had help from ChatGPT to install a remote repository for Flathub to finally get it working10:39
Guest127I don't appreciate being forced to use anything, which is why I left Fedora.10:39
Guest127The spirit of Linux is "Freedom". Canonical needs to remember that. Snaps suck, and while they may get better over time they should never attempt to force them on people.10:41
Guest127I would have left and went back to Mint if I had not found a way to get the Flathub repository working10:42
Guest127Rant over. Thank you for listening.10:42
BluesKajHi all11:53
=== koiuy is now known as koiuy_
Guest74i just bought a lenovo laptop. i thought i was buying cinnamon, but windows showed up. i removed secure et al. i was able to install popOS, but not kubuntu. is there something in the bios i need to change?17:02
nyo3hi guys, I am struggling with a slow logon, after entering password on sddm I have to wait 2 minutes. here the command journalctl -b 0   https://termbin.com/lcpy17:08
nyo3I tried a new user, nothing changes17:08
nyo3tried to switch themes etc nothing17:09
nyo3hum kvirc just crashed17:11
nyo3I did a memtest yesterday, maybe is nvidia driver...17:12
Guest74it is a lenovo 14 or 1517:13
Guest74gen 217:14
Guest74is anybody there?17:18
IrcsomeBot<mick_baden> Hi y'all😀17:28
IrcsomeBot<mick_baden> I had the same problem with a Fujitsu Esprimo (refurbished). Windows was pre-installed there. As a result, an MS database with authorized devices was created in the BIOS, which is why it was not possible to install Kubuntu or similar. After I had flashed the BIOS, an installation was then possible without any problems. (re @IrcsomeBot: <Guest74> i just bought a lenovo laptop. i thought i was buying cinnamon, but windows showed up. i remove17:33
=== dan_ is now known as dan2323
dan2323hi, how do i turn on having to enter a password on start up?18:13
=== piotr is now known as Guest9105
=== JoelJoel is now known as Joel

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