
lotuspsychjegood morning03:18
tomreynLAS_LUNA: just stop spamming please.14:17
tomreynas always14:17
LAS_LUNAbut Ubuntu is using GNOME, but sure up to you14:21
tomreynLAS_LUNA: based on thie (weak) link, everyone should be posting screenshots of their desktops at all times. do you see this happen? if not so, can you imagine why that might be?14:42
LAS_LUNAand once is not all the time, but sure14:43
tomreyni see, you're not getting it.14:44
EickmeyerLAS_LUNA: The point tomreyn is trying to make, and that I told you on Matrix, is that you have a pattern in cross-posting in every room. Don't do that. It's not welcome.16:05
=== LAS_LUNA is now known as LUNAONBREAK
=== LUNAONBREAK is now known as LUNALAS

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