
* guiverc is 'under the weather'... feeling sick & unable to concentrate; hopefully will come good, but currently unable to focus..02:44
Bashing-omguiverc: Happens - better tomorrow; get well1  - we have time --- else I do what I can tomorrow.02:50
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Build your private 5G network with Charmed Aether SD-Core @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/telco-build-your-private-5g-network-with-charmed-aether-sd-core03:31
* guiverc pasting... (warning i'm focusing on getting something done, so could be rough)04:43
guivercthere's a \n\n in rocks summary; should that be removed?   I'll vote yes, but I left it (for now)04:46
* guiverc out04:46
Bashing-omguiverc Have not payed attention to Rocks - but protocol says a paragraph = 4 sentences - so yeah removing \n s +2 vote here.04:56
* guiverc pasting two more than heading to bed awhile..04:57
* guiverc screwed face to 'heading'... 'returning' maybe more accurate...04:57
* guiverc out, but noticed I skipped a summary in error (didn't write one for it)04:59
* guiverc pasting missed one05:33
* guiverc out05:35
* guiverc editing05:43
* guiverc out05:46
* Bashing-om out too - tough day; Bed seems a good call :P05:49
* guiverc pasting07:04
* guiverc exited awhile back..07:19
Bashing-omUWN: Opening 860 shortly for Saturday ops - nothing new found to add.21:29
Bashing-omUWN: Ops completed - saved and out.23:38

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