
=== EgonX_ is now known as EgonX
c0ld5n4pim sure my end goal will to better learn awk command and properly output things, but I am currently wondering if I can use grep to display results within 2 value set ranges. for example over heating / temp logs. I would like to find all values between 2 temp ranges not just onces that tripped an alarm etc etc.05:51
c0ld5n4pdoes grep allow value set ranges as a filter or am i just using the wrong tool?05:52
rfmc0ld5n4p, grep is regular expressions, so if you want some strings to be interpreted as decimal representation of numbers it's pretty clumsy. awk is probably ok, or perl, but for the last few decades I've just written python scripts, wordier but easier to remember...06:08
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rabeHello. I run my personal intranet server on Ubuntu Server, latest version, on an old Dell Latitude D630 laptop, Intel C2D T7250.10:02
rabeAlthough the machine is completely idle, it's getting pretty hot, 50°C for CPU, with the fan at 2.5K (max 4K). Any idea why this is?10:04
rabe2.5K rpm, that is.10:04
rabeMaybe thermal paste between CPU die and cooler needs to be replaced?10:04
rabeThe machine is running since 10+ years, 24 x 7...10:05
rabeI have replaced the HD with an SSD. It's at 40°C.10:05
mantraofpieIf the ambient temperature has increased, then it is probable that the components also will get hotter. Anecdotally, I think SSDs generate more heat than HDDs.10:07
mantraofpieWhen in use, of course.10:07
rabemantraofpie: I must admit that in the past I never looked at the temps. It's that the HD just died a couple of days ago, and I then reinstalled everything to an SSD and started looking at the temps.10:10
rabemantraofpie: But for an idle machine 50°C *despite* the fan running atd half the full speed seems very hot?10:11
sixwheeledbeastLaptop probably isn't ideal hardware for something that's on all the time.10:11
mantraofpieI think it's fine if you know the case is hot and since it's a laptop it will be very thermally challenged anyway.10:11
rabeAmbient temp is a bit more than 20°C...10:11
mantraofpieAmbient temp as in, the inside of the laptop and not the component internal temperatures.10:12
rabesixwheeledbeast: Agree, but I don't have any other HW available, and I thought it's a good idea b/c of the usually low power consumption standard laptop HW has, compared to a regular PC.10:12
sixwheeledbeastWhen they suck in dust it blocks all the airflow.10:13
ikoniarabe: are you sure the machine is idle and not working on something ?10:13
rabemantraofpie: I meant "ambient" as "room temp where laptop is standing". How could I determine "your" ambient temp?10:13
mantraofpieFor desktop PCs you usually have thermometers in the case, but for laptops it's not as certain. If the laptop is hot to the touch maybe you could try cleaning it out as I'm sure sixwheeledbeast is correct about the dust. Have you ever seen how gunky a laptop radiator can get?10:14
rabeikonia: 100%. https://pastebin.com/nS5bs50G10:14
rabesixwheeledbeast: Yes, that was exactly what I was thinking. I might have to open it up and clean it. But should I also bother w/ the thermal paste?10:15
ikoniarabe: sounds like your hardware is just not cooling, you need to look st that, it won't be an ubuntu issue, it will just be a natural cooling problem of your problem10:15
ikoniado a hardware inspection, dust, airflow, component positioning, sunlight etc10:16
rabeMy sensor readings: https://pastebin.com/iwAL6d7E10:16
sixwheeledbeastIf your taking it apart that far then for the cost it's worth trying. Generally laptops become pain to work on when you go that far.10:16
rabeikonia: Will do. There is no sunlight, though. I live in Germany, and it's autumn. ;-)10:17
ikoniarabe: the guys in #hardware may also have some tips and tricks on improving overall cooling of a laptop chasis being used as a 24x7 compute device10:17
sixwheeledbeastI probably try air duster and watch the temps10:17
nyo3hi again, I have still the login problem with kwin crashing. I changed the powersupply and maybe, if it was some corrupted file, I just need to reinstall something? I cleaned the plasma config to default10:18
mantraofpieFor what it's worth, my laptop becomes substantially hotter if anything manages to cover up even a fraction of the air intake.10:18
sixwheeledbeastI have used freezing spray to diagnose heat issues but that's less recommended in this case as you could create moisture and short something.10:19
rabeikonia: Thanks for the advice, I might go there as well...10:19
ikonianyo3: have a look at the logs as a starting point, see if you can get a clue why it's crashing10:19
rabesixwheeledbeast: I will definitely clean it. Might have to buy such a device or just a can with pressured air.10:19
nyo3here it is journactl -b 0 |grep kwin , see https://termbin.com/leyf10:20
sixwheeledbeastIs there a cooling fan that has died would be my first thought after blocked airflow. Also having the laptop upside down open can help.10:20
mantraofpieGenerally speaking cleaning out the radiator gunk with a tiny screwdriver works well enough. No need for special equipment.10:20
ikonianyo3: that won't log a crash10:20
nyo3I noticed this  "The X11 connection broke: I/O error (code 1)"10:21
ikonianyo3: there are a lot of errors and warnings in that output10:22
nyo3yes also ' video driver seems unstable ' warning..10:22
nyo3everything went bad after using weylus which is not in ubuntu repository, it added a file in udev that I removed when I uninstalled it10:23
ikonianyo3: how did you install it ?10:24
ikonia(I ask only as you say it all went bad after that install)10:24
nyo3apt install ./Weylus_0.11.4_amd64.deb10:25
ikonianyo3: did you notice if it pulled in any additional dependencies (I'm not aware at all of Weylus)10:25
nyo3maybe one10:26
nyo3it was a fast install10:26
ikoniacheck the apt log, it maybe worth it10:26
mantraofpieShot in the dark: It broke the nvidia driver like every single random package10:27
nyo3it installed desktop-file-utils and mailcap10:28
nyo3or so I see processing triggers for them ikonia... what it can be?10:29
mantraofpieMaybe it was coincidental. Did you install something else since the last time you booted?10:29
nyo3maybe, so if I reinstall nvidia driver I can solve?10:30
nyo3no I have not installed other things10:30
mantraofpieI wouldn't touch anything until there's a solid lead10:30
nyo3since it went with this slow boot I started to figure out the problem10:30
nyo3I also checked the nvme for corruption but it seems fine10:31
mantraofpieCould it be issues with a new kernel which got installed some time ago but only booted now?10:31
mantraofpieDo you have any fallback kernel?10:31
nyo3no is not the kernel, the system is a server like, always online10:32
nyo3I have not updated kernel10:32
nyo3but to be sure I check logs10:32
mantraofpieWhat does dmesg say?10:32
nyo3kernel went updated on 1 october10:33
nyo3but it was fine loading that day10:33
nyo3nothing special from dmesg10:34
ikonianyo3: without doing a detailed analaysis, I can say with good confidence that it won't be anyhing like file corruption or failure, it's more likley to be one of the packages you installed has updated dependencies or configuration that is incompatible / unstable10:34
nyo3I tried to clean .cache of plasma10:35
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nyo3this is the script of weylus, it adds a file in udev/rules.d https://pastebin.com/1smUL90H10:36
nyo3to install it10:37
ikonianyo3: I suspect it does more10:41
ikonianyo3: the quickest path to success would be to re-install the current version of ubuntu, and prove it's stable out of the box. The long winded way is to work backwards through each and every change and undo it10:43
nyo3I agree ikonia10:45
nyo3the point is that as you see in the last pastbin, it say 'do a logout and login' and when I did this I saw the long 2 minutes login for the first time10:46
nyo3so it is that..10:46
nyo3can I reinstall kubuntu/ubuntu without formatting the root partition ?10:47
rabesixwheeledbeast: There is only a single fan, and that is operational. Doing high RPMs, which I find surprising considering the non-existant load.11:10
rabemantraofpie: Thanks. Will save me 25 EUR... :-)11:10
nyo3ikonia: I am going to do a last test, can I remove the group uinput which was created by weylus ?11:20
nyo3or is it already present in ubuntu?11:20
JoachimGood morning, when i started my laptop earlier today (dell precision 3490) it suddenly presented me with the following: https://imgur.com/a/iImY9C8 when I wait, the boot times out and I end up with a basic initramfs shell which shows an alter stating the device with UUID XXX wasnt found. In in /dev there is no nvme device which given those kernel11:21
Joachimmessages isnt suprising. Booting the recovery mode doesn't help either. My first thought: dead drive which seemed weird as the laptop is recent and there have been 0 signs of faillure. I popped in the live usb and checked if I could access the FS to see if I could salvage anything. To my suprise, I could mount just fine and access anything I11:21
Joachimwanted. I checked the dmesg log of the live CD, and it does show the No GSI line, but iirc not the 41-bit message. It doesn't show any nvme faillure either.11:21
JoachimSo it seems, something has gone wrong with my install causing a serious issue in the kernel vs nvme hardware. Yesterday evening, I did an apt upgrade so its possible an ugpgrade messed things around. Now my main question, where to go from here? The system itself won't boot, from the live cd i should be able to do stuff.11:21
Joachim(of course, copy the files off and reinstall is a way out, but if possible fixing the config would save me reinstalling all software)11:22
Jeremy31Joachim: Power off, remove power cord and then hold power button for 30 seconds, then see if it will boot11:23
Joachimits a laptop, so the battery is still there11:24
Jeremy31Is it easy to remove?11:24
Joachimmaybe, ill have to screw it open potentially harming warranty11:24
tomreyni think this looks like a i915 issue, see the url printed on screen  asking to file a bug report11:24
Jeremy31Just do what I posted then, don't bother with battery11:24
Joachimthis morning though, the laptop was off and battery empty, had to plug in a cord11:25
JoachimJeremy31 so i just go for a lengthy button press thn?11:25
Jeremy31Joachim: Yes11:26
tomreynah sorry, i didn't read the full report11:27
Joachimsame, note it was alkready at the grub menu when i lifted the button press11:27
Jeremy31Those probe failed -12 errors remind me of some wifi issues with Windows hybrid shutdown.  Without Windows, it needs a BIOS reset and the power button trick sometimes fixes it11:27
Joachimany reason the live cd still just works?11:28
Jeremy31Not real sure about that11:28
Joachimif bios is messed id say that one should fail as well11:28
tomreynthe live cd doesn't need to interact (other than probing) with your nvme, i guess11:29
Joachimyes, but when booted, the nvme is there! wait im booting it now, ill show this part of the dmesg of the live usb11:29
tomreynJoachim: did you try booting an earlier kernel version, yet?11:33
Joachimhere is the same passage, but then from the live usb. see the similarities?11:34
Joachimchecking tomreyn11:35
Joachimhm.... you here11:35
Joachimin the list i have a 6.8.0 generic and 6.5.0 oem, the latter boots11:36
tomreynokay, can you identify the 6.8.0 failed boot log from     journalctl --list-boots    and share it with    journalctl -b THAT_BOOT_UUID |& nc termbin.com 999911:38
Joachimevaluating the /boot dir; i see no changes yesterday. 6.8.0-45-generic seems to have landed on the system on 11/9/2024 with a change to initrd on 27th (could have been an update-initramfs issued by me. It is possible the laptop has not been rebooted... )11:39
Joachimtomreyn journalctl --list-boots gives no failed boots in the list11:40
Joachimprobably because the nvme drive wasnt there to store it11:40
tomreynit never does11:40
tomreynoh you're saying the failed boots you have are not listed there, i see11:40
tomreynyou *had*11:40
tomreynapt list --installed linux* |& nc termbin.com 999911:41
Joachimprevious boot was on 2/10/2024 so it has already succesfully booted this kernel11:42
Joachimok, on its way11:42
tomreynyou're saying that 6.8.0 has already booted successfully?11:42
Joachimthe previous boot in journalctl --list-boots is from second of october11:43
Joachimthe files in /boot date before that11:43
Joachimso i'm guessing: yes, unless im missing something11:43
tomreynso you're on jammy / 22.04, and have its HWE kernel and an OEM kernel installed - i see.11:46
tomreynand while the OEM kernel works fine, the 6.8.0 doesn't, or not currently.11:47
Joachimthe oem is the original one, its a dell linux preinstalled from july11:47
tomreynmaybe you can check in /var/log/apt/term.log as to whether you recently got an update to linux-image-6.8.0-*11:47
Joachimi didnt specifically do anything to have another kernel btw, this just ordinarily happened11:48
Joachimthat update of last night seems very unsuspicious11:50
tomreynalso check the latest boots to see whteher you really booted 6.8.0 successfully (or to the point that it logged to disk):   for bootid in 0 1 2 3 4 5; do echo "BOOT ID -${bootid}:"; journalctl -b-${bootid} | head -n1; echo; done11:51
Joachimi only have 2 entries, -1 and 0, checking11:51
tomreynthe term.log you just posted (which seems to start on 2024-10-01) does not contain "linux-image"11:53
BluesKajHi all11:54
Joachimhm tomreyn this gets complicated..11:54
tomreynhmm, just two boot IDs? maybe you don't have persistent journals.11:54
Joachimmy -1 entry starts on 2 october 5am, but its full of apparmor entries11:54
Joachimthat seems to me like a running system11:54
Joachimcould it be the log gets so long and it gets truncated from the top? and it was in fact, running longer than 2 october?11:55
Joachimperhaps even from before 6.8.0-48-generic got installed?11:55
Joachimthat log is swarming with app armor messages, a few hundred per minute11:56
tomreynthere are two reasons why journald would remove old logs: 1. it realized the file system containing /var/log/journal was going to run low on storage; 2. it was not configured to do persistant logs.11:56
tomreyni mean "disk space", not "storage"11:56
tomreynin case 1, it will automatically discard older logs until enough space has been reclaimed11:57
Joachimentry 0 is my current boot, has 6.5.0-oem on top11:57
tomreynwhat about -1? which kernel was it booting then11:58
Joachim-1 seems to end this morning when the laptop probably ran out of power after I guess, not hibernating correctly. but its start date is wrong11:58
Joachimthe first line is an app armor warning11:58
tomreynah sorry, yoou said so before11:58
Joachimso its very well possible -1 started not 6.8.011:59
tomreynhow long are thsoe two logs?   journalctl -b -1 | wc -l11:59
tomreynhow long are thsoe two logs?   journalctl -b 0 | wc -l11:59
Joachim-1: 509965612:00
Joachim0: 395312:00
Joachimso... yeh, Im guessing -1 is not complete12:00
tomreyndf -h /var/log/journal12:02
tomreynhow much free space do you have there?12:02
Joachim63% use12:02
tomreynhow much is Avail?12:03
tomreynhmm that's plenty.12:04
Joachimi use the laptop for work, its possible a couple of days ago i did fill up the disc a lot12:04
Joachimand reclaimed space12:04
tomreyni see. you have / and /home on the same file system then?12:05
tomreyndf can tell again: df /home /12:05
Joachimboth in same12:05
tomreyni assume your old logs were removed then by journald when the disk ran full, or nearly full12:06
Joachimim guessing so yes12:06
Joachimim quite sure I did have newer kernels running since july12:06
tomreyn5099656 linesof logs is waaaay too much, though12:06
Joachimbut im not sure when my last reboot was12:06
Joachimits very much possible the 6.8.0-45 hasnt booted yet12:07
tomreyn...meaning that either something got logged all the time, multiple times a second, or the journal got corrupted12:07
tomreynokay, thanks for confirming that "its very much possible the 6.8.0-45 hasnt booted yet"12:08
tomreynor almost confirming ;)12:08
Joachimits app armor stating DENIED on things requested by snaps12:08
Joachima LOT12:08
Joachimand not one snap, all of them12:08
tomreynwhich snaps are those?12:08
Joachimdiscord, pycharm, slack, anything12:09
tomreynhmm, i know that discord does it a lot, i assume slack may, too12:09
tomreynnot sure about pycharm12:10
tomreynboth discord and slack are really web browser engines packaged as an application12:10
JoachimI guess thats a different thing to fix12:10
tomreynso, while we have not really worked out why 6.8.0 won't boot for you, if you are happy to continue running just the oem kernel, you can remove the hwe kernel and be done12:11
tomreynor you can try to determine why 6.8.0 (hwe kernel) won't work on your system12:12
Joachimwell i guess the latter... it will keep trying to update12:12
Joachimwhere to start with that one?12:13
tomreyngo back to https://i.imgur.com/DMqcuUR.jpeg and search the web for your computer hardware (ONE of: computer/laptop/mainboard model or pcie/nvme controller) and ONE error message seen on your screenshot12:14
Joachimill try that12:15
tomreynthe first WARNING seen on your photo is "pcieport: 10000:e0:06.2: can't derive routing for PCI INT A".12:16
tomreynthe first ERROR seen on your photo is "nvme: probe of 10000:e1:00.0 failed with error -12"12:17
tomreynwhen searching the web for error messages, make sure you also search without system / environment specific identifiers on your logs.12:18
tomreyni.e. you *may* want to omit "10000:e0:06.2:" or "10000:e1:00.0"12:18
nyo3hi ikonia, I put OpenGLIsUnsafe=false in .config/kwinrc and now no crashes from kwin12:19
tomreynthose are just references to which pcie port your device is connected to, and those are probably specific to your computer, but not specific to this error message12:19
tomreynthis was to Joachim ^12:20
nyo3just sddm slow after entering password, I have to wait 2 minutes  to see the kde splash screen12:20
tomreynJoachim: also consider a bios upgrade, those can help with issues where standard ubuntu kernels fail to boot12:23
tomreynJoachim: dmesg | grep DMI:    should tell which bios you have now12:24
tomreyn1.6.0 is the current version (a "critical" upgrade) according to https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-uk/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=1pw34&oscode=ubt22&productcode=precision-14-3490-laptop12:27
Joachimi run 1.1.012:27
Joachimgood ideq12:27
tomreynin case you also have a dell dock WD19/WD22TB4 for this lapto: ther's a ciritical upgrade there, too12:28
Joachimno dock12:28
Joachimok, ill begin with bios update12:29
Joachimsomething tells me if they released 5 new versions since july, its a lot of fixing12:29
tomreynversion 1.4.1 "fixed the issue where the system auto restarts without updating the BIOS. This issue occurs when you select the BIOS executable file and click Update BIOS in the F12 BIOS boot menu."12:33
tomreynso this may happen to you when you try to carry out the upgrade12:33
tomreynversion 1.3.0 "Fixed the issue where the system stops responding when you are using the system or when the system is idle."12:34
tomreynthose are pretty low level. so yes, definitely do the upgrade. it also fixes security issues.12:34
Joachimweirdly enough when I try to download it downloads the license12:42
tomreynnyo3: the (part of the?) log you posted shows a period of 11 seconds from password entry to sddm exiting, with just less than a second until sddm started the X11 session. so the issue making you wait is probably not caused by sddm.12:44
tomreynthe license is the first (of multiple listed) downloads at https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-uk/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=1pw34&oscode=ubt22&productcode=precision-14-3490-laptop12:45
nyo3oh ok thanks tomaw12:45
tomreynyou're welcome12:46
tomreynJoachim: you probably want Latitude_5450_Precision_3490_1.6.0.exe, the last download listed.12:46
jumpcutkingtomreyn: 22.04 & when I log in using ssh -v the logs don’t indicate it is even doing the Authenticator that it just logs in as normal. Alas, I don’t exactly know where to check to see if/how something failed12:48
tomreynJoachim: to download this with wget, you'll need: wget --user-agent '.' --referer 'https://www.dell.com/'  https://dl.dell.com/FOLDER11823598M/1/Latitude_5450_Precision_3490_1.6.0.exe12:50
nyo3tomreyn: here a complete pastebin of the logon, look at time 14:15 then 14:17 ... https://termbin.com/btf812:51
tomreynjumpcutking: sshd writes logs, or you can run it in foreground, too12:51
nyo3it says  Reloading requested from client PID 2223 ('startplasma-x11')...12:52
tomreynnyo3: you need to fix lighttpd: (gw_backend.c.1632) invalid "bin-path" => "/usr/bin/php-cgi" (check that file exists, is regular file, and is executable by lighttpd). also, there are issues with getting EDID data from your monitor (via VGA - a very old, analogue, connection / data protocol). this may be causing a delay in setting up your graphical session.13:02
nyo3EDID errors are due to a kvm switch I can only ignore them, I solved the correct resolution with settings in xorg.conf luckly13:03
tomreynnyo3: i'm not really into any of these, so you want to get help with debugging these from someone else: nvidia, sddm, kde, plasma.13:11
florianhi, how can update my package everytime i open my computer?13:12
nyo3thanks tomreyn, I fixed my pihole setup with installing php-sqlite313:12
tomreynflorian: what do you mean by "update my package" and "open my computer"?13:12
nyo3now I try a reboot13:12
florianyou guys are all connected via a terminal ? its insane13:13
tomreyneveryone here is using some form of an irc client, be it on a graphical session or a TTY13:14
florianalright im here because i need to make an irc server for my school13:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:14
tomreynsee what ubottu wrote13:15
florianyes sorry13:15
specimen13who drigy13:24
nyo3I am fixing the resolution of grub, should I update it with update-grub2 right?13:30
nyo3hi again, I tried old kernel, no way... still 2 minutes to logon13:59
nyo3now I try      Option    "IgnoreEDID"     "True"14:00
AndreasHi, reported a gtk4 bug here: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/issues/7059. If I set Ubuntu's user language to German then for all gtk3 or older apps, all menu items are correctly translated including the display names for the keyboard keys. For gtk4 apps, the menu gtk strings are correctly translated, but not the display names for the keyboard14:09
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 7059 in GNOME/gtk "Display names for keyboard keys" [Opened]14:09
Andreaskeys. In the Libre office file menu, "ctrl" becomes "strg". But, if you open per example the gnome text editor's hamburger button then I see a translated menu, but, ctrl does not become strg. So, only the display names for the keyboard keys are affected.14:09
tomreynAndreas: unless you've got a support question which you're meaning to solve in this (primarily volunteer) support channel, posting here will probably not do much good.14:13
nyo3hi, still logon problem, here the journal https://termbin.com/j20v14:48
nyo3seems there is a crash at time 16:43:1214:49
nyo3could it be something related to pipewire ?14:50
nyo3I see this "mod.jackdbus-detect: Failed to receive jackdbus reply: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.jackaudio.service was not provided by any .service files"14:50
nyo3I try to disable libvirt14:57
nyo3I don't understand what is wrong, I tried to disable libvirt and still slow logon, look at https://termbin.com/zo1j    @16:58 to 17:0015:04
nyo3everything is frozen up to Reloading requested from client PID 2090 ('startplasma-x11')...15:05
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nyo3I installed pipewire libcamera, now I do reboot and see15:10
nyo3hi again I still think my problem si libvirt which I updated recently15:40
nyo3here https://termbin.com/05gw15:41
nyo3after it says ibvirtd.service: Deactivated successfully.   The plasma session starts...15:41
nyo3how to correctly deactivate qemu at boot?15:41
MagioDoes anyone know whether it's possible to add the ext4 casefold feature to my root partition (which was created without that feature) without breaking anything? I tried to do so by using tune2fs from a live session a while ago but it made my computer unbootable until I reverted it.15:45
nyo3ok I disabled, now I do a reboot and see....15:45
MagioFWIW checking with "tune2fs -l (volume)" after enabling casefold did correctly list the feature but after rebooting from the livesession I was sent straight into a grub console as tho my filesystem wasn't detected anymore. Reverting the change by booting back into a live session fixed it but I'm not lost as to what the right way to this would be15:49
mgedminsounds like grub doesn't support this feature15:53
mgedminyou could re-partition your disk to have a separate /boot partition and then try again, to see what fails next15:53
mgedminbecause casefold for / sounds like a recipe for a very broken linux system15:53
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MagioAh that would do it. Any reason why grub wouldn't support it?15:55
babuulai don't want to ask a stupid question but when's there going to be the next ubuntu version? i tried googling etc. but didn't find information about a release after 24.04.1 that has been released!15:55
Magiothe casefold feature only makes certain, explicitly selected by the user, folders case insensitive, not the whole partition, so it sounded pretty harmless to me15:56
MagioI did already try making a secondary partition for this to test things out, and casefold does work on that without affecting my main partition mgedmin15:57
MagioIf it's really the only option I'll make do with that, bit of a shame tho15:58
kpanicbabuula: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/05/ubuntu-24-10-release-date16:00
babuulakpanic: cool! i remembered it will be released in october.16:01
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mgedminMagio: I've no personal experience -- but my general understanding is that grub implements the bare minimum needed to support the usual filesystems16:04
mgedminand this sounds like a new feature that was developed for ext4 after grub already had ext2/3/4 support, and nobody bothered to make grub support it as well16:05
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mgedminmaybe theres'a bug in grub's bug tracker16:05
mgedminor maybe the grub devs don't even know about the feautre16:05
JanCI think what happens is that a feature flag in the filesystem header gets set when casefold is enabled, and grub stops because it doesn't recognize the flag and it doesn't know if that flag is relevant for how it works?16:09
JanCwhat you could do is check if a newer version of grub does support this?16:11
MagioJanC yeah this sounds like what's happening. I wasn't searching for GRUB related stuff initialy but now that I am it seems like that's where the issue lies. Haven't seen anyone point to a fix, though16:12
nyo3hi all again16:12
nyo3what about this on logon ? sddm-greeter[1937]: Failed to find a Kirigami platform plugin16:13
JanCMagio: there is a #grub channel that might be helpful16:14
MagioFound a Grub bug report about this on their tracker16:15
mgedminMagio: I'm curious, can you share the URL if convenient?16:18
Magiohttps://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=detailitem&item_id=56897 mgedmin16:19
Magiothere's also an Ubuntu bug report for another ext4 feature that was unsupported by GRUB and that was apparently fixed in debian https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/184401216:20
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1844012 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub2 doesn't recognize ext4 with metadata_csum_seed enabled" [Undecided, Confirmed]16:20
frostschutzMagio, with set debug=all, it says "filesystem has unsupported incompatible features". if you think its not relevant, you could disable that check in grub sources (ext2.c) and see how it goes. seems safer to just give grub a supported filesystem instead.16:21
JoachimBIOS update didnt do the trick16:23
Magiofrostschutz yeah going as far as to prevent grub from doing its regular checks seems a bit too sketchy for my liking, even tho it most likely wouldn't break stuff immediately16:24
Joachimand unfortunately, searching for the error message is also quite pointless :/16:25
MagioI'm going to log off now, thanks for the pointers ! Now I'm less confused, tho still with an unsolved issue16:36
eoli3nwhere are data put when using a flatpak app ?16:38
eoli3ni mean, if flatpak app doesn't have perm to write on the homedir, it writes on the containered homedir16:39
eoli3nwhere is that containered homedir16:39
eoli3nthe app is jdownloader16:40
eoli3nmgedmin: any idea why jdownloader can fail writing in the homedir, even when i configured flatseal to give home access ?16:43
eoli3nyesterday it was working, today its not, without any change16:43
eoli3nis there a native way to install jdownloader without flatshit ?16:44
mgedminno idea16:45
mgedminwhat even is a jdownloader?16:45
eoli3na flatpak app to ddl16:45
mgedmindance dance live?16:46
eoli3ndirect download16:46
eoli3nno data under ~/.var/app16:47
eoli3ni'm searching for the fake homedir16:47
eoli3nmgedmin: do we agree that i should find files here ?16:48
eoli3nfound, this is not a perm issue16:49
mgedminto clarify, flatpak apps get some XDG_DATA_DIR env vars pointing to ~/.var/app, which is bind-mounted from the host, and are supposed to keep data files there16:49
mgedminI've no idea what $HOME points to inside the flatpak sandbox, nor whether it's writable16:49
mgedminthis is documented somewhere, I just never had a need to know this16:50
eoli3nfdownloader randomly fail to find "Vidéos", it created a directory "Vid?es"16:55
eoli3nfu***** stupid app16:56
eoli3nnow everything writes to "Vid?os" and not "Vidéos"16:56
eoli3nany idea on that magic bug ?16:57
eoli3nlet's try on #flatpak16:58
mgedmindoes it use some non-UTF-8 encoding?17:00
JanCI think you can just download the JDownloader .jar & run it17:00
eoli3nproblem is the user is my mother17:00
eoli3nmgedmin: the directory didn't changed17:01
eoli3nand i would say no17:01
kpaniceoli3n: not an ideal solution, but maybe a quick fix is to do a symlink?17:02
eoli3neven better, my mother now knows where data are, no need to symlink, but I would like to understand what's going on17:03
nyo3hi guys I had kvirc crashing17:13
nyo3in dmesg it says segfault17:13
nyo3show_signal_msg: 13 callbacks suppressed17:13
nyo3 kvirc[3095]: segfault at 7c1ba00d6980 etc....17:14
nyo3should I think bad of my hardware? or can it be nvidia driver/kernel stuff?17:14
eoli3ncan i run do-release-upgrade through ssh ?17:26
eoli3nin a screen maybe ?17:26
tomreynnyo3: (only) if you see more crashes across multiple applications lately then it's time for an all-night standalone memtest17:27
nyo3ok thanks17:27
tomreyneoli3n: IIRC do-release-upgrade will spawn a screen itself if it's installed (and do-r-u was started from a secure shell (ssh)).17:28
tomreynit's always better to run release upgrades while you have out-of-band access. but it *can* also work over just ssh.17:29
eoli3nok thanks17:29
eoli3nhow to easily remove old kernels ?17:29
tomreynpersonally, i'd definitely want to ensure no third party repositories or PPAs are configured nor packages (or package versions) from there are installed before starting a remote release upgrade.17:30
eoli3nno ppas, simple install17:31
eoli3nbasic needs17:31
tomreynapt understands globbing, you can use patterns with wildcards17:31
eoli3nso i need to work it manually ?17:31
tomreynapt purge --autoremove     may remove old kernel version packages, depending on how they were installed (and some other, related, factors)17:32
eoli3nzfs install runs out of bpool so many time17:32
mgedmineoli3n: apt autoremove should remove all old kernels except the last two for every installed kernel flabour17:32
eoli3nit does not17:32
eoli3njust tried it17:32
ioriathey are probably marked as 'manual'17:34
eoli3ni do only basic things on that host17:34
rfmeoli3n, are you running zsys so there are bunches of automatic snapshots?17:34
eoli3nreading this https://askubuntu.com/questions/1382986/zfs-bpool-is-almost-full-how-can-i-free-up-space-so-i-can-keep-updating-my-syst17:34
eoli3nthis should not break17:34
eoli3nso much administration for nothing17:35
ioriaeoli3n, dpkg -l | grep linux-image| awk '{print $2}'| grep -v $(uname -r)17:36
eoli3nthanks, i did the glob thing17:36
eoli3nok snapshots removed17:37
eoli3nthis is working again17:37
eoli3nits broken each time i check that host17:37
eoli3nby bpool is so light ??17:38
eoli3ndefault one17:38
eoli3nthis is absolute s***18:06
eoli3nupgrade process failed again because of missing space on bpool18:06
=== carlos is now known as Guest2701
eoli3nfailed over failed over failed18:40
eoli3nany idea of what it is ?18:43
eoli3nit says18:43
eoli3n"failed to install software upgrade, failed to update a important os upgrade"18:43
eoli3nsystem boot on 24.0418:44
eoli3neverything seems to run fine18:44
eoli3napt update / upgrade works without problem18:44
eoli3nwhere are release upgrade logs ?18:46
tomreyneoli3n: try apt full-upgrade19:00
eoli3ntomreyn: working19:08
Joachimtomreyn bios update didnt solve the issue19:21
Joachimi cant find anything remotely related to the error messages or the laptop model involved19:21
tomreynJoachim: try booting the newer kernel with    noapic xe.force_probe='7dd5' i915.force_probe='!7dd5'19:29
Joachimhow do I do that, advanced ubuntu options in grub then e ?19:29
Joachimand type that in?19:29
Joachimor boot old kernel and modify grub19:30
tomreyneither works19:30
Joachimright, let me give it a go19:30
tomreynJoachim: other than that you can try this: https://www.dell.com/support/manuals/en-us/precision-14-3490-laptop/precision-3490-owners-manual/clearing-cmos-settings?guid=guid-366d3713-77db-4653-8697-c8fa25020cb5&lang=en-us19:36
tomreynand / or "load optimized / manufacturer defaults" option in the bios UI19:37
Joachimv2tomreyn i think i got it fixed...19:41
tomreynJoachimv2: how19:41
Joachimv2when i was checking the cmdline, i noticed I had i8042.nopnp=1 pci=nocrs in them, i added those because when i got the pc from dell, the touchpad didnt work19:42
Joachimv2https://www.reddit.com/r/voidlinux/comments/rqnod4/pc_dont_boot_if_i_add_pcinocrs_to_grub_cmdline/ when i reviewed those online i found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/voidlinux/comments/rqnod4/pc_dont_boot_if_i_add_pcinocrs_to_grub_cmdline/19:42
Joachimv2i just cut of pci=nocrs and it booted 6.8.0-48-generic19:43
Joachimv2and the touchpad still works19:43
Joachimv2always considered it odd that dell shipped a pc with ubuntu support and preinstalled without functional touchpad... got it working but forgot i modified the cmdline19:44
tomreynweird, i thought i'd had you boot a log of the working kernel previously, and hadn't seen extra options in the cmdline there. but can't find it on the log now.19:48
Joachimv2dont think i ever posted the log, you had me check the first lines, then we got distracted with the huge truncated log19:48
Joachimv2just modified /etc/default/grub.conf and updated initramfs, gonna reboot to see if permanently fixed19:49
tomreyni see. so general tip for the future: always remove, for testing, a custom cmdline after release upgrade, just to see whether it's still needed19:50
Joachimit works!19:55
Joachimyes, lesson learnt, its just that I entirely forgot it was there19:55
Joachimyour comment to modify the command line got me to spot it19:55
Joachimmy wife is confused how i got a broken OS fixed. its not how it usually works :p19:56
tomreynglad you unbroke it! ;)19:59
d3-2024hey all, hope everyone is well and I hope someone can help me as I feel real dumb right now...I can't for the life of me get plexmediaserver to see a directory....I have ownership and have ran chmod +r 777 on it, as well as +x as some google searches have suggested20:12
d3-2024I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it or not, but it was installed from the ubuntu app store...not from plex repos....I can't remember where I installed it from last time years ago, but built a new machine to host plex on20:13
d3-2024I can see folders in my home directory and tried to make a sym link to the dir and it doesn't see it either20:16
d3-2024drwxrwxrwx  10 don  don    13 Oct  5 12:22 cuda20:17
ravaged3-2024: snap limits the ability to access files. i dont think the snap version gets a lot of love from the devs20:17
d3-2024dang, there ya go20:18
ravagekill the snap and just use the .deb file20:18
d3-2024thanks for the info ravage20:18
d3-2024something that is fully reliant on accessing files shouldn't be a snap lol20:19
eoli3nabout bpool beeing regularly full on zfs install, what could i do ?20:19
eoli3nis there a way to configure to automatically only keep 3 snapshots and prune automatically ?20:20
eoli3nor disable snapshots for bpool20:20
eoli3nno /etc/zsys.conf20:21
eoli3ntwo years ???20:23
eoli3ni need to dl it manually from here https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ubuntu/zsys/refs/heads/master/internal/config/zsys.conf20:25
eoli3ngreat idea dev, continue to make garbage like this20:26
d3-2024@ravage you were totally correct20:26
eoli3n"We described the default policy embedded in the binary"20:26
eoli3nwhat a greaaaat idea20:26
tomreyneoli3n: this is not the place for your rants20:26
eoli3nyou need the default policy, read the blog20:27
eoli3ntomreyn: humans do this sometimes, it helps20:27
tomreynit doesn't help this channel20:28
eoli3nto accept that things are becoming more and more messy20:28
eoli3nchannel are composed by humans20:28
eoli3nbut ok, i will stop this20:28
eoli3nneeded to find a dark reddit post, which leads to a blog post by the dev which explains that i need to download the default config file from github20:29
masberhi, in ubuntu 24.04, where should I put my (user) font files?20:41
masberok, I thought so but the in the sys fonts config file `/etc/fonts/fonts.conf` I see this `<dir>~/.fonts</dir>` instead of `~/.local/share/fonts` why is that?20:44
ravagemasber: ~/.local/share/fonts/20:44
masber`<dir>~/.fonts</dir>` instead of `<dir>~/.local/share/fonts/</dir>`20:45
enigma9o7It may be old one, but just in case "ln -s ~/.local/share/fonts ~/.fonts"20:48
enigma9o7that way you're covered no matter what20:48
gordonjcpmasber58: it's easy enough to check, just put a font in ~/.local/share/fonts - which works, definitely - and restart some application that would allow you to choose fonts20:50
maxim9Hi ... I seem to have caught a malware but pretty sure it's not the perfctl that's been making the news20:52
maxim9have a process "apk": $ ps xa | grep apk20:52
maxim9 520796 ?        Ssl  3299:05 ./apk -o de-zephyr.miningocean.org:5332 -u ZEPHYR39UDJBPB7TX1s1FydrfGYPukgGbbnSJ92WGjtTWjYZnGSyHFac3WyASm1FkiXHi7KPWtFWyHAkMgxRVuhHZJZUPitZRvr5720:52
maxim9uses all CPU ... seems to be a crypto miner20:53
maxim9in /proc/520796 the "exe" is showing as deleted20:53
maxim9nothing suspicious in any cron files20:53
maxim9rkhunger and chkrootkit doesn't find anything either20:54
maxim9I'm at a loss on figuring out how this thing starts itself and not quite ready to flatten the machine20:56
ravageIf the process runs root consider the whole system infected20:57
maxim9yeah .. it's running as root20:57
ravageBackup files. Burn everything20:57
maxim9I will definitely do that but I would like to figure out where it came from and how it starts itself20:57
ravageIf you want to waste time on that go ahead20:57
maxim9since I haven't used that machine in a while and it would have only installed unattended apt updates...20:58
d3-2024you shouldn't be using the compromised system including taking backups....burn it and restore from a good backup :P21:00
sixwheeledbeast Wild guess but bitcoin miner running in chrome?21:06
maxim9no... it seems to be a ZEPH miner21:08
maxim9the executable is detected as miner.gzfzk/vsntia24 on virustotal21:09
maxim9the actual file is deleted though... seems it's dropped into / .. started and deleted.21:09
maxim9the question I have is... how is it started...21:09
maxim9since when you kill it after about 30-60 minutes it's running again21:09
tomreynmaxim9: hope you air gapped it21:12
maxim9it's isolated21:13
tomreynso no networking? good. you can expect that whatever set it up (downloader) has since been deleted.21:15
maxim9but even without network it restarts itself after killing it21:15
tomreyni'd say forensics is beyond the purpose of this channel. you need to reinstall and restore *verified clean* backups.21:19
maxim9not disagreeing... :)21:20
maxim9just too curious what this is and how it got here21:20
JanCthe dropper is probably writing the virus to a new location before starting it & then deleting it to make detection harder21:20
JanCwriting the miner, I mean21:21
loolyHow to fix lutris stuck on luuncing epg launher?21:26
tomreynthere's #lutris21:26
tomreynyour keyboard may need cleaning21:28
loolyhew problem sam idiots hack mi chen soom help mi to deteck21:28
ubottuThe main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:29
loolysome idiot is hacking me, can someone help us detect him and find out who it is21:30
enigma9o7I can help for €50k+expenses.21:31
tomreynwe can provide suggestions on how to configure ubuntu and services21:31
enigma9o7No gaurantee I'll find out who it is, but I won't give up unless I exhausted all resources.  pm me directly to work out contract details.21:32
enigma9o7I can be on a plane today.21:32
JanCthis is not the place for that...21:33
loolythe same person who hacked me also hacked my phone but I manage to make changes when he looks at me the screen itself goes dark so I know it's there I managed to get the ip address and which pc he is using although after a week he replaced everything21:35
JanCif you got hacked, you should take those machines offline & file a legal complaint with the police21:36
enigma9o7And hire an investigator.21:38
loolyyes, but there was a chance to implant a virus that will cause damage to the hacker, for example, if his pc breaks or the hdd deletes everything21:39
tomreynlooly: we can't help with mitigating ongoing attacks here, nor with hack back operations. if your ubuntu installation is compromised, you need to reinstall and restore *verified clean* backups. any other topics: please find a suitable location, if any. this one isn't21:41
loolythe law in the country I live in is crap and corrupt, so nothing helps, you have to go private or pay hackers to work for you21:41
tomreynlooly: last warning.21:41
sp9lophello all21:47
nyo3hi, can someone help me ? I have slow logon, about 2 minutes after entering psw in sddm. here paste of journalctl -b 0 https://termbin.com/rhdc21:49
enigma9o7as a troubleshooting step I'd login as a brand new user, see if it is a "you" issue or a system issue.21:50
enigma9o7or has it always been that way?21:50
nyo3yes I did 2 new users no changes...21:50
nyo3I installed weylus, but before it I did an apt-get update and upgrade and it installed mailcap and another program, wait I check log21:51
nyo3hicolor, desktop file utils, man-db, mailcap21:51
nyo3dunno what but I saw something about hicolor too in the journalctl21:52
nyo3I don't want to reinstall the whole kubuntu... I have a lot of stuff configured here it will be a long day...21:53
nyo3the only other important thing I noticed is that the nvme has about 200 errors. dunno if it is an high number. this is a new nvme. booted less than 100 times21:54
nyo3enigma9o7: should I care about the kirigami warning?21:55
enigma9o7Do you have theme issues?  Pretty sure kirigami is related to that kinda stuff.21:56
nyo3should I try another theme? one day I font my theme changed for some reason. I never investigated21:57
nyo3enigma9o7: what is the default theme in kde?21:57
nyo3ok I will try the Kubuntu theme21:58
nyo3I am going a reboot to see a clean journal21:58
nyo3I'll be back reporting this21:58
nyo2enigma9o7:  no change. there is still that warning about kirigami22:05
nyo2I do not understand a lot of things22:07
nyo2reinstalling sddm can make a change? I already tried reinstalling kde22:08
nyo2also this22:15
nyo2mod.jackdbus-detect: Failed to receive jackdbus reply: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.jackaudio.service was not provided by any .service files22:15
nyo2font, going to try a reboot22:16
=== JoelJoel is now known as Joel
nyo3hi, I did some progress, less warnings but still 2 minutes for logon... here the journal https://termbin.com/m0jy23:03
nyo3what can I try to disable? qemu disabled doesn't change anything23:03
nyo3maybe it is bluez. I was having it disabled. going to reboot and see23:06
BertoXHello. I have a issue with a chinese usb headset My aim is to make it working a another distrib : Archlinux. My issue is  when I plug the usb headset on archlinux, nothing happens. udevadm monitor shows nothing, device is not in lsusb output, nothing in journalctl/dmesg. If I boot a live Ubuntu, I plug the device and it works like a charm. And the big one : If I SHUTDOWN  ubuntu (poseroff), the headset is still alive (leds), and when I start the computer; to23:10
BertoXarchlinux, the headset works perfectly on archlinux ! But when removing / plug in the device again, it does not work anymore... That makes me crasy ! Can someone can tell me how ubuntu detects usb devices precisely please ?23:10
enigma9o7well this sounds like an arch issue, not ubuntu, no?  I mean if lsusb doesn't show it on arch but does on ubuntu, that sounds like a kernel issue.23:14
enigma9o7cuz lsusb should list stuff regardless of if firmware is loaded or drivers installed etc.23:14
JanCor too aggressive power management settings for USB?23:28
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
nyo3hi is someone here that can be of help? I have a slow logon, here journalctl https://termbin.com/wyt823:54
nyo3after entering psw in sddm it takes 1minute and half to load the splash screen23:54
nyo3I tried disabling apache2, mysql, qemu...23:54
nyo3I have re-enabled qemu just at this last reboot23:55
nyo3I have already tried another new user, reinstalled kde.... what else to try?23:55
nyo3I think there is something that goes in timeout, after that, startplasma-x11 restart23:57
nyo3look at time 01:48:31 ....23:57
Guest39Does any one know how to set up a newspaper template or know of a resource for that for scribus23:57

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