
RikMills@sgmoore @Eickmeyer have backported an upstream commit for haruna to fix LP: #2081650 09:47
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2081650 in haruna (Ubuntu) "oracular/haruna Plays videos in a new different window" [High, Fix Committed]09:48
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> thanks :)09:49
RikMillsupload in the queue waiting for release team to check09:49
RikMillsand accepted09:56
BluesKajHi all11:10
Eickmeyer@RikMills: I'm nearly 100% confident I saw that come across in a Debian bug which could have at least been referenced. That gives a little bit of leverage since they like to see it as close as possible to fixes in Debian. Granted, couldn't use the *same* fix (1.1.0), but it's a backport.13:21
EickmeyerThe reason I think it needs that kind of justification is that it's a seeded package and we're at Final Freeze, so the more justification the better.13:23
RikMillsYeah, I found the debian bug. Debian can't update to 1.1.0 either, as required mpvqt is in debian NEW13:23
RikMillsEickmeyer: don't need any more justifiaction. release team accepted the upload13:24
EickmeyerOh, nvm then.13:24
* Eickmeyer just woke up and is getting ready to head to work13:24
EickmeyerI haven't even checked the queue.13:24
RikMillsbut would be good do update the debian bug13:24
RikMillswas going to do that earlier, but got distracted13:25
RikMillsthe only thing holding it up at the moment is the LP publisher having a Sunday hangover and being slow13:26
EickmeyerHeh, yeah. It likes to party on Saturday nights.13:27
arraybolt3I finally got a bit of breathing room and updated kubuntu-installer-prompt to Qt6, along with some other fixes. I think this is critical for release so I'm going to try to get it through if no one has any objections.23:56

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