=== Pandae is now known as pandae === nickd_ is now known as pandaeke [09:10] Finally got in this Kubuntu chat, I have a couple question, can I ask them in here? === pandaeke is now known as pandae [09:20] pandae, don't ask to ask, just ask :) [09:21] 1: Will 24.10 release in the KUBUNTU variant too? 2: When will it release? 3: Will 24.10 ADD plasma 6? [09:22] 1: pretty sure [09:23] !schedule-#ubuntu+1 [09:23] A schedule of Oracular Oriole (24.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule [09:23] this should apply to kubuntu [09:24] oh, looks like this page is unmaintained [09:26] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OracularOriole/ReleaseSchedule [09:36] that would have been 2. [09:39] and about 3: plasma 6 - i don't know, but check https://packages.ubuntu.com for which plasma packages there are in oracular oriole (24.10) [09:39] pandae: ^ [09:52] 1: yes [09:52] 2: scheduled for October 10th [09:52] 3: yes, it has plasma 6 [09:52] pandae: ^^ [10:26] let's pretend our responses were appreciated [11:10] Hi all === vanmarco__ is now known as VanUnamed === kniebus is now known as OHMYEYESMAKEITST === OHMYEYESMAKEITST is now known as FrancisFordMothe