
cjwatsonguruprasad: have you tried resetting the relevant builders?  that shouldn't need an SRE10:33
guruprasadcjwatson, I reset the builders and that didn't do anything at all - nothing in the buildd logs. That is why I asked for IS help.14:12
guruprasad*buildd-manager logs. I had asked them to delete the stuck VMs and restart buildd manager. 14:13
guruprasadThey did the former and instead of the latter, restarted the ppa-reset service. Which did not help.14:16
guruprasadThis meant that the affected builders are now unstuck and handling other builds. But the builds themselves are still stuck. Based on what we have done in the recent past for similar issues, a buildd manager restart is needed to sort this out.14:21
guruprasadI have asked again for help.14:24
guruprasadI was wrong about the builders getting unstuck too! :(14:26
guruprasadricotz, the builds have been cancelled now and you should be able to retry.14:45
RikMillsguruprasad: this finished building over hrs ago, but has still not been published to the release pocket https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/haruna/0.12.3-1ubuntu114:47
RikMills*over 4 hrs14:47
RikMillsis there something amiss with the publisher?14:47
guruprasadRikMills, that is what I was alerted about and we are looking at right now.14:48
guruprasadThere is something stuck holding the lock and blocking all the subsequent runs for the past 6 hours.14:48
RikMillsguruprasad: great :) thanks14:49
RikMillsgreat someone is trying to sort I mean14:57
guruprasadRikMills, it looks like we fixed the issue and there is a new run progressing along nicely.15:11
RikMillsguruprasad: appreciated. especially on a Sunday!15:12
guruprasadhappy to help :)15:13
ricotzguruprasad, thank you, builds were already running :)15:32

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