[02:13] good morning [05:47] morning [10:25] KDE Connect or GSConnect? [10:30] depends on what you're running, i think gsconnect is for gtk (not qt) based desktops [12:17] GSConnect is for Gnome [12:18] it's a Gnome Shell extension (or at least its GUI is) [12:19] you have to use KDE Connect on the Android side though [14:23] oh, i was wondering what the "S" in "GS" stands for, "Gnome Shell" makes sense. === luna_ is now known as luna- [15:45] hello [15:52] done for today [16:25] got the email developer can order their bird Ubuntu t-shirts for free tommorow: https://enventelibre.org/fr/accueil/271-835-t-shirt-ubuntu-Oracular-Oriole.html#/8-taille-l === nckx is now known as nckhexen