
Nokajihaving issues booting, system hangs on 2024.04.1 ... unfortunately  tried 'fast boot' in the BIOS last night and now I cannot get back into BIOS (Gigabyte X670E) ... tried booting form USB but either it doesn't recognise USB (yet) or it isn't configured in BIOS as first booth (unable to check, ofc) ... anyway I can regain control of my PC?08:05
Nokajiall I can do is switch off and onm, I get the AORUSd get GNU GRUB but thewn it stops recognising (any) keyboard, so cannot select using up/down arrows logo, then eventually the screen blanks ... I can hit <ESC> and get08:08
Nokajiget AORUS logo*08:08
Nokajihmh... that paragraph was well mangled ... I can hit <ESC> and get to GRUB but then it stops recognising keyboard, so cannot select up/down arrow options**08:13
Nokaji  okay ... I've gone the 'reset bios' route ... at least I now have some influence over my pc ... will see how far I get before it falls over again09:14
Nokaji_okay, I'm back in with something resembling my actual install, after selecting some GRUB options - just some minor settings to reset ... at last!10:14
* zxmpi_ opens package on a refub palmos device. even better than new toys, old toys :-)15:17
zxmpi_are we placing bets yet? 'Ireland is ‘not immune’, says Taoiseach on reports of politician being ‘recruited by Russian intelligence’ '16:17
zxmpi_oops, wrong channel :-)16:17

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