
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: kubuntu-installer-prompt (oracular-proposed/universe) [24.04.10 => 24.10.1] (no packageset)04:11
arraybolt3ubuntu-release: ^ Fixes two bugs and one low-risk nice-to-have in kubuntu-installer-prompt, very similar to what was done with lubuntu-installer-prompt previously. This is an installer component so it can't be SRU'd later on in Oracular.04:11
arraybolt3sleeperbarbie: your connection seems to be abit unstable04:14
sleeperbarbiei didn't even know i was in here again, i removed thr chat from autojoin. sorry! take care, all04:14
arraybolt3np :)04:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: nvidia-graphics-drivers-535 (oracular-proposed/restricted) [535.183.01-0ubuntu2 => 535.183.01-0ubuntu3] (i386-whitelist)05:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: nvidia-graphics-drivers-550 (oracular-proposed/restricted) [550.107.02-0ubuntu1 => 550.107.02-0ubuntu2] (i386-whitelist)05:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted kubuntu-installer-prompt [source] (oracular-proposed) [24.10.1]05:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted nvidia-graphics-drivers-550 [source] (oracular-proposed) [550.107.02-0ubuntu2]05:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted nvidia-graphics-drivers-535 [source] (oracular-proposed) [535.183.01-0ubuntu3]05:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted python-construct-classes [sync] (oracular-proposed) [0.1.2-3]08:17
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected debhelper [source] (oracular-proposed) [13.20ubuntu1]08:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected libmnl [sync] (oracular-proposed) [1.0.5-3]08:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected guvcview [sync] (oracular-proposed) [2.1.0-0.2]08:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected svt-av1 [sync] (oracular-proposed) [2.2.1+dfsg-2]08:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: python-construct-classes [amd64] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.1.2-3] (no packageset)08:20
Skiabdmurray: https://code.launchpad.net/~hyask/ubuntu/+source/base-files/+git/base-files/+merge/47456308:33
Skiabdmurray: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/base-files/+bug/208382508:44
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2083825 in base-files (Ubuntu) "Release base-files for Oracular" [Undecided, New]08:44
bdmurraySkia: sponsored - thanks!08:53
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: base-files (oracular-proposed/main) [13.3ubuntu5 => 13.3ubuntu6] (core, i386-whitelist)08:54
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted python-construct-classes [amd64] (oracular-proposed) [0.1.2-3]09:11
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected base-files [source] (oracular-proposed) [13.3ubuntu6]09:18
nteodosioCan someone tell me why update-manager on Xenial https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/1:16.04.23 is still in proposed? It's not listed in excuses.09:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: base-files (oracular-proposed/main) [13.3ubuntu5 => 13.3ubuntu6] (core, i386-whitelist)09:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted base-files [source] (oracular-proposed) [13.3ubuntu6]09:36
bdmurraynteodosio: I see it as being in -proposed and -updates09:37
bdmurraynteodosio: It shows up in the -proposed cleanup list here so I'll do that https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/pending-sru.html09:39
bdmurraynteodosio: It shows up in the -proposed cleanup list here so I'll do that https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/pending-sru.html09:48
nteodosioThank you.10:03
=== fuseteam1 is now known as fuseteam
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: distribution-gpg-keys (oracular-proposed/universe) [1.105+ds-1ubuntu1 => 1.105+ds-2] (no packageset) (sync)11:38
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted distribution-gpg-keys [sync] (oracular-proposed) [1.105+ds-2]11:40
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: python-skbio (oracular-proposed/universe) [0.6.2-1 => 0.6.2-3] (no packageset) (sync)12:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted python-skbio [sync] (oracular-proposed) [0.6.2-3]12:45
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: magicgui (oracular-proposed/universe) [0.7.2-4 => 0.9.1-1] (no packageset) (sync)13:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted magicgui [sync] (oracular-proposed) [0.9.1-1]13:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: mesa (jammy-proposed/main) [23.2.1-1ubuntu3.1~22.04.2 => 23.2.1-1ubuntu3.1~22.04.3] (core, i386-whitelist, xorg)14:01
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: nova (focal-proposed/main) [2:21.2.4-0ubuntu2.13 => 2:21.2.4-0ubuntu2.14] (openstack, ubuntu-server)14:06
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: libgsf (oracular-proposed/main) [1.14.52-1 => 1.14.52-1ubuntu1] (ubuntu-desktop)14:10
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected mesa [source] (jammy-proposed) [23.2.1-1ubuntu3.1~22.04.3]14:24
vorlontjaalton: so, I adjusted seeds and now it's nvidia 550 on https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/component-mismatches.html14:59
tjaaltonvorlon: and I pushed a change that dropped 470. next there would be dropping desktop 535. we finally have transitionals for 535/550->56015:04
vorlontjaalton: is it correct that the 550 packages get dropped to multiverse as opposed to seeded in restricted as transitionals?15:04
tjaaltonvorlon: if I look at 525 in noble, it's in multiverse15:06
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: edk2 (oracular-proposed/main) [2024.05-2 => 2024.05-2ubuntu0.1] (ubuntu-server)15:09
vorlonEickmeyer: edubuntu stated size limit for noble and oracular is 6.1GB; actual image sizes are 6.3GB+ for noble, 6.8GB+ for oracular.  I guess we should just bump these?15:54
Eickmeyervorlon: Absoluttely.15:56
EickmeyerSpelling nonwithstanding.15:56
EickmeyerIIRC noble size limits were never addressed; everything was just so hectic that cycle.15:58
bdmurrayAnd that point release? ;-)16:02
liushuyuI guess Edubuntu ISO is quickly approaching DVD DL storage size limit?16:06
Eickmeyerliushuyu: So, just like with Ubuntu Studio, we're encouraging burn-to-USB. Straight out of the gate with 23.04 it was already there.16:08
EickmeyerVentoy and hardware-based solutions, such as the iODD line of products, are also solutions.16:08
liushuyuEickmeyer: I see. Also more environment friendly than non-disposable plastic frisbees16:09
EickmeyerHa! Indeed.16:09
vorlonEickmeyer: less a question of being hectic than of me having despaired of keeping sizes under any kind of control16:09
EickmeyerAnd much more reusable.16:09
Eickmeyervorlon: I think I can speak for all flavors when I say we're trying and being mindful. It's not like we see it as a free-for-all.16:10
vorlonyes but in practice images stay 'oversized' the whole cycle unless I go around nudging folks about targets16:11
EickmeyerValid, but the option is always to "bump". I know Lubuntu and Xubuntu are most mindful of this by trying to keep their sizes to a minimum as much as possible.16:14
EickmeyerEdubuntu only increased to keep the snap parity with Ubuntu Desktop.  Studio lost a few packages due to bitrot, but still gained weight which is par for the course. :/16:15
liushuyuEickmeyer: I think we/you might want to do CfP (Call for Participations) if you want to minimize the chance of not having packages left in/collecting dust on the side16:18
bdmurrayvorlon: Do flavor leads get the oversized emails?16:19
vorlonI'm not sure16:19
Eickmeyerliushuyu: Oh, those died as it seems that upstream no longer exists (invada-studio-plugins-lv2 as an example) or the package hasn't been released in 11 years (jack-tools) and hasn't seen a commit in almost the same amount of time. That's what I mean by bitrot. Those get removed from Debian and, subsequently, Ubuntu.16:21
liushuyuEickmeyer: Ah I see, I thought you said some packages were left out of the release pocket16:23
EickmeyerNo, nothing like that. If it's ftbfs I'm more keen to figure out what's going on. If it's dead, it's dead.16:23
liushuyuEickmeyer: If it's dead, it's dead. > right16:27
bdmurrayI only see release team members in the too line for "Daily CD health checks"16:28
vorlonbdmurray: yeah I just didn't know if we sent separate per-flavor mails16:43
bdmurrayOr maybe the "CD image size" KPI should a size limit line? https://ubuntu-release.kpi.ubuntu.com/d/XgP-fUlGz/ubuntu-cd-images?orgId=116:47
EickmeyerCurious that ubuntustudio doesn't show up on the "CD image size" graph. Probably an oversight.16:49
bdmurrayWeren't they renamed recently?16:50
EickmeyerIndeed, likely why. Oracular and later is ubuntustudio-daily-live16:50
Eickmeyerer... something like that.16:51
Eickmeyerubuntustudio-desktop as opposed to ubuntustudio-dvd16:51
bdmurrayWe might sort it now16:53
EickmeyerI'm in video editing mode so my answers might not be quite as accurate as I'd like. :)16:54
liushuyuubuntu-sru: Hi SRU team, I am looking for someone in the SRU team to review https://code.launchpad.net/~liushuyu-011/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+git/dpkg/+merge/47394017:11
liushuyu... SRU bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/208263617:11
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2082636 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "[SRU] dpkg: backport frame-pointer enabling mechanism for Rust" [Undecided, New]17:11
bdmurrayliushuyu: The SRU team generally reviews uploads in the unapproved queue. Has this been sponsored yet?17:19
liushuyubdmurray: Not yet17:20
bdmurrayliushuyu: So I think finding a sponsor needs to happen first17:21
liushuyuI do have one package that got sponsored but requiring someone from the SRU team to take a look: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dh-cargo/+bug/202815317:27
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2028153 in dh-cargo (Ubuntu) "[SRU] dh-cargo: Backport vendored dependencies support to Jammy" [Medium, Confirmed]17:27
dbungertubuntu-release: I believe that pc-kernel on 24.10/stable is in the desired state, would you rebuild Desktop amd64?18:17
utkarsh2102dbungert: yo, i'll rebuild Desktop amd64 but waiting for libreoffice to get in18:29
utkarsh2102mdeslaur_: yo, how serious are libgsf vulnerabilities?18:39
mdeslaur_utkarsh2102: code exec when opening a file in gnome...kind of bad, but it can wait until after release if it's too much for now18:44
utkarsh2102$ seeded-in-ubuntu libgsf18:45
utkarsh2102gir1.2-gsf-1 (from libgsf) is seeded in:18:45
utkarsh2102  kubuntu: supported18:45
utkarsh2102  ubuntu-budgie: supported18:45
utkarsh2102  ubuntu: supported18:45
utkarsh2102libgsf-1-114 (from libgsf) is seeded in:18:45
utkarsh2102  edubuntu: daily-live, daily-preinstalled18:45
utkarsh2102  kubuntu: supported18:45
utkarsh2102  ubuntu-budgie: daily-live18:45
utkarsh2102  ubuntu: daily-live, daily-preinstalled18:45
utkarsh2102  ubuntucinnamon: daily-live18:45
utkarsh2102libgsf-1-common (from libgsf) is seeded in:18:45
utkarsh2102  edubuntu: daily-live, daily-preinstalled18:45
utkarsh2102  kubuntu: supported18:45
utkarsh2102  ubuntu-budgie: daily-live18:45
utkarsh2102  ubuntu: daily-live, daily-preinstalled18:45
utkarsh2102  ubuntucinnamon: daily-live18:45
utkarsh2102libgsf-1-dev (from libgsf) is seeded in:18:45
mdeslaur_yeah, it's going to be everywhere18:46
mdeslaur_you can delete it from the queue if it's too late, just let me know and I'll prepare it as an update18:47
mdeslaur_utkarsh2102: in fact, please remove it18:48
utkarsh2102mdeslaur_: thank you! i'll do that18:48
mdeslaur_utkarsh2102: thanks18:48
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted edk2 [source] (oracular-proposed) [2024.05-2ubuntu0.1]18:50
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected libgsf [source] (oracular-proposed) [1.14.52-1ubuntu1]18:50
vorlonrespins coming for a late libreoffice accept19:55
vorlondesktop flavors respinning, except for Ubuntu amd64, which is still waiting for TPM FDE fix19:58
dbungertvorlon: I believe the TPMFDE part is ready19:58
vorlonnot yet19:58
vorlonaccording to apw the final snap hasn't been spun yet19:58
vorlon"apw: ubuntu-core-initramfs is now published in the build environment so we are respinning linux-signed, which will then get signed, and then we can make snaps from it."19:58
dbungertwe did a revert of pc-kernel 24.10/stable to a build using 6.8, which the London crew wanted to try19:59
vorlonthis is a proper, correct fix using 6.11 and all packages from oracular19:59
vorlonthe problem was tracked down to the systemd vs systemd-cryptsetup split, the cryptsetup bits were missing from the initramfs19:59
vorlonapw: some new linux-runtime binaries that aren't seeded: demote or seed? https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/component-mismatches.html20:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected squid [source] (noble-proposed) [6.10-0ubuntu0.24.04.1]21:27

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