
enigma9o7leftyfb: upstream, or in ubuntu?00:12
enigma9o7I knew upstream released final version, but I assumed it was still supported in ubuntu LTS.00:12
enigma9o7(and maintained)00:13
enigma9o7Oh okay it's universe which means community maintained, not ubuntu maintained, I see.00:13
bpromptenigma9o7: https://github.com/nhexirc/nhex/blob/main/packages/client/public/screenshots/nh_irc.png   <--- clone00:15
JanCHexChat gets occasional bugfix updates in Ubuntu00:47
JanC(and in Debian, where it pulls from)00:47
AndreBugood night all01:56
AndreBui am trying to install ubuntu server on an old desktop i have with 2 sata ssds the same size. I am tryign to set up software raid in the installer.01:57
AndreBubut when i click create software raid md.01:57
AndreBuits not seeing the drives01:57
AndreButhe crate sofware raod md window is not listing the devices01:58
AndreBueven though i set both drives as bootable and i created a gpt partition and left them as leave as unformated01:58
AndreBuany ideas?01:58
josh_Good evening folks! I just installed Ubuntu 24 and I must say that I am really impressed. Does anyone think the same?02:52
enigma9o7Surely someone does.02:53
enigma9o7There are several billion people out there.02:53
josh_enigma7o7, what do you personally think of it and do you think that most people have already upgraded to such version?03:10
enigma9o7This is the support channel.  Maybe you wanna try #ubuntu-discuss03:12
enigma9o7If I answered my opinion I'd be worried for getting told off for being off topic.03:12
enigma9o7And I really have no idea what most people have done.  Some people have certainly done it.03:12
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younderAny chance that Wayland support for Nvidia gets back-ported to 24.04? (2 years is long to wait)06:50
Alabobbhi, on ubuntu server when I use a command that contains !s in it, bash is replacing that with my last used command. How can I make it not do this?07:09
dtomatoIs it just be or has 6.8.0-45 been ... problematic?07:25
dtomatoI seem to have run into various different problems after upgrading different machines (desktops) from breaking gpu drivers to not finding /boot/efi partition during init07:26
tomreynwhile not intended, based on what i see people report here, nvidia drivers (if you have those) breaking on release upgrades are not a rarity.07:30
tomreynnot finding /boot/efi would be less common07:31
tomreynoh you're just referring to a kernel patch?07:31
tomreynwhich (previous) kernel version are you comparing to? which ubuntu version is it?07:33
webchat53i just installed rufus and injected ubuntu file in my usb but when i try to boot my pc nothing happens07:50
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dtomatotomreyn: I've actually hand issues on two computers, one was 22.04 and the other recently upgraded to 24.04 .... but for both, previous kernel was 6.8.0-4008:58
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dtomatoseem that the one on 24.04 seems to be an issue due to amdgpu drivers (I did use the one from amd directly with amdgpu-dkms + rocm) etc ... there seems there was an incompatibility from my specific version and kernels 6.8.0-42 and up09:03
dtomatothe other machine still on 22.04, is has un-cooperative usb-controller onboard (I'm waiting for a replacement motherboard) which may be playing a role in making things unstable, but that shouldn't impact mouting filestesm on nvme ... 6.8.0-40 boots fine, but 6.8.0-45 mounts / just fine, but that fails to mount /boot/efi ...09:08
dtomatoI've tried mounting the drive and "countinuing to boot" ... but seems systemd isn't happy about things, and my systemd-fu isn't good enough09:08
hirogenanyone using cyberark epm agent on a linux ubuntu box, there were some issues with stability and sudo -e and sudo -p seems to be partially fix with a new fix due end of this month apparently ? anyone done some testing with the latest version 24.0?09:35
hirogen24.8 anyone using cyberark epm agent on a linux ubuntu box, there were some issues with stability and sudo -e and sudo -p seems to be partially fix with a new fix due end of this month apparently ? anyone done some testing with the latest version 24.10 ?09:39
mjt0kHi! What's the usual URL to d/load an ubuntu package X of version V?  I don't use ubuntu but am trying to debug an issue reported for a piece of software found in ubuntu09:53
mjt0kah. n/m, found it. archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/09:56
mgedminpackages.ubuntu.com/packagename will show the exact versions available for each release, and IIRC it also has direct download links10:03
mjt0kfwiw, I can't find the right package on archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/ :)10:04
mjt0k(the package in question is qemu-user-static version 1:8.2.2+ds-0ubuntu1)10:04
mjt0kmgedmin: that link is very useful, thanks!10:05
nikolamWhat is the faster way to mount NTFS on Linux these days? Still ntfs-3g with speed limitations? I get very low information on faster solutions or kernel side10:13
mgedminI generally click on the thing in nautilus and it mounts10:16
mgedminmount says '/dev/nvme0n1p3 on /media/mg/Windows type ntfs3'10:16
nikolammgedmin, in 22.04 or 24.04?10:18
nikolamBtw i can't stand Gnome3+ so I am on Xfce. Not yet on 24.04 , waiting for some apps to catch up to newer LTS.10:19
nikolammgedmin, thanks10:19
mgedminbut I've been doing the same thing since 19.04, without paying attention which fs type/driver gets used10:19
mjt0kntfs3 sounds like an in-kernel driver, as opposed to fuse10:20
nikolamYeah, I am using iscsi exported drive, and shared via SMB in MS Win VM , I want to avoid MS Win and mount it from iSCSI to either system directly as drive or at leas SMB share from Linux10:22
mgedminmodinfo tells me there are two ntfs drivers -- ntfs (by Anton Altaparmakov) and ntfs3 (by Konstantin Komarov)10:22
nikolamI suppose in-kernel is faster..10:22
mgedminthe first one sounds older (copyright since 2001, mentions ntfs 1.2/3.x)10:23
mjt0khttps://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/s390x/qemu-user-static/download - why it doesn't show any download links?10:58
mjt0k"deb http:// noble main universe" does not look right either10:58
mjt0kbtw, why qemu-user is in universe?10:58
mgedminapt install --print-uris qemu-user-static gives me http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/q/qemu/qemu-user-static_8.2.2%2bds-0ubuntu1.2_amd64.deb11:03
mgedminperhaps that package is not available for s390x?11:04
mgedminno, I see a bunch of s390x debs in http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/universe/q/qemu/11:06
mgedminincluding http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/universe/q/qemu/qemu-user-static_8.2.2+ds-0ubuntu1.2_s390x.deb11:07
mgedminI don't know why packages.ubuntu.com doesn't show it11:07
mgedminthere's a "report a bug on this site" link in the footer, hint, hint11:08
mjt0kI'm not in a position to report ubuntu bugs, - without actually using it.  But this is a bug on the site, so it might be ok. Either way, it's enough yak shaving for today - I found the .deb and am working on it :)11:11
incesguestHello everyone,11:37
incesguestI am trying to boot on usb key containing MemTest86 from a machine with a motherboard mag z790 tomahawk wifi ms-7d9.11:37
incesguestHowever, even after changing the boot order, changing the boot mode UEFI -> CSM, or even disabling to boot on the hard drive I can not boot on the usb key.11:37
incesguestI tried different usb ports on the machine thinking they could have different priorities or not be linked to the motherboard directly. None of this worked.11:37
incesguestAll this even though the usb key is recognised by the system.11:37
incesguestDo you have any advice on things I could try?11:37
tyklingwith srcsets and everything11:39
mjt0kincesguest: that feels like the usb key isn't bootable to begin with, or the motherboard does not recognize it as such11:53
incesguestI tested the usb key on another computer and it works11:54
mjt0kin that case it mighe be a question to your motherboard vendor (or some related forum)11:55
mjt0kbtw, doesn't memtest86 has efi version?11:57
incesguestCan you point me towards it? I did not find it on their website11:57
mgedminI think it was the proprietary memtest86 that had an efi version while the free software memtest86+ didn't; but nowadays both have it11:57
mjt0k"IMPORTANT: MemTest86 V11.0 images support only UEFI boot." :))11:57
incesguestI tried with UEFI boot as well, and it does not work either11:58
BluesKajHi all11:58
mjt0kyou can add it to your regular system, instead of using an usb key, fwiw11:59
mjt0khow one to add additional boot choice to grub?11:59
mjt0k(I haven't used grub for a long time and don't know how it's done these days)12:00
mgedminvia /etc/grub.d/12:00
mgedmine.g. you could edit /etc/grub.d/40_custom12:01
mgedminbut if you want memtest, grub already adds it?  if you've got the memtest86+ package installed12:01
JanCwhen you are on a recent Ubuntu just install the memtest86+ package, if you are on something like 22.04 you have to install the memtest86+ package from the backports repository12:02
mjt0kyeah, memtest86+ adds itself to grub menu12:02
mjt0kthat's not what incesguest asked though ;))12:03
JanCmake sure the version you installed is 6.x or newer, not 5.x12:03
mgedminif we're talking about installing grub on a usb key so you can boot memtest86+x64.efi from it, hmm12:03
mgedminmy generated grub.cfg has a menuentry 'memory test' { linux /boot/memtest86+x64.efi } after the usual insmod part_gpt/ext2 and search --set=root $uuid bits12:05
mgedminand the grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --removable command needs the --removable so you don't overwrite your real EFI boot vars to always boot from the usb drive instead of your current OS12:06
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lotuspsychje!ask | TanQuetzal7614:14
ubottuTanQuetzal76: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:14
TanQuetzal76my wiki bloked14:15
lotuspsychjeTanQuetzal76: whats your ubuntu release and wifi chipset please14:17
TanQuetzal76username Sera Daily News14:19
BardonHello, I noticed in my old laptop (which rab Ubuntu 24.04 LTS), that when I click on the button to unmount an external hard drive, I get a notification that the drive can be unplugged, yet it is still spinning. Is it normal behaviour?14:33
BardonI am running Lubuntu at the moment and when I click the button, the drive stops spinning14:34
x_xunmount does not poweroff the drive14:37
x_xbut in theory it's fine14:38
x_xyou'd need to run some commandline stuff to power it down14:38
mjt0kit is entirely fine for an external drive to be powered off while it is spinning.14:49
mjt0ka button in the gui which tells you it's okay to unplug the drive, does unmount and flush14:50
mjt0kthat's all that's needed14:51
GBGamesI recently upgraded from 20.04 LTS to 24.04 LTS, and I noiticed that my DVD drive seems to like to spin up periodically. I noticed it happened last when there was a notification about snap. Any idea what might be happening?14:59
leftyfbGBGames: do you have a disc in the drive?15:01
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GBGamesI do.15:02
leftyfbtake it out15:02
mjt0kthat's not a good solution I'd say :)15:02
mjt0ksort of like suggesting to remove the whole DVD drive from the PC :)15:03
leftyfbno it's not15:03
leftyfbit's spinning up periodically to read/cache/index the contents15:04
mjt0ksome process asks to renew the cache for whatever reason15:04
GBGamesIs snap doing it, or is there some other system doing it?15:04
leftyfbit's not snapd, no15:04
ELFrederichHi, I have an Ubuntu 24.04 guest VM that I have lost access to.  I can get onto the server and connect to it through VNC.  When I run `ip addr` I see that the state of enp6s0 is DOWN.  How do I bring it up?  I have no ifup or ifdown commands.15:27
leftyfbELFrederich: check /sys/class/net to make sure your interface name with ip a and /etc/netplan/*.yaml matches15:28
ELFrederichleftyfb, hmm... in /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml I see an enp1s015:30
leftyfbthere's your problem15:30
leftyfbmake it match what's in /sys/class/net/15:31
ELFrederichleftyfb, wonder how the heck that happened.  So I edit my 50-cloud-init.yaml and reboot?15:31
leftyfbyou could also run: sudo netplan apply15:31
ELFrederichleftyfb, cool.  That worked.  Any idea what would have messed that up?15:32
leftyfbdid you upgrade from a previous release or kernel?15:32
ELFrederichno, this is pretty fresh.   I was trying to set up mount points from my Unraid host to this Ubuntu guest.  So only thing I did recently was install qemu-guest-agent and spice-vdagent15:35
ELFrederichI have since uninstalled them.  I forgot to actually make my mount points available through the Unraid UI and was wondering why mounts weren't working after simply adding lines to my /etc/fstab15:36
Beta779Hello everyone - [97841.518154] ------------[ cut here ]------------16:11
Beta779[97841.518157] WARNING: CPU: 399 PID: 0 at drivers/iommu/dma-iommu.c:842 __iommu_dma_unmap+0x159/0x17016:11
Beta779[97841.518169] Modules linked in: tls xt_tcpudp ipt_REJECT nf_reject_ipv4 xt_multiport nft_compat nf_tables qrtr irdma i40e ib_uverbs intel_rapl_msr intel_rapl_common amd64_edac edac_mce_amd binfmt_misc kvm_amd ipmi_ssif nls_iso8859_1 kvm irqbypass dax_hmem cxl_acpi ast rapl cxl_core i2c_algo_bit ib_core k10temp ccp i2c_piix4 acpi_ipmi ipmi_si16:11
Beta779ipmi_devintf ipmi_msghandler joydev input_leds mac_hid cfg80211 sch_fq_codel dm_multipath msr efi_pstore nfnetlink dmi_sysfs ip_tables x_tables autofs4 btrfs blake2b_generic raid10 raid456 async_raid6_recov async_memcpy async_pq async_xor async_tx xor raid6_pq libcrc32c raid0 raid1 hid_generic rndis_host usbhid cdc_ether usbnet hid mii16:11
Beta779crct10dif_pclmul crc32_pclmul polyval_clmulni polyval_generic ghash_clmulni_intel sha256_ssse3 nvme sha1_ssse3 ice nvme_core ahci nvme_auth gnss xhci_pci libahci xhci_pci_renesas aesni_intel crypto_simd cryptd16:11
Beta779[97841.518298] CPU: 399 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/399 Not tainted 6.8.0-45-generic #45-Ubuntu16:11
leftyfb!paste | Beta77916:11
ubottuBeta779: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:11
Beta779Hello everyone - https://bpa.st/TQWSI - I've created a paste regarding a warning that's giving me cold feet to move some stuff over to this server for production. Other than this warning - there is no evident performance issues, this is running on a Supermicro Dual AMD EPYC 9754 128-Core Processor server.16:15
JanCBeta779: seems related to NVME disks and/or the (drivers for) hardware that handles memory on PCIE devices, so you could try to see if it has the same issue with other NVMA disks (if you have any laying around), and/or try a newer kernel (to see if it fixes the problem)16:51
JanCand maybe file a bug report16:52
mjt0khow does lptool use python3-tdb, does anyone know?16:59
Beta779Thank you JanC - Ive no disks laying around - I've not seen the error again - and only seen it once; Ive no idea what causes it or how to replicate it, or else it'd be easier. This is Ubuntu 24.04.1 - according to apt update; apt upgrade; no updates are required16:59
mjt0kBeta779: what the actuall warning is?17:01
mjt0kBeta779: what's the kernel version anyway?17:01
mjt0kah, I see17:01
Beta779Kernel is -> 6.8.0-45-generic17:02
mjt0kWARN_ON(unmapped != size);17:02
mjt0k(it should be one line abve this one)17:03
Beta779should I look for that in the logs? Apologies for being dense17:03
mjt0knope, I already found the actual warning17:04
mjt0kthis does smell like a bug but isn't a serious one, just wrong accounding somewhere.  I bet it's fixed in later versions of the kernel17:05
mjt0kit does not look like it is related to nvme17:06
Beta779I didn't think so either, is it ram possibly?17:07
Beta779This gave me cold feet for moving over to production as I've PTSD from kernel panics17:08
Beta779on a friday evening17:08
mjt0kah, I see where nvme comes from17:08
mjt0ksigh. I'm looking at two kernel traces at the same time, and mixed them together17:09
mjt0kI'm sorry for that17:09
Beta779no please do not apologize, thank you for taking the time17:09
mjt0kyes it *is* nvme-related obviously17:09
mjt0kor rather generic iommu subsystem related, while doing nvme operation17:10
mjt0k(iommu stands for input/output memory management unit)17:11
Beta779right after this warning, mdm decided to do a check on the array17:12
JanCBeta779: if it is that rare to see it then debugging is going to be hard indeed17:12
mjt0kmdadm I guess :)17:12
Beta779yes mdadm, sorry17:12
mjt0kit does the checks on schedule17:12
Beta779JanC - i did paste that same line.c and found a link to a bug report from fedora with stack trace but dead end17:13
Beta779mjt0k - so it could have just been coincidence a mdadm check started right after the warning, yeah?17:14
mjt0kmost likely. you can consult journalctl17:14
mjt0kit shows timers firing and units started17:14
Beta779journalctl returned this -> https://bpa.st/BKKR6 <-- not sure if this is helpful17:18
JanCyou can try running a filesystem/IO stress test to see if then it happens more often17:19
Beta779I ran one last evening for 5 minutes, i'm gonna do one now for longer to see if there's anything off, thanks for the suggestion!17:20
JanCbasically to see if it will happen regularly or was just a one-off thing mostly  :)17:21
Beta779I'm running stress-ng just now on this - specifically for I/O17:25
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1966203 in snapd "journal shows 'systemd-udevd[2837]: nvme0n1: Process ... failed with exit code 1.'" [High, Confirmed]17:26
ioriaaccidentally, for a AMD EPYC 7702 64-Core Processor17:28
xKisehi there!17:40
lotuspsychjewelcome xKise17:40
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=== Sidewyz1 is now known as Sidewyz
lotuspsychjewelcome faizul18:21
learner|2guys what's wrong with this regexp? sed -i "s/\$CONF\[\'configured\'\] = false;/\$CONF\[\'configured\'\] = true;/" /var/lib/postfixadmin/config.inc.php18:28
ravageProbably double quote + variable name issue18:30
ravageEscape the variable or use single quotes18:30
learner|2i am escaping, no?18:30
ravageThe almighty AI says:18:30
ravagesed -i "s/\\\$CONF'configured' = false;/\\\$CONF'configured' = true;/" /var/lib/postfixadmin/config.inc.php18:30
ravageWhich looks really funny :D18:31
ravageI usually try it on https://regex101.com/18:31
learner|2this is the thing i'm trying to match $CONF['configured'] = false; and replace with $CONF['configured'] = true;18:33
bpromptlearner|2: but you're not outputting it anywhere, namely, you're not modifying config.inc.php, mind you this question is better suited for #bash18:36
leftyfblearner|2: you don't need to escape the single quotes18:38
bpromptlearner|2: no need to overdo it btw, -> sed -i "s/(\$CONF.+= *)false;/&true;/"   <--- will do the same18:38
leftyfblearner|2: sed -i "s/\$CONF\['configured'\] =.*/\$CONF\['configured'\] = true;/" /var/lib/postfixadmin/config.inc.php18:39
ravageand if you actually need to replace more variables and this looks like PHP code just use PHP for it18:40
learner|2i'm writing a bash script to install apps18:40
learner|2adding php to it would make it harder18:40
bprompthmm is just "sed"18:40
leftyfblearner|2: learn ansible ;)18:40
learner|2haha, that's overkill18:41
bpromptlearner|2: the regex looks fine, mind you we haven't seen config.inc.php contents, but regex wise, looks ok, keep in mind that "sed" does limited regex though, doesn't do PCRE18:41
ravageit does with -E18:42
bpromptwell, even with -E is very limited18:42
leftyfbthe regex I just posted worked fine18:42
learner|2thanks, i'll use it18:42
bpromptlearner|2: maybe it IS working already, but you're never modifiying config.inc.php, so it remains the same18:43
leftyfbbprompt: -i write the changes18:43
* bprompt checks sed docs quick18:43
ravagei = in place18:44
leftyfband without the -i, it will output the result18:44
bprompthmmm roger that18:44
bpromptlearner|2: sed -i "s/(\$CONF.+= *)false;/&true;/"   would do  the same, IMO yours is unnecessarily long18:46
bpromptwell sed -i "s/(\$CONF.+= *)false;/\1true;/"18:46
leftyfbnot if there's multiple $CONF's18:46
learner|2yeah, that won't work for my case, lots of confs to change18:47
Beta779Well, after beating it with this: sudo stress-ng --file-ioctl 8 --fallocate 8 --io 4 --timeout 1800 --metrics-brief --verbose --aggressive - I've not seen any indication of that warning again - It'd be interesting to see what can replicate it to make sure it doesnt go into a panic18:49
leftyfblearner|2: "s/\(\$CONF\['configured'\].*= *\)false;/\1true;/"18:51
learner|2leftyfb: this one doesn't even match in the regex101 site18:58
leftyfblearner|2: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NX5GVMJwzb/18:59
bpromptleftyfb: quick question off the beaten path,  have you seen anything for 24.04 like "kodos" or "kiki"?18:59
leftyfbbprompt: no idea what "kodos" or "kiki" is19:00
leftyfbI'm also not running 24.04 anywhere important as of yet. Soon, just not yet19:00
bpromptleftyfb: https://snipboard.io/2Z97au.jpg   <-- kodos19:03
learner|2nice leftyfb, it works, i'll use this pattern for the rest of the changes too! thanks19:03
Apachezany ideas on how to fix this, others in here who have seen the same in their logs (journalctl -b -f) ?  https://pastebin.com/QykJubEn19:10
bpromptApachez: hmmm what's the issue again?19:15
saint_hi all - anyone would have a trick to find out why Ubuntu desktop 24.04 freezes randomly on a Dell Latitude 5420 Rugged laptop ?20:03
saint_I ran a hardware test, and all came back OK20:03
bpromptsaint_: hard to tell, could be anything running on the background20:07
bpromptsaint_: describe "freezes randomly"20:08
saint_its a fresh install. i bought a new NVE SDD drive because i thought it was it. but not.20:08
saint_saint_ sometimes when it goes in stand by mode, nothing will wake up the laptop. or i m in the terminal typing something, i dont have time to finish, and it all freezes. i cant type. i cant move the mouse. nothing works.20:09
bpromptsaint_: I'd start removing services that are running, that don't need to be running, namely are not in use, such as a webserver like apache220:11
leftyfbsaint_: check video drivers20:12
leftyfbsaint_: another thing you can do is look at the kernel logs on the last boot:   journalctl -k -b-120:12
leftyfbI would definitely start with video drivers though, if you've got nvidia or amd20:13
bpromptsaint_: yeah, you can see for any video driver issues, and maybe change it to a different maybe from OEM20:14
saint_i see a lot of those:20:14
saint_2024-10-07T16:13:47.116599-04:00 ubuntu kernel: nvme 0000:04:00.0:   device [15b7:5041] error status/mask=00000001/0000e00020:14
saint_2024-10-07T16:13:47.116604-04:00 ubuntu kernel: nvme 0000:04:00.0:    [ 0] RxErr                  (First)20:14
saint_2024-10-07T16:13:49.725619-04:00 ubuntu kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1c.4: AER: Correctable error message received from 0000:04:00.020:14
saint_2024-10-07T16:13:49.725654-04:00 ubuntu kernel: nvme 0000:04:00.0: PCIe Bus Error: severity=Correctable, type=Physical Layer, (Receiver ID)20:14
saint_2024-10-07T16:13:49.725660-04:00 ubuntu kernel: nvme 0000:04:00.0:   device [15b7:5041] error status/mask=00000001/0000e00020:14
leftyfb!paste | saint_20:14
ubottusaint_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:14
moldorcoder7hi, i cant install 24.04 in virt-manager , i keep getting a black screen with the mouse cursor, tried all possible gpu options, nomodeset,... but always the same20:18
moldorcoder7is it a well known issue ?20:18
saint_leftyfb  I see a couple of errors. Something about MDS CPu bug preetn and SMT On.. ACPI BIOS Error ... https://pastebin.com/C8xijWPr20:19
leftyfbsaint_: did you check your GPU drivers?20:21
leftyfbsaint_: sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall20:22
saint_leftyfb doing it now20:22
saint_leftyfb all drivers are already installed20:22
leftyfbsaint_: which drivers?20:22
saint_when i run the command ubuntu-drivers auto install. it says all the available drivers are already installed. let me check something about the AMG GPU driver ..20:23
leftyfb!amd | saint_20:24
ubottusaint_: On Ubuntu, AMD's official Linux graphics driver "amdgpu" is automatically loaded for matching hardware. Very old cards use driver "radeon" (r300, r600) instead. See the !man pages for X options, "modinfo -p <graphics-driver>" for kernel parameters. Both drivers are open source and integrate with MESA and !DRI. Drivers "amdgpu-pro", "fglrx" and "ati" are not supported here.20:24
saint_is it possible that this laptop has 2 GPU ..?!20:33
leftyfbsaint_: lscpu20:33
saint_i found a driver on AMD website. going to try that. thanks for the trick leftyfb20:40
enigma9o7some modern laptops do have 2 gpu, one integrated on same chip as cpu and one discrete.20:40
saint_enigma9o7 looks like it's what i have. ...20:42
saint_one from INTEL and one from AMD20:42
enigma9o7If you install inxi, you can run "inxi -G" to see which drivers are loaded for both from command line.  (there are also many other ways to do it, this is an easy way imo)20:43
enigma9o7if either of them them says driver: N/A it may indicate a problem.20:44
d3-2024ravage: watching Big Bang over rdp with sound on that test ubuntu vm I setup on proxmox...framerate isn't perfect, but it's watchable :P20:47
d3-2024gj proxmox :P20:47
saint_proxmox roxks20:48
d3-2024the plex library is going over an smb/cifs share too so that might be the issue since the server is out in my garage over a wireless bridge20:48
d3-2024ya, I haven't used proxmox in like 5-7 years, thought I'd give it a go again since esx is dead :P20:48
=== monkeystu_ is now known as monkeystu
Beta779JanC mjt0k - coming back from results - I've done everything possible I can think of to replicate the warning, even saturating everything with stress-ng - its not been possible to replicate the same warning - or any warning, the server has been able to eat everything I've thrown at it.21:13
mjt0kBeta779: that's quite expected to me, - it looks like a situation which you can't easily hit :)21:26
Beta779Yeah its proven difficult, well, atleast 1: its difficult to reproduce 2: it doesn't cause the kernel to go into panic21:28
Beta779This is using those new bergamo cpu's - I tried to look to see if they're certified by Ubuntu but can only find dell servers + bergamo - this one is a supermicro not sure if the dell + bergamo will cover atleast part of the scope that its not the CPU21:29
Guest4299hello, i am stuck between whether to pick ubuntu or linux mint, can someone provide any insight?21:36
ravageThat is a strange question to ask here21:37
ravageBut ok. Of course you choose Ubuntu as it's the only OS we support here21:37
Beta779You choose Ubuntu... next question :)21:39
feurigTrying to install ubuntu-desktop from a usb disk with only a serial interface (and network of course).21:39
feurigIs there some subiquity/grub majic to getting the installer to work over the network or better yet let me install from a terminal?21:40
feurigBeta779: like that?21:40
feurigDont make me install it on the system in person. That would be very un debian afik.21:41
feurigThe "server" will install with console=ttyS1,115200n8 on the grub line but for some fucking reason only the desktop allows root on zfs.21:44
feurigoops. Meant to edit out the german before that went public. Sorry21:45
enigma9o7Well debian offers a text based installer....21:45
feurigAnd zfs on root?21:45
enigma9o7But you're in the Ubuntu support channel.  So dunno.21:45
feurigand lxd 5x21:45
feurigand lxd better than 5x this thing actually has a job21:46
enigma9o7Dunno about that stuff. You just said it was un debian to have to install in person.  But debian doesn't require that.21:46
feurigAs should any respectable os.21:47
feurigI guess my big bitch is when will the server install allow zfs mirroring on the root disk. Hell even Freebsd does that. (Although their channel makes y'all look kind and likeable)21:48
mrecwgrant: hi, are you around?22:06
=== Awefulsir is now known as Buckey
feurigerror: race[  OK  ] Started serial-getty@ttyS1.service… installer for Ubuntu Server ttyS1.22:29
feurig[  143.767691] SQUASHFS error: Unable to read fragment cache entry [603d250]22:32
feurigstrap_external>"[  143.774477] SQUASHFS error: Unable to read page, block 603d250, size 5e4c22:32
feurig, line 1187, in get_data22:32
feurig[  142.330668] cloud-init[2950]: OSError: [Errno 5] Input/output error22:33
feurig[  142.378731] cloud-init[2972]: Traceback (most recent call last):22:33
tomreyn!paste | feurig22:33
ubottufeurig: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:33
tomreynand please ask a support question if you have one (otherwise please post to a more suitable channel)22:34
feurigHow do I install ubuntu (2404) without a graphical console?22:35
feurigis that question enough?22:35
feurigHow do I install ubuntu (2404) with zfs root and without a graphical console?22:36
tomreynautoinstall seems to work for this, or zfsbootmenu (which is not supported here)22:37
feurigThank you.22:38
feurigI wouldnt bee here if rocky9 could see the disks attached to the perc on this old dell22:51

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