
saint_leftyfb it s been 4hrs, and with the adm video driver, it's still up and running. that s a first. thx00:25
boredboy1is there a way to make connections from android to xrdp (on ubuntu) less laggy?00:49
boredboy1somehow, connections to windows rdp sessions are smooth and less laggy00:49
enigma9o7if not already, used wired connection directly between android device and pc.00:49
boredboy1enigma9o7: it is rdp to a remote machine00:50
boredboy1but even on wifi LAN, xrdp appears slow00:50
enigma9o7So direct connection would likely help make it less laggy.00:51
boredboy1but connections to windows rdp servers are always smooth00:51
enigma9o7Hmmm, well if you want to make those more laggy, perhaps try using a satellite connection?00:52
boredboy1it is as-if a picture on the screen doesnt appear instantly but updates line by line00:52
boredboy1enigma9o7: the screen updates asif going line by line instead of coming instantly00:52
boredboy1i am using a high speed internet @300-500Mbps with 40-50ms latency00:53
boredboy1enigma9o7: the server/ubuntu LTS version displays this result in an internet speed test: Download   260Mbps   Upload70.3Mbps     Latency5.00ms00:58
boredboy1in speed.cloudflare.com speedtest00:58
Guest7Hello how are you  ?01:57
=== carlo_ is now known as Guest8595
josh_Good evening folks! Hope you are all doing well!Can anyone tell me how long is the support for Ubuntu 24.0.4 till the next release?03:11
Bashing-omjosh_: release cycle is 6 months.03:15
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases03:16
xxyi hope add wireless to bridge ,  that wireless as client receive upstream internet traffic , executing command "sudo brctl addif br0 wlp3s003:34
xxy" , error prompt "can't add wlp3s0 to bridge br0: Operation not supported", how to fix it03:34
rboxyou generally can't bridge most wireless devices03:38
josh_Ok thanks for information. I must say that I am pretty impressed with the 24.04 version so far, nothing to complain about and bugs free. I don't know if anyone feels the same way03:55
mrecwgrant: hi, are you there?05:13
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azidhakaHi everyone! Having a problem with apparmor in complain (learning) mode. It acts like enforce mode - in the logs: apparmor="ALLOWED" requested_mask="wr" denied_mask="wr". I can't create the profiles with aa-logprof, because everything is denied06:52
azidhakaHere is the apparmor config for apache2 for example: /usr/sbin/apache2 flags=(complain) { ... } Still, every action of the binary is denied06:53
Apachezbprompt: freezes about every 10 seconds and if writing at the same time the same keystroke gets repeated07:43
tomreynazidhaka: while this would also affect desktops, and #ubuntu (primarily volunteer) supports both Server and Desktop, you might get more attention of someone able to provide a good answer to your question in #ubuntu-server07:43
Apachezusing ubuntu 24.1007:43
tomreyn!next | Apachez07:43
ubottuApachez: Oracular Oriole is the codename for Ubuntu 24.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.07:43
Apachez24.04 :)07:43
tomreynso the LTS version, not the unreleased 24.10?07:44
tomreynApachez: also, which kernel version is this?   cat /proc/version07:46
mgedminApachez: I've seen behavior like this once on my thinkpad, and it turned out to be a hardware/firmware problem -- resetting the embedded controller (power off, pull battery, count to five, put it back in, power on) fixed the issue for me back then07:55
mgedminI'm not saying your problem is 100% the same07:55
mgedminalso I wonder how one resets the EC when modern batteries are non-removable07:55
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1975935 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Key repeat discarded, Wayland compositor doesn't seem to be processing events fast enough!" [Undecided, Confirmed]07:58
Apacheztomreyn: 24.04, currentlyyyyyyy using Linux nuc 6.8.0-45-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Aug 30 12:02:04 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:58
Apachezbut this have been going on for some months but getting worser lately07:58
Apachezwill try a dist-upgrade later today07:58
Apachezseems (just a gut feeling) that this increases with uptime07:59
Apachezlike a fresh restart dont give you tttthese repeated keystrokes07:59
Apachezabove I typed "these"07:59
Apachezcurrent uptime 9 days08:00
tomreynApachez: run a memtest86(+) overnight (if that's an option in terms of downtime)08:01
ApachezI havent seen any ram related issues08:02
Apachezhints regarding others with similar      issues is some malfunction in later versions of gnome and extensions08:03
tomreynwe should probably see a lot more reports then08:04
tomreynif it affected all 24.04 desktops08:04
raph_aelHi, i'm trying to do an autoinstall by providing a user-data to the iso, i installed a vm and got the user-data provided, but can't get it to work on new install, i tried a lot of user-data on the net, none work, if anyone can help, thanks08:05
Apachezat first I suspected a new usb hub but these issues remains even with that being detached08:05
Apacheztemps are alright aswell abbbbbbbbbbout +42C (passively cooled device)08:05
Apachezand nothing that sticks out when looking at htop08:06
Apachezill try a distupgrade now and reboot and see how things evolves08:07
Apachezbut as the link stated, seems to increase with uptime so not many reports could be because many clients perhaps doesnt have a 2 week of uptime of their clients so they rarely runs into this?08:07
ApachezI was also thinking about governor but thats set to ondemand as it alwaaaaaays have been for the past decadeeeeee or two08:08
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antonispgswill the 24.10 beta become release automatically?08:12
Apachezstill the same kernel08:13
Apachezuptime 1 min08:13
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Apachezso no issues after reboot08:20
Apachezlets see if they return after a few days of uptime08:21
tomreynraph_ael: try #ubuntu-server08:35
raph_aeltomreyn: thanks08:38
MohaWhich one is better for many small files:09:09
Moha1. btrfs09:09
Moha2. `mkfs.ext4 -b 1024 -i 1024 -m 0 -I 128 -L data /dev/sdb1`09:09
tomreynhow small?09:14
tomreynand will this file system just be used for those files, or others, too?09:14
tomreynand please don't cross-post09:15
=== nethunter is now known as Filohuhum
Guest24Hello. I'm having an issue with graphics (lshw shows UNCLAIMED for the display). I had an old x230 Tablet thinkpad with ubuntu 18 LTS working just fine. As I was working my way up to 22.0, I must have screwed up and failed to setup luks and so the install failed. I managed to fix the luks issue, complete the upgrade, but now graphics messed up. I'm11:19
Guest24at 24.0 LTS rn with a barely working 640x480 (4:3) display.  can someone please help me fix the display issue?11:19
geirhaGuest24: Hm. Which kernel are you currently running? that is, what does   uname -r   output?11:27
Guest24rn I'm on 6.8.0-48-generic (upgraded to it to see if it could help)11:29
mgedminwhat sort of graphics does this x230 have?11:30
geirhaand   dpkg -l '*6.8.0-48-generic'   shows that linux-image, linux-modules and linux-modules-extras are all installed for that version?11:30
mrecwgrant: ping11:34
Guest24mgedmin geirha part1: https://dpaste.com/5V8BV2LVV part2: https://dpaste.com/5X42T7QEW11:38
Guest24geirha let me give that a try11:38
Guest24geirha https://dpaste.com/CRL6EVS7V11:40
Guest24let me install it11:40
Guest24installed linux-modules-extra  and rebooted. The display is now claimed and things are working well!! Thank you. The boot splah screen still shows a 640x480 graphics. should I rebuild initramfs to fix this?11:47
Guest24geirha graphics are a little flaky. since this is an older laptop model. do you think I'm better off downgrading to 5.19.x?11:52
mgedminweird, my x220 never had any issues with graphics (Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09))12:01
mgedminalthough I haven't upgraded it to 24.04 lts yet (it's still on 22.04 lts)12:01
mgedminlinux-modules-extra-5.15.0-122-generic is installed, I see12:01
BluesKajHi all12:12
Guest24mgedmin: I think I was missing linux-modules-extra. That did the trick for me. Perhaps older gen graphics drivers were moved there in 6.8.0. don't know for sure12:42
mgedminI don't quite understand the purpose of the linux-modules-extra package (why it is split from linux-modules)12:44
mgedminbut I see if you have the linux-generic metapackage installed, it does depend on linux-module-extra-$kernelver12:45
mgedminyou should install linux-image-generic12:45
mgedmin(or linux-generic, which depends on that and on linux-headers-generic)12:45
mgedminwow all those metapackages, how did this one get uninstalled on your laptop?12:46
Guest24mgedmin: iirc either 20.0 or 22.0 dist upgrade froze (no ctrl-at f2 terminal etc) so I had to force power off/on. So maybe that's what broke the upgrade12:51
mgedminmaybe also apt install ubuntu-desktop^ just in case something else important got removed12:52
Guest24rn I'm on xfce and for this older laptop it's a lot more stable12:52
Guest24hmmm let me see12:52
mgedminyou may not want to do that if you use xfce instead of the default gnome desktop12:53
mgedminbut the linux-generic metapackage is important for getting kernel security updates12:53
Guest24mgedmin I was on gnome-desktop on this laptop. switched to xfce earlier today to see if it's any better12:56
Guest24so if I install ubuntu-desktop* will it break xfce?12:56
lotuspsychjeyou can easy install other desktops on your ubuntu flavour12:56
lotuspsychjebut purge could be another story, might result in a frankenubuntu mix12:57
mgedminno, desktops should coexist12:57
mgedminit will just take a bunch of disk space and time that you might grudge?  idk12:57
Guest24wth I've been through some tough stuff the last couple days. might as well go down the frankenbuntu rabbit hole13:00
Guest24after the ubuntu-desktop* install the good news is all desktops work good. occasional crash reports but not as bad as it used to13:08
lotuspsychjeGuest24: you can checkout /var/crash dir to see whats going on exactly13:09
Guest24the only quirk is the boot splash screen it's still stuck in 640x480 res. it's until lightdm starts that res is proper13:10
Guest24lotuspsychje ah thanks https://dpaste.com/CRNY9GF6213:11
lotuspsychjethink the xfce panel crash bug is a known one already for some time, crashes but continues to run13:13
Guest24yeah gstreamer is the thing I need to fix it seems13:13
Guest24apt-get install gir1.2-gst* and I'm not seeing any crashes now13:18
Guest24I think I'm good now! Thanks so much for your help!13:20
nteodosioSeeking a volunteer in Noble with a printer to confirm gnome-control-center/noble-proposed printer panel for the SRU in bug 2080611.13:23
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2080611 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Noble) "[SRU] Backport gnome-control-center 46.4 to Noble" [High, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/208061113:23
Natt0Is it possible to pin a kernel so it doesn't get removed from the boot menu? I currenly have to select the 6.8.0-44 kernel as the 6.8.0-45 one gives me a black screen13:59
mgedminNatt0: all the installed kernels should be listed in the boot menu (under the advanced options submenu), and you should be able to prevent a kernel from being uninstalled if you mark it as manually installed14:06
mgedminyou can do that with `apt install linux-image-6.8.0-44`14:06
mgedmin(or with apt-mark manual ...)14:06
mgedmindo report a bug about the black screen please14:07
learner|2hey guys, can you help me figure out why this is not working? https://pastebin.com/raw/FNvXbefT14:23
leftyfblearner|2: you REALLY should look into ansible14:25
learner|2i will later14:25
learner|2let me get this project done, and i promise i will learn ansible14:25
leftyfblearner|2: you already asked in #bash. That's the appropriate place for help with your bash script. No need to cross-post here since it's not ubuntu-specific14:26
learner|2i pasted here, cause i got a pasteban response in bash14:27
mgedminsuggest using read -p "Please provide password: " -s email_password214:27
Natt0Thanks the apt-mark manual worked, and I also solved the black screen on that kernel by removing all nvidia packages (it's a laptop with both intel and nvidia), somehow it's tied in on the kernel version14:28
learner|2mgedmin: thanks14:28
mgedminbut also doveadm pw will ask for the password itself if you don't provide one, so why this dance?14:28
learner|2it's because i'm writing an automated script, eventually all these will be provided via a config file14:29
mgedminas for the rest, I don't know any context -- are the first three lines part of a script?  is the last command not part of the same script?  are you setting a variable in a script and expecting to use the value after the script exits?14:29
learner|2it's going to be an upstart server script14:29
leftyfblearner|2: why not systemd?14:29
learner|2yes, i'm using linode vps bashscript pattern14:30
learner|2you can deploy an ubuntu server, and then get all the things installed there and have a running server14:30
* mgedmin thinks they meant startup14:30
leftyfbno idea what that is14:30
learner|2kind of a precursor to creating docker images14:30
NoImNotNineVoltpeople still use upstart?14:30
NoImNotNineVoltFinal release: 1.13.2 / September 4, 2014; 10 years ago14:31
NoImNotNineVoltlearning upstart in 2024 may not be practical.14:32
learner|2i still need help with why the password doesn't seem to be passed / stored with the $ directive14:32
NoImNotNineVoltpasswords passed on the command line end up in your bash history, don't they?14:33
Apachezyeah thats why you should change password interactively14:34
learner|2it might, but i can clear the bash history at the end of the installation14:34
Apachezbut I think there is a cleanup for bash, Mikrotik uses that for example (but could be custom in their case)14:35
Apachezthat is the binary can like "delete last history line"14:35
leftyfblearner|2 is getting help in #bash14:36
leftyfblearner|2: please stop crossposting14:36
NoImNotNineVoltbetter hope nobody's tailing history i guess14:36
learner|2the problem here is that i know doveadm gets the password, cause in this example it works: TMP1="hi" && TMP2=$(echo "$TMP1") && echo "$TMP2" this returns hi14:38
leftyfbJonathanD: woah, long time lurker :)14:43
leftyfbit's been 2 years since you accidentally posted in here last :)14:43
JonathanDHah :)14:43
JonathanDHow's it going?14:43
learner|2btw, to clear bash history, you can use "history -c && history -w"14:46
ashafqApachez: Test failed. Initiating segfault.16:02
Apachezinitiate karma16:03
=== wodencafe is now known as wodiouscafe
Guest58hi, does anyone know if ubuntu runs on Microsoft Surface ARM as a VM?16:35
NoImNotNineVoltdoes microsoft surface arm support virtualization?16:36
lotuspsychjeNoImNotNineVolt: once ubuntu installed on a device, you can run a VM on it16:52
NoImNotNineVoltlotuspsychje: my question was in response to Guest58's question; i didn't see he had left.16:56
krzystofhi friends17:03
xKisehi there!17:57
lotuspsychjewelcome xKise17:59
xKiseim starting to mess with my mac m2! I am able via u-boot to start grub efi and launch the kernel and ..... nothing :(18:00
lotuspsychjexKise: wich ubuntu release are you trying?18:02
xKiseis there a way to use gdb to connect to u-boot or grub to see what happened?18:02
xKiseubuntu 24.04 asahi18:03
xKiselotuspsychje: https://ubuntuasahi.org/18:03
lotuspsychjexKise: the volunteers can only support ubuntu and its !flavours here18:04
xKiselotuspsychje: yeah! i know ! np18:05
xKisebye have nice night!18:13
=== neocharlesalt is now known as neocharles
josh_Good afternoon! Has anyone found issues yet with the new version of Ubuntu: 24.04?19:18
ramblebamblejosh_ the testing of issues/bugs does not show their absence. I am sure there are issues. Every software has them, but that does not mean that they are discovered. What is the actual use-case/situation for your question?19:22
bpromptjosh_: everything works here, peachy19:24
josh_Mine works perfectly fine and I am amazed by its overall elegance and neatness... I was just curious whether or not someone may have experienced something different19:26
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vvnhi there -- I use the middle click (hold) plus trackpad to scroll on ubuntu 24.04, which is very convenient. Unfortunately there's a bug where it seems like the middle click button is still pressed something when I release it. I have to wait a moment for the trackpad to stop scrolling. Anyone else experiencing that?21:05
zorin3Hi, there23:26
zorin3Hi. How can I update my system?23:42
leftyfbzorin3: sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade23:43
leftyfbzorin3: you'll need to be more specific than that23:43
zorin3leftyfb, what do you mean "to be more specific than that"?23:45
leftyfbzorin3: what OS are you running? Update in what way exactly?23:45
zorin3I have zorinos 16.3 core. I want to upgrade to 17.2 core but this app in my system for it don't work23:48
leftyfbzorin3: sorry, but we can only support official Ubuntu flavors here. Please seek support with ZorinOS from ZorinOS forums23:50

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