
=== mpark-oof is now known as mpark
lotuspsychjegood morning02:53
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
Eickmeyerlotuspsychje: https://ubuntustudio.org/switching-audio-setup/ "NOTE: As of Ubuntu Studio 24.04, this page no longer applies as PipeWire has become much more robust. However, this page does exist for historical and contextual purposes."15:19
EickmeyerIn other words, don't refer people to that page. Ever.15:19
lotuspsychjeEickmeyer: is JACK not by default anymore on studio currently?15:48
Eickmeyerlotuspsychje: Never has been. Pulse was default, JACK always had to be started separately. Now it's PipeWire. 15:49
lotuspsychjei see15:50
Eickmeyerlotuspsychje: You seem to have a lot of assumptions. I suggest reading release notes and announcements.15:50
lotuspsychjeUbuntu Studio comes with PipeWire and JACK integration setup by default, from the link15:51
EickmeyerThat's correct, but switching audio setup is not done that way anymore, nor is it supported as Studio Controls, in its current form, is not guaranteed to actually work.15:52
EickmeyerAnd as of 24.10, it's deprecated completely. https://ubuntustudio.org/audio-configuration/ is the correct page.15:53
Eickmeyerlotuspsychje: The Pipewire-JACK integration isn't JACK, but PipeWire being JACK. It's a JACK implementation. JACK 3 if you will.15:54
EickmeyerIt doesn't actually start the JACK daemon.15:55
lotuspsychjethe user in question was interested in; <gordonjcp> I *only* want audio to go through Jack15:55
Eickmeyerlotuspsychje: Yeah, and the correct tool is linked on the front page of ubuntustudio.org. https://ubuntustudio.org/audio-configuration/ is the correct link.15:56
lotuspsychjeso i reccomended to experiment with studio15:56
Eickmeyerlotuspsychje: No. Ubuntu Studio is not something that needs experimentation as everything is already set up out of the box to work with what they need.15:56
EickmeyerFrom that page: "“DISABLE|ENABLE PipeWire-JACK” allows advanced users to use native JACKd2 via QJackControl."15:57
EickmeyerThat's what he may have been looking for, but in #ardour even the creator of Ardour is using PipeWire now.15:57
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn

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