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LuckyMantwoo days for the next ubuntu ;-)01:41
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aienaI am on ubuntu 22.04 but I am getting some strange problems where when i connect to the wifi or the wire network the connection gets establishd but the route does not get added to the routing table. I need to run dhclient once after killing it and the ip route shows the route02:29
aienahow to fix this02:30
aienai usually do dhclient -x and the dhclient I see dhclient soon crashes with some avx2 error but the route is added and verything works ok after that02:30
uf8so a do-release-upgrade or whatever it's called went wrong and now a bunch of packages are missing dependencies, gui is not working etc. dpkg --configure -a doesn't work. re-running the do-release-upgrade thing doesn't work. apt(-get) --fix-broken doesn't work. any ideas>?02:39
Bashing-omuf8: What release does the kernel report that is: ' lsb_release -a ' ?02:46
learner|2guys why is there no spamassassin service? Failed to start spamassassin.service: Unit spamassassin.service not found. I have installed it already?02:53
uf8Bashing-om not sure because i'm not in front of it, but any ideas would be appreciated so i can try first thing in the morning02:57
Bashing-omuf8: sudo dpkg -l | grep ^..r <-  lists any packages that dpkg marked as requiring a reinstall - provides a strong hint :P03:02
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uf8i mean, and what do i do with those? apt install --reinstall <packages>?03:07
Bashing-omuf8: Possible - but I would not be too hasty.03:09
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uf8what else then? :/04:20
Bashing-omuf8: Until we see more of what the situation might be - there is little point in speculating.04:25
pycurioushow do i find out if this MB will run ubuntu fine or not - https://www.amazon.com/ASRock-X870E-Taichi-Socket-Motherboard/dp/B0DFNPK2MX/ ?04:27
Bashing-om!catalog | pycurious04:31
Bashing-ompycurious: Maybe https://ubuntu.com/certified ?04:34
tomreynlearner|2: the only service the spamassassin service provides is spamassassin-maintenance.service (and a timer, too): https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/all/spamassassin/filelist - you probably want https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/spamd04:36
pycurious@Bashing-om thanks04:40
Bashing-ompycurious: :D04:41
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gordonjcphow do I completely get rid of pipewire on 24.04 so I can use jack instead?09:28
mjt0kjack isn't a replacement of pipewire really, and many audio services expect pulseaudio (or compatible) enjine. the "Volume Control" in the gui most likely works with pulseaudio-compatible thing too, which jack isn't09:29
gordonjcpI don't care about pulseaudio09:29
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mjt0kyour system does09:29
gordonjcpI *only* want audio to go through Jack09:29
gordonjcpmjt0k: okay, but I don't care about the system's opintion09:30
gordonjcpI don't want pulseaudio or pipewire, I specifically want only jack09:30
mjt0kwell, in that case you'll have to rebuild auite a big portion of the system to omit pulseaudio support09:30
gordonjcpI get that pipewire is supposed to support jack clients natively but it just plain doesn't work09:30
gordonjcpmjt0k: why?09:30
gordonjcpmjt0k: what does the rest of the system need pulseaudio for?09:31
mjt0kI guess your best bet is to switch to gentoo or something like that which lets to rebuild stuff easily with different options09:31
gordonjcpyeah, no09:31
gordonjcpgentoo is a waste of time with a horrible community09:31
mjt0kif you're here to grumble about linus distributions or os opinions, I guess it's not the right place09:32
gordonjcpmjt0k: I asked a specific question09:32
gordonjcpI don't want to switch distros09:32
gordonjcpI don't see why "the system" needs pulseaudio09:32
gordonjcpnothing except applications I start specifically for the purpose of emitting sound should ever even attempt to emit sound09:33
mjt0kI gave you one particular example09:33
mjt0kbut this seems to be a waste of time09:33
gordonjcpmjt0k: what example?09:33
gordonjcpmjt0k: if you don't know how to answer the question that's fine, but an answer along the lines of "but you need pulseaudio" isn't really helpful09:35
lotuspsychjeyou could keep using a supported LTS that still uses pulseaudio09:37
gordonjcplotuspsychje: yes, but eventually that will go out of support09:37
gordonjcplotuspsychje: also09:37
gordonjcplotuspsychje: I don't want to use pulseaudio09:37
gordonjcplotuspsychje: pulseaudio is not good because it allows random applications to just make silly noises through the speakers any time they feel like it09:38
lotuspsychjemaybe experiment with ubuntu studio, they are expert in audio09:38
gordonjcplotuspsychje: possibly09:39
gordonjcpI'm pretty close to ditching Linux altogether after 30-odd years because it's becoming such a mess for things like this09:39
gordonjcpabout the only reason I still run it is because I need to edit video09:39
lotuspsychjegordonjcp: https://ubuntustudio.org/switching-audio-setup/09:39
gordonjcpit should not be this hard to just get an app to have exclusive access to ALSA09:42
lotuspsychjefile a wishlist bug gordonjcp you are part of the ubuntu community09:43
gordonjcplotuspsychje: I did when all the pulseaudio nonsense started but it got rejected09:47
lotuspsychjethats a long time ago09:47
gordonjcplotuspsychje: the general feeling was "but everyone wants pulseaudio because every app should be able to make noises through your speakers, why don't you want your web browser to make noises at you?"09:47
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BluesKajHi all12:22
saint_Anyone in SRQ / FL Area?12:38
lotuspsychje!chat | saint_12:39
ubottusaint_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:39
saint_yeah  . sorry . wrong chan .12:39
josh_good morning folks..I am currently using Ubuntu 24.04 and I must say that I am quite happy with it. The only issue is with typing sometimes. I have tried disabling " touchpad while typing " with no success. It doesn't happen quite often but I would very much like to take care of the issue. .. Any thoughts?13:38
lotuspsychjejosh_: whats the actual issue you encounter with typing13:40
CoOlGhOsTHey. I have setup a server for webpage serving purposes and I have various cron jobs which I need to mail me output from. This is not working as expected. I am using sendmail and I think the queue gets clogged up for some reason. Debugging that I found loads of these in /var/log/mail.log: "mkdir: cannot create directory '/var/run/sendmail': Permission denied". I haven't done anything other than just install sendmail. Please advise...14:50
tomreynCoOlGhOsT: I haven't used sendmail in ages and do not really know much about it anyways, so I won't be able to tell why this directory was not created when you installed the sendmail package. What I can tell is that no sane person would choose sendmail as a MTA on a fresh install nowadays. You probably want postfix or exim or just a small "nullmailer"14:58
tomreyn(that'd be similar to postfix's "smart host" setup)14:59
CoOlGhOsThehe no sane person :-)15:00
CoOlGhOsTjust thought it to be lighter than postfix15:00
srgWhat's the best way to get Firefox running on bare metal - not via snap?15:00
CoOlGhOsTbut I hear ya15:00
srgIt's my understanding that snap does not allow firefox to use VA-API with NVDEC since it's sandboxed15:02
srgUnless there's another solution to web browser video hardware acceleration...?15:24
srgIt seems like quite a number of hoops to jump through.15:24
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tomreynsrg: i do not know whether the firefox snap does (not) have access to use VA-API with NVDEC, do you suspect or know this? In addition to the Snap, you can install firefox from a PPA (apt), as a Flatpak (may have Isolation as well), as a standalone pre-built download from firefox.com, and as an AppImage (I think, not sure there).16:28
srgtomreyn: The documentation in the nvidia-vaapi-driver package says: "If you're using the Snap version of Firefox, it will be unable to access the host version of the driver that is installed."16:30
ravagemy firefox snap registers in nvidis-smi16:30
srgravage: Hmm so you're saying the snap should be using nvidia hardware accel? I don't know much about snaps tbh16:34
ravagehttps://p.haxxors.com/h25nin36.txt  <-- output from about:support16:39
uf8so continuing the question from yesterday, i ran do-release-upgrade and it broke down everything pretty much17:04
uf8im in front of it now though17:05
uf8a bunch of packages and their dependencies are broken17:05
uf8dkg --configure -a didnt help. rerunning do-release-upgrade didn't help. apt --fix-broken didn't help17:06
lotuspsychjeuf8: share a paste of your apt errors with the volunteers to take a look for you17:06
lotuspsychjealso mention your ubuntu release please uf817:06
uf8it's all cli and no internet im not sure how to possible paste it17:06
uf8lsb_release -a says 22.04.517:06
uf8(it was upgrading to noble)17:07
sixwheeledbeasthow are you upgrading with no inet?17:20
uf8there was internet :/17:21
sixwheeledbeastoic, well that would be the first thing to tackle17:27
joestradprivmsg Drone17:39
uf8imma reinstall the damn thing.17:50
learner2leftyfb: are you familiar with opendmarc? is there a way to make it work with postgres, or do i have to install mysql in order to use it?18:04
leftyfblearner2: sorry, not familiar.18:05
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yannthere a solution for /var/apt/archives19:27
leftyfbyann: care to elaborate?19:29
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uf8alright im getting tired of this. i reinstalled 24.04.1 lts completely. there's no network. the interface shows up in ip addr show, but it's down. the cable is fine (works with a laptop)20:55
uf8please, save me20:55
leftyfbuf8: can you take a picture of this output?   cat /etc/netplan/*.yaml ; ls /sys/class/net ; ip -c a20:55
uf8first command has 2 files, first has network version 2 and NetworkManager renderer and the second file has network ethernets {}. wifis {} and version 2.20:57
uf8second has eno1, wlp2s0 and lo. eno1 is the ethernet obviously20:57
uf8and third shows all these 3 interfaces. eno1 is down with no carrier20:58
leftyfbuf8: let me know when you can provide the information requested20:59
leftyfbalso, why do you have 2 files in /etc/netplan/ ?20:59
leftyfbis this server or desktop?20:59
uf8desktop. it came this way. i didn't touch anything.21:00
leftyfbuf8: can you take a picture and post it to imgur.com?21:00
uf8it'll take me forever, is this really necessary?21:00
uf8i mean there's barely any information there... if there's something you're actually looking for it'll be faster for me to manually type it in21:01
leftyfbuf8: what does network manager tell you about the interface?21:05
uf8im not sure how to check that.21:06
leftyfbopen network manager21:07
uf8eno1: unavailable but it detects the chipset, mac, etc.21:08
leftyfbuf8: ok, so you went to settings -> network and you got a window that poped up that said nothing but "eno1: unavailable" ?21:08
uf8that windows doesn't really say anything. it just lists Wired connection 1 and Profile 1 under Wired. I ran `nmcli` and got what i told you.21:10
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d3-2024hey all, hope everyone is well tonight22:22
d3-2024Just wondering if it's possible to upgrade from and LTS to a Beta? I'm trying to upgrade a VM from 24.04LTS to 24.10 Beta, but the instructions don't let me do it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OracularUpgrades  I don't get "A new version is available" either through the updater gui, or the do-release-upgrade22:24
leftyfb!next | d3-202422:28
ubottud3-2024: Oracular Oriole is the codename for Ubuntu 24.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.22:28
d3-2024thanks leftyfb22:29

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