
mainek00nI'm reading OVAL and have a question.01:31
mainek00nWhen I look at the Ubuntu Security Notice web page, the Source Package is listed in the Update instructions.01:31
mainek00nHowever, when I read the USN OVAL, there is no information about the Source Package Name, and the usns in the PKG OVAL lists packages that are not related to that package.01:31
mainek00nHow can I combine OVALs to reproduce the information on the Ubuntu Security Notice web page?01:31
ebarrettomainek00n: do you have an example ? 07:33
Luna_UKHey, any new podcast today and Security updates? or taking a rest after the 24.10 release?08:03
ebarrettoLuna_UK: AlexM is on vacation this week and indeed we are all trying to slow down a bit after 24.10, but we will be back next week as usual 08:25
Luna_UKebarretto: alright, then i know amurray enjoy vacation and cya for next week then08:30
Luna_UKfighting with a 24.04.1 desktop install that crashes in gnome-boxes and cockpit atm08:31
=== mdeslaur_ is now known as mdeslaur
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
davis135any idea when Firefox 131.0.2 (fixing the CVE-2024-9680 remote code execution 0-day) is coming to 20.04 focal? it's been like 3 days and every other distro is already patched22:01
-ubottu:#ubuntu-security- An attacker was able to achieve code execution in the content process by exploiting a use-after-free in Animation timelines. We have had reports of this vulnerability being exploited in the wild. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 131.0.2, Firefox ESR < 128.3.1, Firefox ESR < 115.16.1, Thunderbird < 131.0.1, Thunderbird < 128.3.1, and Thunderbird < 115.16.0. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-9680>22:01
mdeslaur_I've asked for an eta from the desktop team22:26
=== pcthimjksotmytye is now known as jhbdevbmhkbrkwul
=== jhbdevbmhkbrkwul is now known as georgiag

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