=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [00:53] UWN: Opening 861 to add one. [00:56] Saved and out. [03:07] * guiverc pasting [03:10] * guiverc out [03:21] * guiverc reminds self to add space between @ & Busan (maybe awhile before I next edit) [03:24] guiverc: No space on the author's title though :( [03:31] i still say we use editors [privilege?] to make issue more consistent [03:32] i've not looked at that article yet (for summary), so will re-think when its opened [03:33] we do editor's priviledge :D [04:10] ISP swapping servers I guess :( [06:50] * guiverc pasting (didn't summarize non-english one) [07:10] * guiverc pasting again (forgot to report i was out..) [07:12] * guiverc out [23:19] UWN: Opening 861 shortly for Saturday's ops. - will then be a spell at it.