
Bashing-om!info freerdp2-shadow-x1100:02
ubottufreerdp2-shadow-x11 (2.11.5+dfsg1-1build2, noble): FreeRDP x11 shadowing server. In component universe, is optional. Built by freerdp2. Size 22 kB / 146 kB00:02
mmx_in_spaceBashing-om: Hi, would you happen to know if that supports sound?00:06
JanCjust looking at its dependencies I'm fairly sure it doesn't00:08
Bashing-ommmx_in_space: No idea --- you can search the repo ,, lots of libs for freerdp - ' apt search freerdp ' .00:08
mmx_in_spaceIs there any well known RDP/VNC type of server software for ubuntu that supports sound built-in?00:10
mmx_in_spacedoesn't have to be RDP or VNC00:10
mmx_in_spacehopefully fastest performing too00:12
JanCmaybe gnome-remote-desktop00:12
JanC(I didn't test for audio support, but it has a dependency on pipewire, so maybe...)00:13
causativeon upgrading from 22.04 to 24.04 the file manager can no longer access my external ssd. It says "Can't access location / Error mounting /dev/sda2 at /media/me/2Cblahblah: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2, missing codepage or helper program, or other error"00:21
causativethe drive itself is fine and I can mount it from a terminal00:21
causativethe file manager in question is GNOME Files00:22
causativefilesystem is ntfs00:24
causativenautilus doesn't have a problem mounting a different drive with ntfs3 filesystem00:24
leftyfbcausative: mount the ntfs drive in Windows, run chkdsk on it, unmount it, mount it and run chkdsk on it again00:25
causativeisn't it more likely there's some nautilus or fstab configuration thing that changed during the upgrade?00:27
leftyfbno, it's more likely the filesystem is unclean. Especially since you said yourself you are able to mount other drives with the same filesystem00:27
causativebut I was able to mount this drive before the upgrade just fine00:28
causativeit's not quite the same filesystem, one is listed as "ntfs3" when I mount it and the other "ntfs"00:29
causativeI don't get errors when mounting it manually00:29
leftyfbtry running chkdsk on it twice from Windows00:29
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explodesHello. What is the downside to automatically mounting my drives in fstab?02:00
explodesLike, why is the default such that you have to click a drive icon for it to actually mount?02:00
explodesThese are sata-connected HDD and SDD drives02:01
explodesI guess  a better question here is - How do I make these drives available on boot, because my startup programs depend on them02:02
explodesDid the latest ubuntu get rid of the ability to CREATE LINKS BY HOLDING CTRL AND DRAGGING A FILE???02:21
explodesOk, using Disks to autogenerate /etc/fstab worked magic03:02
=== wodencafe is now known as wodiouscafe
balaCan i have answer for the inquiry regarding debian here?04:27
ElliriaUbuntu is based on Debian, so it's worth a try.04:30
ElliriaThere may also be a Debian channel here.04:30
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tomreyncedar: had you reconfigured anything regaring raid since you last booted successfully?05:44
=== PasiZ8 is now known as PasiZ
webchat97anyone tried to install latest ubuntu to gigabyte 45008:50
eLdr1chits a big i think09:25
masberhi, I have slack installed on my ubuntu 24.10, when I login, slack starts automatically and loads my profile with the workspaces and channels I am registered, the question is: how/where can I see the exact command gnome uses to start slack after login?10:06
mari-estelhm i think ubuntu provides a list. Try looking for "startup" or "bootstrap" in the search box10:07
=== PasiZ3 is now known as PasiZ
masberslack is not showing in the startup menu10:22
masberso idk how the hell is gnome starting it10:22
masberand it is not in `~/.bashrc` either10:23
ramblebamblemasber, check $HOME/.profile and  $HOME/.config/systemd/user10:27
ramblebamblealso .xprofile if present10:28
=== twinsen is now known as twinsenbrim
ramblebamblemgedmin.... didn't even know ..:)) thanks.10:42
sean__whats this ?10:43
mgedminit contains .desktop files for apps to be launched on login10:44
mgedminthe system-wide version is /etc/xdg/autostart10:44
ramblebamblemgedmin... out of curiosity ... would they also consume symlinks?10:52
ramblebamblehmmm .... man 8 systemd-xdg-autostart-generator10:54
ramblebamblelooks like it does consume symlinks :) https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/11:10
causativethanks leftyfb there were indeed some problems with the drive11:29
causativetook me a while to figure out because it wasn't the physical drive I thought it was11:30
causativeI thought it was this external SSD but it was actually an internal HDD I forgot I had. the SSD doesn't work at all and in fact segfaults gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor when I attempt to open it11:35
mgedminweird coincidence that my bluetooth headset forgot it was paired to my laptop right after I upgraded my laptop to 24.1011:57
mgedminah, no actually this happens every time I power-cycle my headset, despite pairing again11:58
BluesKajHi all12:04
morpheuzHi BluesKaj :)12:06
BluesKajhi morpheuz12:06
morpheuzIs pulseaudio fully deprecated on latest ubuntu? What was it replaced with? Does anyone know a proper GUI for inspecting and amanging audio devices on Ubuntu? Preferbly for KDE12:07
BluesKajcheck the app launcher, several pulseaudio modules are still default, check for pavucontrol12:20
BluesKajmorpheuz, ^12:20
mgedminmorpheuz: pulseaudio was replaced with pipewire, but pipewire supports all (or most?) of pulseaudio APIs so tools like pavucontrol continue to work12:22
BluesKajI've tried pipewire on several players, no luck12:26
mgedminnot every power cycle makes my headset forget the pairing12:39
mgedminI don't know what the logic is12:40
ramblebamblemgedmin... how old are your headphones? Maybe the duration of the power-cycle has to do with it.12:40
ramblebamblelike cycling it with 3 sec power off all good with 5 min not so much12:41
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mgedmin3 years old13:11
ramblebamblecould that the on-board engery-cell keeping the memory is depleted?13:13
mgedminthe headset doesn't forget about my phone, only about my laptop13:19
mgedminand this started happening right after I upgraded to 24.1013:19
evocatusis this normal? https://bpa.st/XGEQ13:20
evocatusall audio devices marked as input13:20
evocatusI'm asking because there is no audio output on the machine (input works in some apps) after an upgrade to 24.1013:21
mgedminyeah, it's normal13:22
mgedminI think this is for sending things like detected headphone plug/unplug events to userspace, but I'm not 100% sure13:23
mgedminI'm lucky enough not to have experienced audio problems (other than bluetooth) in a long time, but that means I don't remember how to debug those13:23
evocatusI'm in a kind of a situation13:24
evocatusmy elderly father who lives in a different country upgraded his Kubuntu13:24
evocatusand now he has no sound13:25
mgedminother than the usual "let's check the output dropdown in sound preferences to make sure it didn't auto-pick some disconnected s/pdif audio output on the usb dock"13:25
evocatusI can't even debug the issue with him properly  because we cannot voice chat in discord13:25
evocatusI'm so exhausted after a couple of hours in a weird call with no sound where he was sharing his screen and I was typing terminal commands13:26
evocatuswhy Linux can't just work...13:26
evocatusin late 2000s/early 2010s it was much much better than now13:27
morpheuzBlueskaj mgedmin thanks for the recommendations. I used pavucontrol before when pulseaudio was the default in ubuntu. But pavucontrol is still pretty limited. You dont see nor cant you chnage the devices sample rate or bit used etc. Isnt there like a proper GUI for all audio settings available like in windows or macos?13:57
evocatushow to rollback from 24.10 to 24.04?14:29
lotuspsychjeyou cant downgrade ubuntu releases evocatus14:29
* evocatus sad14:30
lotuspsychjeevocatus: clean install instead14:30
lotuspsychjemgedmin: are you using gnomes BT or blueman?14:30
evocatuslotuspsychje, are there no other options?14:31
lotuspsychjeevocatus: you upgraded from an LTS to a non-LTS , you can backup your /home and clean install if you want14:32
evocatusbecause clean install is not an option14:32
lotuspsychjeevocatus: why exactly you want to go back?14:32
evocatusbroken sound (no output)14:33
lotuspsychjeevocatus: not interested in solving it, instead of ditching your release?14:33
evocatuslotuspsychje, it's not my computer, it's my 60+ dad, who's not a developer and I live in a different country14:34
evocatusI'm in a call with him where he shares his screen, he can't hear me but I type terminal commands in the chat14:35
evocatusgiven the circumstances clean install is a no-go14:35
lotuspsychjeevocatus: maybe your dad should pick an LTS release, wich is more stable14:35
evocatusUbuntu LTS is not stable14:35
lotuspsychjethats a too general statement14:36
evocatuswe may agree or disagree on if LTS is a better fit in this case but what's done is done anyway14:36
lotuspsychjemgedmin: Bluetooth: hci0: Secure boot is enabled, did you test with secureboot disabled yet?14:37
mgedminlotuspsychje: whatever's installed by default, which is bluez afaiu14:37
mgedminI don't see how secure boot is related to bluetooth14:38
lotuspsychjeits from your dmesg14:38
lotuspsychjebut you could try blueman first14:39
lotuspsychjewe see a lot of users with borked gnome BT, where bluemand works better14:39
lotuspsychjeevocatus: that article is not really valid anymore, the upgrade bugs should be solved by now14:40
mgedminthe 'kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: Invalid link address type 1 for 60:ab:d2:xx:xx:xx' looks pretty interesting to me14:41
mgedmindarn, journalctl --list-boots doesn't show me kernel versions14:42
lotuspsychjemgedmin: yeah i see it14:42
evocatuslotuspsychje, yeah, by now. Is it October? 24.04 is an April version and it shouldn't have that many bugs from the start14:42
lotuspsychjeevocatus: thats why LTS releases can only upgrade to the next .1 release14:43
mgedminyeah, my last boot with the 6.8 kernel in 24.04 doesn't log anything like 'invalid link address type 1'14:43
lotuspsychjemgedmin: you suspect kernel 6.11?14:44
mgedminand there are hci0 messages indicating that I had used the headset several times14:44
lotuspsychjecould be the case indeed14:44
mgedminI'm looking for differences between "working" (ubuntu 24.04 yesterday) and "it works but you have to pair it after almost every power cycle" (ubuntu 24.10 today)14:44
mgedminthere are also possibilities for "using regular blutetooth" vs "using bluetooth LE" because I wasn't paying attention14:45
mgedminI remember sometimes seeing my headset twice in the list, once with the LE prefix14:45
mgedminin 24.0414:45
lotuspsychjemgedmin: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=30003414:46
mgedminI haven't seen it twice in 24.10, and I think it always uses LE?14:46
mgedminooh, maybe I should try a mous... I don't have any bluetooth mice14:46
mgedminI have an bluetooth apple keyboard that I haven't used in years, hope the batteries haven't leaked14:46
mgedminhmm https://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg1995271.html14:48
mgedminand that is the only page on the entire internet that contains the phrase 'invalid link address type 1', according to duck duck go14:49
lotuspsychjelol sync, i just found that one too14:49
lotuspsychjemgedmin: try something else then 6.10 and 6.1114:50
mgedminhttps://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/784717/having-an-issue-connecting-sennheiser-pxc550-to-intels-8265-bluetooth is interesting14:50
mgedminso this implies that power-cycling the _laptop_ is what causes connection trouble14:51
lotuspsychjenow to find out wich kernel series still works14:52
mgedminpossibly suspending the laptop too?  because I haven't actually unpowered it yet14:52
lotuspsychjemgedmin: bug #208425214:53
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2084252 in linux (Ubuntu) "6.11.0-8-generic: system fails to wake up from suspend" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/208425214:53
lotuspsychjemgedmin: if you're interested in recent bugs spam, we got #ubuntu-bugs-announce14:54
lotuspsychjethats where i saw yours :p14:54
mgedminhm?  suspend works fine for me14:55
mgedminI was saying that maybe the bluetooth headset loses pairing after I suspend the laptop, because I couldn't reproduce it by power-cycling the headset14:55
mgedminsince the stackexchange site claimed the pairing gets lost after a laptop power cycle14:55
lotuspsychjei see14:55
mgedminbtw did anyone file a bug about firefox not following the system accent color?14:57
mgedminI'm pretty sure in 24.04 firefox text selection background was orange in the address bar, and now in 24.10 it's suddenly blue14:57
lotuspsychjemgedmin: found a few others, bug #208138414:59
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2081384 in linux (Ubuntu Oracular) "bluetooth headphones need reconnect after every reboot" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/208138414:59
mgedminhmmm https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=aae6b81260fd9a7224f7eb4fc440d625852245bb15:04
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Commit aae6b81 in kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git "Bluetooth: HCI: Invert LE State quirk to be opt-out rather then opt-in"15:04
mgedminthe word 'quirk' implies to me I might be able to toggle it by creating a udev.d dropin somewhere?  maybe?15:05
* mgedmin needs to write down all these links in his notes15:06
lotuspsychjeim on bluez:15:07
lotuspsychje  Geïnstalleerd: 5.72-0ubuntu5 on noble15:07
lotuspsychje!info bluez15:08
ubottubluez (5.72-0ubuntu5, noble): Bluetooth tools and daemons. In component main, is optional. Built by bluez. Size 1,328 kB / 4,456 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)15:08
panda33hola necesito ayuda15:38
lotuspsychje!es | panda3315:39
ubottupanda33: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:39
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tomreyn<tomreyn> cedar: had you reconfigured anything regaring raid since you last booted successfully?17:37
tomreyncedar: and please don't just write "SOS", provide background on any issue, such as ubuntu version, (potentially related) changes you have made recently, any non-default configurations which could be relevant.17:38
tomreynin this very case, you should explain what RAID and LVM configurations you have there.17:39
fwehtmy iphone is not showing up as mass storage, is this some change in ios or is my xubuntu missing drivers?  tethering from the iphone work perfectly fine!18:10
hanging10pretty stock Ubuntu install (I think), running Wayland (I think). ls /tmp/.X*lock shows /tmp/.X0-lock, /tmp/.X1-lock, /tmp/X1024-lock and /tmp/X1025-lock     Why?   On a stock Debian install with Xorg for example I only have one /tmp/.X0-lock corresponding to display :018:13
hanging10Does ls /tmp/.X*lock also shows several lockfile for several X11 displays?18:14
hanging10(for you people out there I mean)18:14
mgedminfweht: dunno about ios, but all modern android phones use mtp instead of presenting as mass storage18:21
mgedminat one time gnome had the only working mtp implementation (via gvfs) that could talk to these phones properly18:21
mgedminhanging10: yeah I also seee four files18:22
fwehtmgedmin: ah thanks, that makes sense!18:22
fwehtit doesnt show up in `lsblk`18:22
hanging10mgedmin: tyvm kind sir!18:22
hanging10I take it it's normal. But I wonder why that is.18:23
mgedmin.X0 and .X1 are owned by my user, 1024 and 1025 by gdm18:23
hanging10mgedmin: same here : )18:24
mgedminlsof shows me that the /usr/bin/Xwayland :0 process has both /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 and X1 open, twice each?  I don't really know how to interpret that output18:26
hanging10mgedmin: which parameters are you giving to lsof ?18:31
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SquareI notice I can tile 2x2. Is it possible do further tiling?19:18
panda36por favor necesito saber como tener ayuda con ubuntu 24.04.119:20
feurigWhat is the new metapackage name for ubuntu-desktop19:39
feurigi can install ubuntu-server but i cant uninstall ubuntu-desktop19:40
feurigAnd I had to drive 6 hours to install a system with zfs on root because everything still needs a console19:40
feurigmy friend jokes about being able to use snap cause......19:42
feurigThis used to be pretty straight forward (but a pita)19:42
feurignevermind its ubuntu-desktop-minimal19:44
yes-ubuntuHello! I have just installed seergdb which mentioned about 60MB will be needed. Then after a few minutes, I have removed seergdb and apt was saying only 3,074 KB will be freed. How does that add up? Am I doing something wrong? I would expect that about 60MB should be freed?19:45
ioriayes-ubuntu, have you run apt autoremove ?19:48
yes-ubuntuioria: should I do that after the sudo apt remove seergdb ?19:50
ioriayes-ubuntu, yes...19:50
yes-ubuntuI have just done that and it freed some more space... interesting, why doesn't sudo apt remove seergdb just do the whole thing? :)19:51
ioriayes-ubuntu, i think it told you in the output...19:51
bpromptyes-ubuntu: yes, autoremove removes "packages no longer in use but left behind",  bear in mind that "apt" when installing something may "update" some dependencies, and those dependencies may be needed by other packages, so even though those dependencies updated-version came with say "seergdb", upon its removal the dependencies will not be included19:52
ioriayes-ubuntu, 'the following pkgs are no longer required' or similar19:52
yes-ubuntubprompt: yes, I got that, just that, after installing 60MB of stuff, I was any way, expecting more than just 3,0xy KB to be removed ;)19:53
yes-ubuntuI got it now, thank you both!19:53
yes-ubuntuioria: I will pay more attention next time I remove something, as I have closed the terminal window pretty quick19:54
bpromptyes-ubuntu: yeap, I agree, is a funny way "apt" does the removals, and I agree, is incomplete that "autoremove" needs to kick in19:54
ioriayes-ubuntu, ok19:54
=== ericus7 is now known as ericus
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
faqis there anybody out there?21:15
tomreynfaq: quite often, but they may ignore meta questions such as this one.21:17
faqi use strange notebook and i just calibrate touchscreen21:20
faqcongratulate me21:21
faqis anyome alive21:24
faqis anyone alive21:24
tomreynfaq: this is a support channel. ask a support question on an ubuntu release listed in the /topic , and you might get a response. or support others who have a question.21:25
tomreyn(or ask alis about chat related channels if that's what you're looking for)21:25
feurigtomren: its good to know this channel abuses everyone equally21:37
Ademan_#ubuntu-offtopic still exists apparently21:38
feurigps all of my questions here have been on topic.21:38
Ademan_While I'm here, anyone know what the status of CVE-2024-9680 is? 20.04 still ships 131.0 which is afaict vulnerable. I assume newer ubuntus that use the snap are unaffected. (I've filed a ticket but it hasn't even been triaged as far as I can tell)21:41
-ubottu:#ubuntu- An attacker was able to achieve code execution in the content process by exploiting a use-after-free in Animation timelines. We have had reports of this vulnerability being exploited in the wild. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 131.0.2, Firefox ESR < 128.3.1, Firefox ESR < 115.16.1, Thunderbird < 131.0.1, Thunderbird < 128.3.1, and Thunderbird < 115.16.0. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-9680>21:41
tomreynAdeman_: are you a different person than davis135, who asked this question a few hours ago?21:43
Ademan_tomreyn: I am, sorry I missed that21:43
tomreynAdeman_: i referred them to #ubuntu-security, where they repeated the question and got a response that this is being worked on by the desktop team.21:46
sixwheeledbeastif you need it now it's available in the mozilla ppa.21:47
Ademan_awesome, I do see that now, it was at the very top of my scrollback ;-)21:47
Ademan_thank you21:47
jStefanaren't there any firefox snaps for 20.04? for optional use?21:48
enigma9o7snaps aren't distro specific21:49
Ademan_someone actually suggested that in the previous discussion. I hadn't even considered it to be honest. I might...21:49
enigma9o7you can technically use a snap even on ubuntu 16.0421:49
sixwheeledbeastSome stayed on focal to avoid snaps21:49
sixwheeledbeastfor now...21:49
jStefanbut if you want "newer" versions of software and you want them on day0, seems snaps is the way to go, or a newer release of the os :)21:50
Ademan_I'm definitely not a fan of snaps but I wouldn't purposely run vulnerable web facing software to avoid snaps lol21:50
tomreynthere are yet more options21:51
jStefanyes, some require more technical knowhow than others21:52
Ademan_I'll either 1. just not use firefox for a bit 2. just run the snap or 3. prioritize updating to 22.04 (and therefore run the snap, but I've been meaning to upgrade for a while anyway)21:53
tomreynhttps://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/download/thanks/ provides both pre-built binaries and an apt repository. i'm not sure which of these work with 20.04, though. there's a flatpak, too, i think.21:55
jStefansometimes I use packages meant for debian. Your mileage can vary with this option. but the firefox-esr package has already been patched for that CVE. mind you it's an esr release not the latest21:56
jStefanI think the easiest path would be the snap21:57
sixwheeledbeastthunderbird is vulnerable too which only became a snap in noble21:58
enigma9o7Mozilla's apt repo works even with 18.04, probably 16.04 too but don't quote me on that.21:58
enigma9o7But I know for sure it works with 18.04 cuz I still have a machine on that (with ELTS enabled).21:58
jStefanconsider a solution that can easily provide you with future security updates in a timely fashion22:00
enigma9o7and fwiw, focal is when ubuntu started removing packages and only offering snap, i.e. chromium-browser.22:00
davis135god hates snap and snap enablers22:21
enigma9o7god hates us all22:21
Piratyi have a fairly new laptop that works good with 20.10 (mainly due to 6.11 kernel i guess) . it doesn't work good with 20.04. out-of-the-box. what is most sustainable way to make 20.04 (LTS) use a more recent kernel ?22:39
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:41
jStefanyou might have a typo there twice :)22:41
jStefandid you mean 24.10 and 24.04 ?22:41
Piratyoh yes, 24.0422:41
Piratyand 24.10 my bad22:41
Piratyyeah i found that wiki page before, yet the last mentioned LTS is 20.0422:42
jStefaneventually it would provide that kernel out of the box, but it takes some time before the 24.10 kernel trickles down to 24.0422:42
Piratymade me think it is outdated/unmaintained page22:42
PiratyjStefan: yeah sure, a few years i guess?22:43
Piratyhence ... LTS  (L means Less surprise during upgrade, no? *smile* )22:43
jStefannah, i would think around the .2 release of 24.0422:43
Piratythere are issues with 24.04 as of now, so i'd even install 24.10 and upgrade it sequentially to next LTS in 1.5y (to stay in LTS for a long while)22:45
jStefandoes 24.04 boot at all?22:46
Piratyyet i found 24.10 lacks some stuff i found in 24.04 to be working, which may mainly missing packages .  is that common?  things i noticed are missing auto-rotate gnomne-shell extension and on-screen gnome keyboard22:46
PiratyjStefan: yes it boots22:46
Piratyit mostly works, but touchscreen is (in part) dysfunctional22:46
jStefanyou can probably use pinning to just use the kernel from 24.10 and keep everything else as 24.0422:48
Piratythis would be ideal for now, yet this will have this in system forever even if the regular kernel meta package moves on ?22:48
jStefaneventually 24.04 will have easier options to run the 6.11 kernel and you can switch to that22:49
jStefanin fact, if it's a desktop environment, you should already have the package (linux-generic-hwe-24.04) installed22:50
jStefanwhich should automatically switch to 6.11 kernel in a few months22:51
Piratyi grabbed a few stats from the booted 24.10 , it has linux-generic-hwe-24.04_6.11.0-8.822:52
Piratyi need to again boot 24.04 to compare package lists22:52
Piratydoes ubuntu have tooling to build my own iso, so i can *test* 24.04 + linux6.11 ? (to make sure it's not a borked gnome / driver stack making the touchscreen funky)22:53
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
jStefanbefore you do any pinning, you can test current 24.10 kernel just by downloading a few deb packages from packages.ubuntu.com22:54
Piratyi only tested live media for now22:54
enigma9o7An easier (non official) way to use newer kernel on 24.04 until canonical releases it is just use xanmod.org22:54
jStefanthere's also the !mainline option22:55
jStefan!mainline | Piraty22:55
ubottuPiraty: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds22:55
jStefanbut i really think installing the 24.10 kernel on 24.04 via the deb package is closer to what you are asking22:56
Piratyi prefer low maintenance overhead in the long run, i will not have access to the device that often after install22:57
jStefanthat's where the pinning would come in22:58
tomreynthings are changing regarding how new kernels are made available https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/kernel-version-selection-for-ubuntu-releases/4700722:58
jStefanas for testing straight from the live environment, i think it's possible22:58
PiratyjStefan: the live env is volatile , no? i can't install new kernel and reboot into it, can it?22:59
jStefanno, you would have to modify the contents of the ISO22:59
jStefanbut i think it could be easier than what it looks, i can test this first on my end23:00
Guest43can anybody tell me how to turn subtitles off in the video player.  i tried everything!23:01
jStefanwhich video player are you using?23:01
Guest43gnome video player23:01
Guest43i went into preferences and unticked it and also while the video is playing i turned it off, but it isn't persistent23:02
Guest43when i play another video it's back23:03
jStefanPiraty, i'm gonna do a test on my end by creating a USB with 24.04.1 and then swapping a few files from 24.10 iso23:03
Piratythank you. i guess it involves chrooting into the loopmounted iso, extracting kernel package and modify isolinux menu file23:04
jStefanGuest43 and the preference reverts itself ?23:04
Guest43no it's still unticked23:05
jStefanPiraty, i'm just going to swap the files on the USB, as the filesystem i think is just FAT3223:05
Guest43it's wierd. i just played a few other ones and now it's not showing23:05
Guest43but one in particular it still shows until i turn it off while playing23:06
Guest43so strange23:06
PiratyjStefan: you need to put the modules in rootfs too23:06
Guest43i just changed the subtitle font to 1 px.  good enough lol  it's too small to care now23:07
Guest43i think some of these videos the subtitles are embedded in them.  probably why i can't turn them off23:08
jStefanPiraty, i thought the modules it needs were on the initrd file?23:09
Piratydepends on when they are loaded23:12
jStefansince it's a live environment i can test a few things :)23:14
Piratysure ;)23:14
davis135Guest43: anything preventing you from just installing and using VLC? Some GNOME stock apps are pretty much placeholder software23:39
jStefanPiraty, might tests failed because they were not as trivial as I thought :)23:46
jStefandoes the laptop currently have an operating system or an empty disk?23:47

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