
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
xu-irc95wHi all! I've installed Xubuntu on an external USB drive. However, when I plug it into a different port it doesn't boot (black screen, nothing happens, cannot get to console, Numlock still reacting). Grub and fstab access the disks by uuid. Any ideas?09:31
tomreynhmm, maybe it's your bios failing to find grub then?09:32
tomreynyou could edit /etc/default/grub and remove the "quiet splash" options there and then run   sudpo update-grub   and then boot the way it did not work previously09:33
tomreynyIF it will then get to boot linux but fail after that, you should at least get to see logs on screen09:33
tomreynxu-irc95w: ^09:33
xu-irc95wI'll try that, thanks! Could also be an USB3 issue I think. Right now it booted off an USB2 port and I tried to move it to an USB3 one.09:34
xu-irc95wAny BIOS options I should look out for?09:34
=== twinsen is now known as twinsenbrim
tomreynxu-irc95w: all i can think of is that the bios stores the physical (hardware) path to your usb stick in its efi parameter store in nvram / cmos (if legacy bios).11:08
tomreynusb 2 vs 3 should not really make a difference other than it'll be a different physical / device path, too11:09
tomreynif the issue is that linux doesn't get to boot (see above on how to tell) then you should use the uefi / bios boot menu (which can usually be accessed by a model specific hotkey during POST - power on self test / while the vendor logo displays) to select the usb stick after changing its position11:11
cousteauOK, Xubuntu installed :D18:20
cousteauNow the complaints start! 18:20
cousteaugdebi doesn't work 18:20
cousteauThere's a very silly bug in the Python code, should replace "...\S..." with r"...\S..."18:21
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:22
tomreynbefore you do, please check on launchpad as to whether it has been reported before18:22
cousteauOh and this is on the command line.  GUI mode doesn't install at all. 19:09
cousteauBut OK, I will :) 19:09
cousteauBut I'm confused.  I can't be the only one who can't install packages via double clicking a deb.  Someone else would have noticed, right? 19:09
cousteauAnother thing (and this is more a question to see where to fix the problem).  Does Xubuntu disable the touchpad by default when using the keyboard?  Or is that my laptop's firmware? 19:21
cousteauDidn't find anything relevant on the bios so I'll blame the system 19:27
tomreyncousteau: i'm not sure what disables the touchpad during keyboard input (my guess would be on the window manager). i don't currently use xfce / xubuntu myself. as for what happens when you double-click on a deb: i don't think this happen all that ofte, most people install software using a package manager. and on gnome, when you double-lick a .deb, i'm not sure anything would happen at all, but if it does, then it's probably that software center 20:12
tomreynloads, not gdebi.20:12
tomreynand i'd guess it's discover on kde20:13
tomreynpersonally, in the rare case that i'll install a .deb manually, i'll do so in a terminal emulator using apt because i'd really want to make sure i know whether its dependencies can be resolved properly.20:14
cousteautomreyn: but both Steam and Discord are distributed as debs20:27
* cousteau wants to play gamez20:27
tomreynboth are available through package managers20:28
tomreynthere is a snap for discord, and for steam there is steam-installer20:31
cousteauRe: touchpad not working when pressing keys.  I installed synaptics and that seems to do the trick.  Plus, I get to use the synaptic-based script I was using on my old laptop to tweak the touchpad settings. 22:01
tomreynchances are it is / was just a libinput option22:02
banka_eshkereeoh hey22:11
tomreynhello there22:12
banka_eshkereethis is my first day using xubuntu, i was researching the app., and then i came this messenger, do pple often sit here?22:15
cousteautomreyn: possibly.  But I also wanted to mess with the one/two/three finger options and some other stuff and I couldn't figure out how to do it in libinput22:21
cousteauOh and circular scrolling is cool too, not sure if libinput has that. 22:21
cousteauAnd pinch to zoom... I think neither do :/22:22
tomreynbanka_eshkeree: there are a bunch of folks using this irc support, yes22:22
tomreyncousteau: i'm afraid i wouldn't know what the two support (or don't)22:22
tomreyni never cared enough22:22
cousteauWell, I'm sort of a "middle button power user" myself so I quickly figured out how to use it easier :) 22:23
* cousteau suspects tomreyn doesn't even use a touchpad... or maybe even a mouse22:24
tomreynoh i used *that* as well22:24
cousteau(or maybe sporadically, when there's no other way around) 22:24
tomreynrarely a touchpad, yes22:24
cousteauYeah they're not the best input method, I'll give you that 22:25
tomreyni even like the rubber pins better :)22:25
cousteauI never learned to use those 22:25
cousteauOK so the good news is that this new laptop is actually very sweet.  You know how laptop / hardware manufacturers randomly introduce annoying design features that cause things not to work?  Well, so far I haven't found any obvious one 22:29
cousteau(This even has the Ctrl key where it should be, instead of swapping places with Fn like they do on other models of the same vendor) 22:30
tomreynyou could submit a probe to linux-hardware.org22:31
cousteauOnly, the power button isn't detected by the OS for some reason.  Pity; I kinda liked pressing the power button to get the shut down dialog 22:31
cousteau(great feature of Xubuntu/XFCE, btw.  Instead of just shutting down, nicely ask the user what they actually wanted to do) 22:32
* cousteau once accidentally shut down a desktop pc because he tripped and hit the "power" key on the keyboard... don't ask me why there was a "power" key on a keyboard22:32

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