
=== itu is now known as Guest4034
=== Guest4034 is now known as itu
xu-irc47whi my problem is that the name of my desktop is still in english not translated in french xubuntu 24.0417:13
tomreynxu-irc47w: the "name of your desktop"? what do you mean?17:17
tomreynhave you looked for existing bug reports or filed one, yet?17:18
xu-irc47wi have not looked for bug17:20
xu-irc47wi mean the name of desktop folder is esktop in english and Bureau in french17:21
xu-irc47wi don't know where to look17:21
tomreynwhat does this return?    locale |& nc termbin.com 999917:24
tomreynrun it in a terminal. it willpost the output to termbin.com, a pastebin-like site, for easy sharing17:24
tomreynxu-irc47w: ^17:25
xu-irc47wsorry i was on the phone17:56
xubuntu32dhi guys19:11
xubuntu32di try ti upgrade xubuntu from 20.04 to 22.04. on the stage Hit https://packagecloud.io/eugeny/tabby/ubuntu focal InRelease the proccess is broken. i checked the URL in a browser it is not available: Page not found19:14
xubuntu32dcould you help me?19:15
xubuntu32dany suggestion?19:15

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