
=== VanUnamed_ is now known as VanUnamed
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== bry is now known as bry__
IrcsomeBot<outeremush> Plasma 6.2 and plasma 6.1 broken i brought a new pc and im still getting wifi drops my connection is 100% stable 15mbps it happens with wifi dongles like every 20 minutes05:17
BluesKajHi all11:20
=== RikMills changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu | Pastes: paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: ubottu.com/y/gl | Kubuntu 24.10 https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-24-10-oracular-oriole-released/ | discuss.kde.org | kubuntuforums.net | This channel is logged
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> I have had installed the 24.10 beta... and have not changed anything.17:54
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> Are these the correct repositories now?17:54
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> OK:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu oracular InRelease17:54
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> OK:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu oracular-updates InRelease17:54
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> Holen:3 https://repo.librewolf.net librewolf InRelease [16.9 kB]17:54
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> OK:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu oracular-backports InRelease17:54
tomreyn!paste | @Zebraherz18:02
ubottu@Zebraherz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:02
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> Apart from Librewolf and the Kubuntu backports, are these the correct repositories of 24.10 stable release? It seems to me that I get very few updates.18:13
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> https://bpa.st/MKXA18:13
morpheuzto which channel is this irc briged to? matrix?18:14
morpheuzis a moderator currently here?18:22
bpromptmorpheuz: not sure, could be, just dunno18:23
bpromptmorpheuz: what are you looking for anyway?18:24
morpheuzbprompt: i wanted to know where this channel is being bringed to (ircscomeBot). And i also have a question depending some effects in plasma :)18:24
morpheuzI hope anyone can help me. In plasma, when i switch from one wallpaper to the other, the two pictures switch in a fading effect. Where can i change the time interval of the fading effect? I want to make the fading effect longer.18:25
morpheuzAt first i thought it was the SlideInterval in /usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/config/main.xml but that didn't change anything.18:25
bpromptohhh, hmmm on the bridge, dunno18:25
RikMillsmorpheuz: bridged to telegram18:29
RikMillsmatrix will come, but waiting for ubuntu to sort out their bridging18:31
morpheuzRikMills: thanks for the info :) Im not happy about telegram bridge, but i guess i can't change that. Would be nice to know about the telegram bridging/logging in the channels topic. For example "This channel is bridged to telegram and logged" or something like this18:36
RikMillsthe topic says this channel is logged18:46
morpheuzRikMills yes, but theres a big difference in "logged" to an qrchive that belongs to kubuntu/kde or a privat company like telegram that mines data18:55
=== Rain is now known as SweetCandyRain
cbreakhow can I make programs open with windows in the same position as they were when the program exited?21:54
cbreaksince I updated to wayaland with 24.10, not even window size is remembered :(21:54
IrcsomeBot<Aeminium> M2VV22:41

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