
simpoirJordiGHost: it's covered in the docs https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/explanation/return_codes.html00:33
simpoirTLDR that means there was a non-fatal error and you should look at cloud-init logs to know the details.00:39
JordiGHostI think I figured it out.00:39
JordiGHost Error: Cloud config schema errors: config.0.subnets.0: Additional properties are not allowed ('ipv4' was unexpected), config.0.subnets.1: Additional properties are not allowed ('ipv4' was unexpected), config.1.subnets.0: Additional properties are not allowed ('ipv4' was unexpected)00:40
JordiGHostI'm getting that from Digital Ocean's base Ubuntu 24.04 image, though.00:40
JordiGHostSigh, I don't really have a lot of control of how that is created before cloud init is done.00:41
JordiGHostAnd the nonzero error code here is grinding my Packer provisioning to a halt.00:41
JordiGHostI guess I could change my Packer script to specifically check for error code 1 and not any nonzero.00:42
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