
Guest63Alguém sabe se o Kubuntu 24.04 vai atualizar o plasma para o plasma 6? e se sim quando?01:06
=== eric is now known as EnigmaNamaste
IrcsomeBot<mykell6> I installed kubuntu 22.04, and my hard drive displaying in dolphin has been renamed to Kubuntu 22.04. Is that normal?05:17
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> You have to be very lucky to get an answer here at all. Most of it is simply ignored.05:20
=== rob is now known as SubaruGuy84
IrcsomeBot<mykell6> Yeah I just do not understand why (re @Zebraherz: You have to be very lucky to get an answer here at all. Most of it is simply ignored.)05:38
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> we barely have any active people here07:29
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> I remember my installation media being renamed to kubuntu xx.xx but I don't see my hard drives having kubuntu in their names. Shouldn't really matter though but I guess you could check what gparted or other partition managers list as drive/partition names. (re @mykell6: I installed kubuntu 22.04, and my hard drive displaying in dolphin has been renamed to Kubuntu 22.04. Is that normal?)07:31
IrcsomeBot<mykell6> I figured it out (re @TimoSalola: I remember my installation media being renamed to kubuntu xx.xx but I don't see my hard drives having kubuntu in their names. Shouldn't really matter though but I guess you could check what gparted or other partition managers list as drive/partition names.)07:45
IrcsomeBot<mykell6> Thanks for your help07:45
morpheuzIf nobody is really active in here, then the admins should close this channel down. There is no point in having an "Official Kubuntu support" channel when in reality no suport ios happening. @admins close this channel and funnel support into #ubuntu09:45
kubuntuам рашен09:45
tomreynmorpheuz: IRC support is primarily and foremost community driven volunteer supoort. I've seen volunteer support take place around here recently. Commercial support is available, if you need it: https://kubuntu.org/news/commercial-support/11:35
tomreyn(and this is just me responding, not in any 'official' capacity, which i don't have)11:36
morpheuztomreyn: thanks for the info. no no, i dont need commercial support. i understand that support is community driven but what i was trying to say is that is doesnt make sense to split userbase when there is so little action going on in here. it would make more sense to concentrate all users into one channel. eg #ubuntu11:37
BluesKajHi all11:48
tomreynmorpheuz: thanks for explaining your point of view more. such decisions are up to the kubuntu team (probably whom you meant by "@admins").11:52
morpheuzhi BluesKaj :)11:53
BluesKajhi morpheuz11:53
karenwHow absolutely boned would I be if I upgraded to 24.10 considering the absolute state of my 24.04 install? (Using the kisak-mesa ppa, both amdgpu/radeon in use by the dual graphics, and using gdm due to sddm not working after sleep)14:35
tomreyni would not recommend carrying out a release upgrade while you're using debian packages (and package versions) installed from any third party repository, PPA, or other non-Kubuntu source.14:55
karenwClean install it is then.14:56
karenwJust need to look about /etc and find all the modifications I made to get OGL//Vulkan/etc. working again.14:57
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IrcsomeBot<Nero2070> Anyone facing issues with disconnections from Realtek WiFi16:49
karenwSo what was the point in picking a keyboard layout/language in setup if when I log in for the first time it's generic-104key en_US. (I selected 105-key en_GB)18:06
karenwI have now set it all to 105-key GB again but... bug?18:06
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> 24.10 does not remember the keyboard layout after restart... I always have to add my country again.19:12
tomreyn!bug | karenw: sounds like a bug - please report it (if it's not already reported)19:17
ubottukarenw: sounds like a bug - please report it (if it's not already reported): If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:17
karenwZebraherz: Seems fine after I configured it in system settings after logging in. We shall see.19:18
karenwtomreyn: Any idea what package I should file it against?19:18
tomreynkarenw: not really, i'm not so much into kde19:18
tomreyni'd file it against the kubuntu installer, but doin't even know which one it's currently using19:19
karenwhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage seems to imply it's ubiquity for all flavors?19:19
tomreynthat would be outdated19:22
karenwWhat a surprise19:25
karenwand any form of googling for "kubuntu installer" is doomed to find articles linking to the ISO or release notes.19:27
tomreynhttps://9to5linux.com/kubuntu-24-04-lts-is-switching-to-the-calamares-installer-by-default states that 24.04 switched to calamares for the istaller19:27
tomreynso https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/+bugs might be the correct project19:30
tomreynand there you'll spot https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/+bug/208156719:30
-ubottu:#kubuntu- Launchpad bug 2081567 in calamares-settings-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu 24.10 beta is installed with an 'en' keyboard although other language was chosen" [Undecided, New]19:30
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> I once tried to report the problem that the Calamares installer cannot partition an external hard disk. It is ridiculously hard and nobody was interested. It still seems to be the same. Reporting a bug with Kubuntu that does not affect the associated packages is also unnecessarily complicated. For example, some flatpaks (Firefox, Brave) start normally fast once, then it takes almost a minute. The bug reports should definitely be improved an19:35
karenwI remmeber having trouble with Calamares not allowing me to make a new partition table when I moved from Ubuntu 24.04.19:46
karenwI had to do it manually in a live session19:46
karenwThanks tomreyn! I +1'd it and also put my experience in a comment.19:51
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> Calamares sucks when it comes to install on a external drive. Before this new and shiny installer, I was installing Kubuntu and other distros many, many times encrypted on Samsung T5/7 SSDs.19:53
tomreynyou're welcome karen19:56

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