
=== tribaal_ is now known as tribaal
ChampersPing ?16:48
ChampersSeems like DNS for be.rsync.ports.ubuntu.com and rsync.ports.ubuntu.com in general has been dropped ?16:49
tomreynChampers: i think mirrors are normally managed by a different team, but since this is about an ubuntu.com resource (DNS), maybe IS in #canonical-sysadmin also knows about it.17:12
tomreynChampers: i was told that rsync.ports.ubuntu.com has ip addresses again now, and can confirm this @ns1.canonical.com22:11
Champerstomreyn: I can confirm that one works again. The <TLD>.* part of the entry doesn't have a DNS entry yet22:15
tomreynand apparently there are "uk." and "us." subdomains now, but not "be." (there used to be a wildcard, though.)22:15
ChampersI've updated my ubumirror.conf22:15
ChampersI just checked be.*22:15
tomreynso it's possible that "be." never existed as such22:15
Champersit did point to the general server yes22:16
Champersbut by doing that it would've been easy to point it to an actual be mirror in the future22:16
Champers(I never got to registering my mirror, partly out of fear of catching too much traffic)22:17
Champersfor archive, cdimage, releases and cloud-images, the be. part still seems to work by the way22:19
hloeungChampers, yeah, fixing the missing <TLD>.* part part too. I don't think that's ever been a thing before22:19
hloeungthat is, <TLD>.rsync.ports.u.c22:19
tomreynyou wronte "part part too"22:20
tomreyn*wrote :)22:20
Champersseems it's typ'o'clock ;-)22:20
hloeunghah, too early in the morning here22:21
tomreyni assume hloeung meant to write "[..] part now, too", since he can and does fix things - thanks!22:21
Champers0:21 here, I should go to bed :/22:21
hloeungand yes, good reminder to send out the post to the mailing list too, which I was supposed to do yesterday22:21
Champersis there somewhere I can subscribe to get a heads up of this sort of thing ?22:22
ChampersI run mirror.as35701.net btw. Also known as ftp.be.debian.org :-)22:23
tomreyni'm guessing that's https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-mirrors22:24
tomreynand/or http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-mirrors-announce22:24
hloeungyep! Done to both22:26
Champersi'll look at that in the morning !22:28
Champersbedtime now, thanks for the fix and the heads up !22:29
tomreyn( so it's s/uk\./gb./ )22:31
hloeungthey both should work22:33

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