[01:45] whats the difference between minimal and desktop installation? [02:08] Hello [06:28] how do you use red shift on xubuntu? [09:15] hello [09:18] I am coming with a question. I have an Xubuntu 22.04 installed on my laptop, with 2 user accounts. Both have the same admin rights and belong to the same groups. Basically, they both have the same panel configured from an export I keep with my preferences. [09:21] however, on the second user created, I noticed that on the first login the nm-applet (network manager icon) is never there on the panel at the first login. But, if I logout, and login again, the applet appears. I would not even have the first idea how to google that hickup. Has someone met with this before? === lbeaufils516 is now known as lbeaufils51 [19:48] have you checked the startup parameters and/or error log?