
DreskEver since I upgraded to the latest LTS in Lubuntu (24.x), Xorg has been setting DPMS for turning off my screens at only 10 minutes idle.  I use xset -dpms, check that it is disabled with xset q, but ultimately it just comes back in a matter of minutes.  I ideally want to use Lubuntu's Idle Watcher, which is set to 30 minutes, so I doubt it's kicking DPMS in Xorg back on.  Anyone have an idea why updating from 22 LTS to 24 LTS 15:19
Dreskmight start telling Xorg to use DPMS, and re-enable it even if I manually disable it?15:19
eyeohDresk: do you have settings in config files like .xprofile?15:58
eyeoh.xprofile .xinitrc or .profile etc - the ones in your ~15:58
eyeohfor example, I have set in my .xprofile: xset dpms 900 900 900 and xset s 900 90015:58
DreskI don't have any of those files in my home directory15:59
eyeohand what does xset q actually report?15:59
DreskDPMS (Display Power Management Signaling):15:59
Dresk  Standby: 600    Suspend: 600    Off: 60015:59
Dresk  DPMS is Disabled15:59
DreskBut it's gonna turn back on real soon16:00
eyeohhow soon is real soon?16:00
eyeohthat's set to 10 minutes. did you want 30?16:01
DreskWithin 10 minutes16:01
eyeohI think a ~/.xprofile is the simplest way out of multiple options.16:01
DreskI don't want to use Xorg DPMS for monitor management, I want to use Lubuntu's Power Management program16:01
eyeohhmm maybe check that there isn't another config overriding it then16:02
eyeohin say, /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and stuff16:02
eyeohxset commands won't persist, so it's probably being set in a config somewhere16:02
DreskI'm checking around these files16:04
DreskI guess I could use DPMS if I had to, I'd set it to 30 minutes and hopefully it wouldn't reset16:04
eyeohsetterm is mentioned here but I don't know what/where it is https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Display_Power_Management_Signaling16:05
eyeohI think the quickest fix/workaround is to just use .xprofile16:05
eyeohso values of 180016:05
DreskWhat's xset s?16:06
eyeohI always forget. screensaver?16:06
eyeohmaybe it's redundant and dpms is enough16:06
eyeohI think I just mindlessly set both s and dpms to be the same even though s is probably not necessary16:08
DreskSo I create an .xprofile in my home directory and add that line and it should work?16:09
eyeohyou might need to reboot or restart the session16:09
eyeohbut I'm pretty sure it should work - and xset q should show the new values of 180016:09
DreskWell we'll see what happens16:13

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