
=== neocharlesalt is now known as neocharles
=== antonispgs2 is now known as antonispgs
Anton_Chigurh( º_º)01:10
Anton_Chigurhgreetings average humans01:13
=== antonispgs8 is now known as antonispgs
sam_wongHi,I am running ubuntu 24.04. The CDrom icon above the dash will blacken if I replace the DVD disc with a VCD music disc. Is this normal or an incorrect setting somewhere?02:57
=== PasiZ5 is now known as PasiZ
=== ajfriesen167 is now known as ajfriesen16
azidhakaHi everyone, the repo focal-updates cannot be used because of BADSIG 3B4FE6ACC0B21F32 on archive.ubuntu.com. Do i need to to something or Canonical should fix it?05:45
Bashing-omazidhaka: Try ' sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 3B4FE6ACC0B21F32 '.05:54
azidhakaBashing-om: thanks, already did that, no change05:55
azidhakaBashing-om: happens on all focal machines05:55
mgedmincan't reproduce on lt.archive.ubuntu.com, apt update fetches everything (including focal-updates) with no complaints06:02
azidhakamgedmin: replaced with lt.archive.ubuntu.com, removed cache and updated again, still the same error. How can this happen on all focal machines... i have tens of them with the same problem06:06
mgedminbecause the problem is on the mirror side, apparently06:06
mgedminbut it's strange I don't see it06:06
azidhakamgedmin: it looks like it, but LT works for you06:06
mgedminwell, lt.archive.ubuntu.com has round-robin DNS entries for 5 different servers, so maybe only some of them are broken?06:07
azidhakamgedmin: possible, here it resolves to ubuntu-mirror-2.ps5.canonical.com, what about on your side?06:07
mgedminanother possibility is a hardware problem (e.g. bad RAM) that corrupts the downloaded file before the signature checking happens, but this is unlikely if the problem is persistent and visible on multiple machines06:08
azidhakamgedmin: highly unlikely, the machines are all over the world06:08
mgedminas I said, I run `host lt.archive.ubuntu.com', and I see 5 IPv4 addreses and 5 IPv6 addresses (that I can't use because my ISP is firmly in the "what even is IPv6 lol" camp)06:08
azidhakamgedmin: thank you, i'll wait a day to see if they fix it06:09
eoli3nwhere could i get help on this ? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1515805/ufw-not-logging-ufw-block-events-when-default-is-to-allow-incoming-connections08:58
eoli3nwhere can i fill an issue ?08:58
=== bertptrs is now known as birdptrs
sixwheeledbeastwhat is output of ufw status verbose09:11
momkenI use Ubuntu 24.04 using a 4K Display. I set scale to 125%09:13
momkenBut Some crucial Qt applications are still very tiny09:14
momkenHow could I scale Qt apps too?09:14
sixwheeledbeastNot sure if there is a better way but you can pass envvar to the app09:18
sixwheeledbeastQT_SCALE_FACTOR=2 for example09:21
sixwheeledbeastthat's for qt5 in qt4 there was a config application09:22
momkensixwheeledbeast, How should I pass the env var?09:22
momkensixwheeledbeast, I don't know which Qt version it uses?09:22
lowinIs there a way to create a list of IP addresses that can be referenced by ufw rules? Something like "ufw add allow port 80 from my-trusted-ips"09:25
sixwheeledbeastAbout Qt in the app may show it09:33
=== eLdr1ch is now known as SlickRick
ibmmuzhello everyone, I might be lost in the channels, so Ill just ask here10:20
ibmmuzTrying to find if there is a solution for my situation - managing ubuntu desktops remotely, and I have some remediation scripts that hang the system when run10:20
ibmmuzIs there a way to offer a prompt to the user that will let them snooze a few times and then get forced countdown so they can plan the execution in their work day?10:20
ibmmuzWe could construct around yad or zenity and store user input with some countdown, but wanted to see if there is already some solution that I missed10:20
Guest83Zelensky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:26
Guest83Zelensky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:26
Guest83Zelensky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:26
Guest83Zelensky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:26
mari-estelwe love you too, harmful idiot. Did you lose your way to pornfascists.com?10:27
Guest83Zelens_ky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:27
Guest83Zelens_ky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:27
Guest83Zelens_ky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:27
Guest83Zelens_ky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:27
Guest83The domain pornfascists.com is not registered10:28
Guest83Zelensk_y, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:29
Guest83Zelensk_y, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:29
Guest83Zelensk_y, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:29
Guest83Zelensk_y, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:29
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant10:29
Guest83Zelen_sky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:29
Guest83Zelen_sky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:29
Guest83Zelen_sky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:29
Guest83Zelen_sky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:29
Guest83Z_elensky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:30
Guest83Z_elensky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:30
Guest83Z_elensky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:30
Guest83Z_elensky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:30
=== Guest83 is now known as LoveZelensky
=== LoveZelensky is now known as FuckZelensky
FuckZelenskyZe_lensky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:30
FuckZelenskyZe_lensky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:30
FuckZelenskyZe_lensky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:30
FuckZelenskyZe_lensky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:30
FuckZelenskyZel_ensky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:31
Guest57Zele_nsky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:34
Guest57Zele_nsky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:34
Guest57Zele_nsky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:34
Guest57Zele_nsky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:34
mari-estelso much love for a prime minister10:35
Guest99Zele__nsky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:35
Guest99Zele__nsky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:35
Guest99Zele__nsky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:35
Guest99Zele__nsky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:35
=== Guest99 is now known as ZenelskyFuckMe
ZenelskyFuckMeZele.nsky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:36
ZenelskyFuckMeZele.nsky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:36
ZenelskyFuckMeZele.nsky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:36
ZenelskyFuckMeZele.nsky, let me smell your body, lick your chest, hold your biceps, cum on your abs10:36
=== ZenelskyFuckMe is now known as LickMeZelensky
BluesKajHi all12:00
floogyHi, I'm not able to do-release-upgrade. It fail, claiming that usr isn't merged, despite usrmerge is running successfuly.12:12
floogyThe only way I see is to manually push the sources.list to the new release and upgrade manually anyway.12:15
floogyWhat to follow and what to take into account beforehand?12:18
floogyI already posted this issue on 'ask ubuntu' 14 hours ago, with no reaction.12:19
floogyThough Smartmatch isn't the culprit unfortunately ...12:20
hirogenhi all new to linux tbh - been asked to log into aws ubuntu, which is fine, and our linux admin has pusehd a deb file for me to install how do i do that? its a epm agent is there somewhere i go within the vdi session?12:21
floogyMaybe I'll file a bugreport on usrmerge.12:21
CosmicDJhirogen: why don't you ask your admin?12:22
hirogenlet me google it first feel thick mate12:23
paolo_ciao a tutti ho ubuntu 24.04 nel desktop le icone dei video e delle foto non ci sono le anteprime sapete dirmi come fare per risolvere grazie13:26
vic-thorI'm trying to install a package, udiskie, apt then says it needs to install gcc and all sorts of dev libraries as a dependency. apt-rdepends doesn't list them, and I cant seer any dependency that might bring them. how can i debug whats going on?13:27
mgedminfloogy: the usr merge thing is weird; can you confirm that you don't have a separate /usr partition?13:27
mgedminfloogy: also, not sure if it matters, but I wonder why /lib is an absolute symlink to /usr/lib; on my 24.10 here /lib is a relative symlink to usr/lib13:28
floogyIt's on the root partition.13:28
mgedminI would like to look at the code in do-release-upgrade where it tries to detect unmerged /usr13:32
mgedminI'm having issues finding it, e.g. the word 'unmerged' doesn't show up in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/UpdateManager13:33
mgedminthe phrase 'unmerged /usr' does not show up /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/13:33
mgedminI wonder if it's part of the target-release-specific tarball that do-release-upgrade downloads...13:33
mgedminwhat I'd do is (1) try to replace the absolute /lib symlink with a relative one (`sudo ln -sfn usr/lib /lib`)13:35
mgedminand if that doesn't help, report a bug13:35
mgedminhmm, I downloaded http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oracular/main/dist-upgrader-all/current/oracular.tar.gz and I can't find the word 'unmerged' anywhere in it13:37
mgedmin... my mistake, I should've looked at noble, not oracular13:37
mgedminyup, DistUpgradeQuirks.py line 201313:38
mgedmin> if os.readlink(d) != f'usr{d}':13:38
mgedmin(for d in ('/bin', '/sbin', '/lib'):)13:39
mgedminfloogy: ^13:39
floogyI deleted the lib symlink, but unfortunatly I didn't logged in as root beforehand. I think I now have to boot from Usb pendrive or cdrom and chroot into the system and repair it.13:41
floogyI don't unbderstand this behaviour in busybox > -ls /usr/bin/su13:43
floogy> /usr/bin/su13:43
floogy /usr/bin/su: No such file or directory13:43
floogyI once experienced this situation and relinked it absolute manually.13:45
floogyNow I deleted it to relink it as a symbolic link without the absolute path.13:45
mgedminfile /usr/bin/su says "ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, ..., interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2)13:45
mgedminso the kernel tries to load /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.213:45
mgedminthis is a symlink to ../lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64.so.213:45
mgedminand since /lib no longer exists, that the ld-linux-*.so cannot be found13:46
mgedminwhich results in the rather confusing "No such file or directory" error13:46
mgedminthis is why I suggested `ln -sfn`, to replace the symlink atomically13:46
mgedminbooting from usb is definitely the easiest fix13:47
mgedminalthough it would be interesting to find a way to fix it live, a la https://www.ecb.torontomu.ca/~elf/hack/recovery.html13:48
floogyI did it just before I read all your hints. I didn't knew, that ln also can replace an existing link.13:48
mgedmin-f is --force, although you also need -n/--no-dereference so it won't try to create a new link /lib/lib -> usr/lib13:49
floogyOkay, I think I have no other choice than using a recovery system, right?13:52
floogystrange that the chat programm and the like are still not affected, but sash, busybox or bash are affected.13:53
mgedminI can't come up with any alternatives13:53
mgedminalready running programs are fine, they don't care that a symlink disappeared13:53
mgedminyou have problems with launching new dynamically-linked executables13:54
floogyokay then. It will need some time to return to the chat. Thank you.13:54
mgedminif you had a static suid-root binary lying around, .... or at least a root shell...13:54
floogyI thought  sash or busybox are that kind of thing ...13:55
=== swifteh3 is now known as swifteh
floogynormally I use sudo , not often sudo su13:56
floogyso, no root access at the moment.13:56
floogyalso in my situation the ttys are giving only blinking cursors, no login13:57
floogySo i restart and reboot into a recovery system and repair within chroot13:58
floogysee you13:58
floogymgedmin, thank you! that solved it. The culprit was the absolute symlink /lib -> /usr/lib. I changed it to /lib -> usr/lib. Now I need some space free on /15:02
=== Sidewyz1 is now known as Sidewyz
salty-horsehi. I'm trying to figure out where this package is getting its 'Section: debug' from. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libcanberra/+bug/1083226 -- It's not in the package itself (the control file has a missing "Section:"). Debian's repository shows it correctly as being in "libs" (probably inheriting the "Section" from its source package?). From what I can tell, the issue is only in the package's metadata in the repository's Contents15:26
salty-horsefile, which is different between ubuntu and debian. Can someone help me figure out what's happening?15:26
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1083226 in libcanberra (Ubuntu) "should libcanberra-gtk3-module really be in debug section?" [Low, Confirmed]15:26
ericusIs there a way to add a FQDN to UFW firewall rules?16:08
connstructericus: No. Making decisions on domain names is a much more complicated matter.16:08
tomreynsalty-horse: both say section "libs", for what i can tell. i compared the libcanberra-gtk3-module amd64 (binary) package in debian stable and ubuntu 24.04.16:09
sukuheyy can someone link up linux mint help room?16:09
tomreynsuku: their website can16:10
ericusconnstruct is there some kind of workaround here?16:10
ericusconnstruct like if someone uses no-ip.com and I want the IP behind that to be able to access one of my servers16:16
tomreynericus: that's a use case for a reverse tunnel through a server (with static ip address) of yours, if any.16:18
tomreynericus: if you don't have your own server with static ip address (or don't want to use it for this purpose), there are also inexpensive commercial services for this purpose, such as pagekite.net, ngrok.com, cloudflare agent and many other. (and this is really more of a #networking question than and #ubuntu one.)16:26
salty-horsetomreyn, the breadcrumbs at the top say "debug" https://packages.ubuntu.com/oracular/libcanberra-gtk3-module . "apt show" also says "debug", the contents file also says "debug" https://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oracular/Contents-amd64.gz16:52
bigshot00how to toggle fn key on magic keyboard?16:56
delsolbigshot00: not at home where i've got magic keyboard... but can't you just hold fn?17:00
delsolthere is some setting in the input device driver to flip modes...17:01
delsoleither ignore fn... or make fn work like it does on mac... or i think reverse it... so the key is F12 by default, or volume UP if you hold fn....17:02
delsolgoogle something like "magic keyboard fn key linux hid"17:03
bigshot00delsol, how to make magic board connected during BIOS boot?17:12
bigshot00delsol, i have to connect manually bluetooth keyboard17:12
bigshot00upon login17:12
delsolbigshot00: no idea. I've never tried to bios with one.17:13
delsolAlso, I wish I would have bought waaaay more G4/G5 era Apple Pro keyboards to keep around on back shelf... i'm almost out.17:14
bigshot00delsol, when i hit sleep button keyboard bluetooth connection disconnects17:17
younderIt is a glorious day and all is working in my ubuntu land17:30
younderNo-one ever sais that so I thought I should17:31
tomreynsalty-horse: https://paste.debian.net/plainh/32866600 these are the control files i extracted from these packages18:20
tomreynbut then i'm neither a developer nor a package maintainer.18:21
=== XV8 is now known as XV8|MBP14in
mewtHi, I've got an Ubuntu host here that can't do something any of my other machines can: I've got a .ubx file I recorded from a GPS, and I want to play it back via gpsfake, then generate a gpx from it with gpxlogger as a quick test of what it logged19:07
mewtwhen I do this, gpxlogger immediately and silently exits. I have to turn apparmor off to get gpsfake to come up, but it sees no problem from its end after that19:08
mewtthe commands I'm running are "gpsfake -1 -P 3000 myfile.ubx", "gpxlogger -e sockets -f myfile.gpx :3000"19:08
mewtworks on all other flavors of linux I have around (Arch, Void etc.) -- is there something more than apparmor that restricts communication through ports on localhost?19:09
mewtsearching the web hasn't really turned up anything19:10
mewtUFW is off, if that's relevant19:13
faeanyone here?19:54
* delsol hides behind the door19:55
faeopens door19:55
=== y0sh- is now known as y0sh_
=== seanh is now known as Guest1373
=== seanh1 is now known as seanh
thiagocomo instalo os drivers proprietários no lubuntu ?21:38
hex7hi all21:58
hex7anyone wanna play wow check out https://twitter.com/skraito321:59
skraitoxkid happy sabbath day , play wow from here Kid https://x.com/skraito3 ... .22:15
skraitoxyay kid22:15
skraitoxkid happy sabbath day , play wow from here Kid https://x.com/skraito3 ... .22:16
skraitoxubuntu can run it too kid22:16
skraitoxno one hold the source code of Ubuntu except Us [ 0day (xc) Our ]22:17
sarnoldnicoleo: any chance you can fix your connection?22:21
=== GJdan_ is now known as GJdan

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