
Guest54Hello! I am trying to install Kubuntu, but got some problems. I want to make DualBoot with Windows 11. Windows installed on one disk, Kubuntu on other, i have installed Kubuntu with manual partitioning, setting /boot/efi 500mb with boot flag, /root and /home encrypted. But when i start and choose the Kubuntu disk its going to grub rescue.00:01
Guest54boot-repair didn't help and chroot into kubuntu and grub-install and grub-update didn't work too, what else do i need, to make this work?00:01
Guest54Kubuntu 24.0400:03
tomreynwhat do you mean by "when i start and choose the Kubuntu disk"? where do you choose the disk from, what does it present itself to you as?00:04
tomreyndo you boot windows and kubuntu in both uefi mode (did you install kubuntu in uefi mode)?00:04
tomreyndoes your bios support uefi booting with multiple efi partitions?00:05
Guest54Windows is on /dev/nvme (First disk) with EFI, Kubuntu on /dev/sdb (Second disk) with his EFI. in UEFI on system start i press f11 and choose /dev/sdb instead or /dev/nvme and it shows me grub rescue00:06
Guest54Yes it support that, and i have disabled secure boot00:07
sarnoldnormally there's only one EFI filesystem on a computer, is this the 'best' way to have installed it?00:08
Guest54If you want to ask did i install Kubuntu EFI into Windows  EFI on /dev/nvme. No i didn't install it there00:08
Guest54Looked at some forums, the guys recommend not to touch windows EFI, and so i have installed it on other disk00:09
Guest54But there is something interesting00:10
tomreyn/dev/sdb is a Linux device path, what does the F11 boot menu display the kubuntu boot option as?00:10
Guest54I made some experiments and when i choose my disk, and tap on Erase disk -> next -> and install, it works normally, grub does not enter the rescue terminal, but when i make /boot/efi myself it just don't work00:11
Guest54It shows first device windows boot manager00:12
Guest54Second is my drive where i installed kubuntu, and some third one, not sure what is that, but it enters grub rescue too00:13
tomreynmy suspicion is that your "(uefi) bios" is not actually booting the efi bootloader on the esp you have on the (second) "kubuntu disk", but boots from that disk in bios mode, finding an old grub installation on an MBR or bios-grub partition there.00:16
Guest54Maybe i am missing some flags, or some other partition? As i said i am using boot/efi on /dev/sdb1 with FAT32 boot flag 500mb, / on /dev/sdb2 LUKS2 without flags 40gb, and /home on /dev/sdb3 without flags 70gb00:16
tomreynthat's why i'm asking what the F11 menu presents the kubuntu boot option like00:16
Guest54let me reconnect to be sure what F11 shows00:17
Guest54Chatting from live usb :)00:17
tomreynan efi system partition needs a GUID of C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B - does the one on the second disk have that?00:20
tomreynan efi system partition needs a GUID of C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B - does the one on the second disk have that?00:21
Guest48I am back00:21
tomreynwelcome back00:22
Guest48I think i made some bad things with my Grub config so the menu added one extra duplicate, but this is not the problem. As i remember i had 3 elements in menu: 1- Windows Boot Manager (HYPERPC-SSD512) 2- Ubuntu (P0: Apacer AS350 120GB) 3- ubuntu(HYPERPC-SSD512)00:23
Guest48I am not sure about your GUID, if i am right and fdisk -l /dev/sdb shows me identifier ither than you give me 91f1199d etc00:25
tomreynokay, if it says "ubuntu" then it's trying to uefi boot this, that's fine.00:25
tomreyn--list-details will show UIIDs00:27
Guest48type uuid on /dev/sdb1 shows exactly your guid00:28
tomreynefibootmgr --verbose    will show where the "uefi bios" thinks it can load boot loaders from00:29
Guest48yep shows me my f11 menu00:30
tomreynbut ultimately, if it's uefi booting grub off the kubuntu designated disk'S ESP, the issue must be with the grub configuration there.00:30
Guest48The Ubuntu Apacer one shows me \EFI\Kubuntu\shimx64.efi00:30
Guest48The HyperPC SSD512 one shows me \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi00:31
Guest48Windows boot manager \EFI\Microsoft etc00:31
tomreynand the disk path before that seem to be correct as well and match the fdisk --list-verbose output for the partition uuids?00:32
Guest48let me mount that boot disk and check00:32
tomreynno need to mount anything, fdisk can tell00:32
tomreynunless you mean to inspect the grub configuration00:33
Guest48fdisk does not show me any path, so i mounted /dev/sdb1 into /mnt and checked /EFI/ubuntu and Kubuntu00:33
Guest48Looks good there00:33
Guest48i think i understand what you mean00:34
Guest48The Apacer uuid looks good00:35
Guest48But the HyperPC ssd-512 does not match00:35
Guest48Apacer with /dev/sdb100:36
Guest48So the actual line is the Apacer with \EFI\Kubuntu\shimx64.efi00:36
tomreynsudo fdisk --list-details /dev/sdb    should list the GPT Type-UUID ("GUID") you had checked previously - indicating what partition type (similar to MBR "flags") it is, and a "UUID" for each partition, which is the partition UUID you should also see in the efibootmgr --verbose    output00:37
Guest48Yes i checked that00:37
tomreynand    ls -l /dev/disk/by-partuuid/THAT_UUID_GOES_HERE     says this is sdb1?00:39
Guest48The interesting part, is why Erase disk work fine, and Manual partitioning works that bad :) when i choose Erase it results 2 items, one EFI system FAT32 and other the root ext4, but when i click encrypt it adds ext4 kubuntu_boot, don't know what that means00:39
Guest48let me check that00:39
Guest48No such file or directory00:41
Guest48I am not in chroot, just live usb00:41
tomreynshould not matter, did you replace THAT_UUID_GOES_HERE by the UUID seen on    efibootmgr --verbose    for kubuntu ESP?00:43
Guest48It's just case sensitive00:44
Guest48Yes there is this uuid00:44
Guest48I found it00:44
Guest48But in lower case :)00:44
Guest48and its /sdb100:44
Guest48I think Luks2 make the trouble here00:48
Guest48Because in grub i see some text like cryptomount or cryptouuid00:48
Guest48maybe he just can't make luksopen on root for booting00:49
Guest48Not sure00:49
Guest48Or maybe i need to move the /boot on separate partition to avoid encrypting00:50
Guest48Will try to reinit that disk with boot on other partition00:51
tomreyni think the current ubuntu installer supports two approaches for doing disk encryptio, one is the classic approach with unencrypted /boot, the other depends on tpm and secureboot00:52
tomreyni'm not sure what kubuntu supports there.00:53
Guest48i got a warning "A separate boot partition was set up together with an encrypted root partition, but the boot partition is not encrypted.00:54
Guest48There are security concerns with this kind of setup, because important system files are kept on an unencrypted partition.00:54
Guest48You may continue if you wish, but filesystem unlocking will happen later during system startup.00:54
Guest48To encrypt the boot partition, go back and recreate it, selecting Encrypt in the partition creation window."00:54
Guest48not sure about that but i need to try without encryption, to be sure that it's the problem here00:54
tomreyngrub can decrypt an encrypted disk under some conditions with a specific configuration, but the "classic approach" is to have grub boot linux off unencrypted /boot, and have the initrd decrypt the / file system00:54
Guest48Maybe the warning is not that much critical for unencrypted /boot anyway luks2 on the remain disk00:56
tomreynwhether or not you consider one or the other setup to be critical will depends on your own requirements / interpretation of the security hardening the two approaches provide00:58
tomreyndifferent people have different opinions there00:58
Guest48installer failed to create a partition table, great01:00
Guest48I understand you, but like i see, for now the main hypothesis is the boot encrypted and grub can't decrypt it01:02
Guest48But it would be nice to make it encrypted too :)01:02
tomreyni assume you're trying to make the installer set something up which it does not support01:03
Guest48nah just forgot to make umount for /dev/sdb101:04
Guest48Will reboot and reconnect to here after try to check system startup01:09
Guest94Ok i am back, and it started successfully01:19
Guest94So the grub could not decrypt the boot and that's why i got the grub rescue terminal01:19
Guest94Thank you for your help tomreyn01:20
Guest94the encryption of boot will be my headache for tomorrow, i don't want to do that in 5 am :)01:20
asilHello, is anyone active here?02:39
valoriethis is a help chan, so if you ask your question, someone will try to help02:40
valorieif you want to chat, #kubuntu-offtopic is there for you02:40
asilAh, I see.  My apologies; I just downloaded Konversation and it booted up this channel.  I'm not familiar with IRC so I thought I'd send a message and see if anyone would respond.02:41
asilNew to Linux in general.  I don't need help at this time though.  Many thanks for responding.02:41
valorieand konvi <302:42
valoriemy favorite since I first tried it02:43
valorieit makes me happy that people are still discovering IRC02:43
valoriemy favorite "social media"02:43
* VanUnamed is angry at updates04:00
VanUnamedi did update today, rendered my pc useless04:00
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
Guest50Hello. When I made an upgrade from kubuntu 22 to 24 all my desktop links stopped working. I use a normal folder view with symbols for a few important programs and I want to keep it that way. Any idea how I can get things to work again? I've read that this is a problem with a certain library in KDE and that it basically cannot be fixed. In that08:46
Guest50case, I have to stop using KDE altogether, because this is a basic functionality and an absolute must for me. Please refrain from any comments why I should want something else like an empty desktop or so, I am not interested. Manys thanks, Hendrik08:46
BluesKajHi all11:47
VanUnamedalso, for some reason, when i start up the pc for a while, after 10 minutes as i set, the screen dims then shut off15:50
VanUnamedafter a while, it does no longer do it15:51
VanUnamedand remains on non stop15:51
IrcsomeBot<ReaperLord10> Hi..16:59
IrcsomeBot<ReaperLord10> My Bluetooth stopped working17:00
IrcsomeBot<ReaperLord10> like it doesnt detect any devices17:00
IrcsomeBot<ReaperLord10> Any fix?17:00
IrcsomeBot<ReaperLord10> Nvm, everyone useless, the issue fixed.17:13
=== Unit193 is now known as Montresor
=== WrathOfAchilles is now known as IchabodCrane
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> How did you fix the BT?22:19

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