[03:17] good morning [05:32] morning [05:34] Does default gnome have means to tile windows in other ways than 2x2 by keyboard? [05:34] (in 24.04) [06:59] morning folks [14:22] mgedmin: more bluez bug #2084963 [14:22] -ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Bug 2084963 in bluez (Ubuntu) "cannot connect a2dp/avrcp profiles after upgrade" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2084963 [14:32] lotuspsychje: it is similar [14:33] thought so too [14:33] I noticed that in my situation when I do bluetoothctl connect ..., it seems to connect at first, but then gets rejected [14:33] after about a second === WrathOfAchilles is now known as IchabodCrane