
* guiverc grumbles... discourse appears down...01:53
guivercBashing-om, do you keep a copy locally or edit on browser??  (hoping you can pastbin me a copy of doc for links mostly)01:55
* guiverc has had 503 replaced by detail, so smiling..02:06
guivercnope back to 503..02:11
Bashing-omguiverc: I do have templates saved locally -- both the old Gdoc and the Discourse skeleton.02:20
guivercnah it was current issue I was after.. see if we've got anything for ucc election results (out) as I've seen nothing public.. but have seen 'chatter' is if public already (that I can't find..).. but I'll get to summaries soon & need it...02:22
Bashing-omguiverc: However, I do work current issues from brower - no copy kept here :(02:23
guivercwell i grabbed a copy that i hope is accurate, but says issue 999...   (dates look correct anyway)..02:24
Bashing-omguiverc: I have looked for official notice of the election - not seen to this time.02:24
guivercso I have a copy of something here (on ghostwriter) I can pastebin if you need it..02:24
Bashing-ombet I overlooked to set the issue number :(02:25
* guiverc (attempting) to edit & paste04:56
* guiverc out & away awhile..05:05
* guiverc pasting... (not much to paste though)06:06
* guiverc out06:08
* guiverc pasting07:53
* guiverc out (awhile back)08:00
* guiverc pasting 08:04
* guiverc out08:05
=== Unit193 is now known as Montresor
Bashing-omUWN: Opening 862 for Saturday ops; 3 to add. Will be a spell.20:12
Bashing-omUWN: Issue862 up-2-par / Saved and out.22:38

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