
Guest69Suck my tits08:03
=== Guest69 is now known as SuckMyDick
=== SuckMyDick is now known as XiJinPing
=== XiJinPing is now known as SuckMyDick
=== Guest69 is now known as Zelensky
tomreynthis seems to be working fine - for the most part11:34
Guest646I'm using a web client on my android phone for the first time man um struggling to connect with the right channels that I'm looking for. When I tried to connect with hash ubuntu it took me here redirected me here to a different channel. I don't know how I expect to be helped by saying this I just I needed to get onto hash programming to ask a15:05
Guest646question and I'm not going to pay for AIR c client is the only thing available you have to pay for for Android phones that I can find15:05
=== Unit193 is now known as Montresor
=== WrathOfAchilles is now known as IchabodCrane

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