
tomreynrival: can we help you there?00:00
rivalnope just jumped in on this, its been oh my.. um lat time i was on a IRC was back in the early 90's00:22
tomreynwelcome back then.00:23
rivalaye aye00:23
rivalsun os was my first OS =D then redhat, its come a long way.00:24
Bashing-omrival: ^ /msg alis list *searchterm* - looks for channel names containing searchterm.00:25
rivalyes yes, I remember a bunch of commands, I used to code in this back in the day making GUI for mIRC00:26
=== chalcedny is now known as Sunrise
=== don_ is now known as d3_2024
d3_2024hey all01:16
d3_2024is there a way to save your desktop session between reboots?01:16
rivalsave your desktop between reboots, mine did automatic01:39
rivalIf your running from a flash drive that may be your issue01:40
freakyy85hi all. i have mastodon installed on my server. and i run ubuntu jammy. now, it only has ruby 3.0 and i need 3.1 ruby. is there any way i can upgrade?03:25
Bashing-omfreakyy85: Snap ? see: snap find ruby .03:31
freakyy85Bashing-om thanks03:47
freakyy85Bashing-om now it hangs during compile says maybe have to install development tools first?03:47
freakyy85bundle install03:47
=== RandomZero8 is now known as RandomZero
Bashing-omfreakyy85: Yuk - I am not conversant with snaps - unable to render advise on this :(03:53
gebbionehello ubunters ... i am trying to fix my system DNS given that the default router/broadband dns is not working well. I tried changing systemd-resolved https://phoenixnap.com/kb/ubuntu-dns-nameservers . With reolvectl i can see my global config with Current DNS Server:  ... Fallback DNS Servers: but if i dig for a domain updated yesterday such as ... dig rangwalazainab99.wixstudio.io i am not getting the right A entries to04:28
gebbionethe browser and system fail to resolve it. I also tried to change the DNS in the wifi through the UX network manager. But this changed nothing at all04:28
=== ancientz5 is now known as ancientz
Yogaum9999yo just found out you can use android on linux lol06:33
Yogaum9999i think im late06:33
spinningCatubuntu cannot select my sound device correctly06:56
spinningCati have to select it manually each time06:56
Yogaum9999tried out bliss os?06:59
spinningCati never heard that07:14
spinningCatusing phone on computer hmm07:21
gordonjcpwhat's the thing that pops up the "Sorry this application has closed" dialogue called these days?09:54
kuterror window?09:55
tomreyngordonjcp: i assume that's still apport / whoopsie10:39
BluesKajHi all11:47
gordonjcptomreyn: ah yes, the one that's called a nasty slur11:53
=== dilaver_7 is now known as dilaver_
sverinnHello everyone. Is there a way to create Windows guest with GPU passthrough? I've tried QEMU but when I try to passthrough the PCI device it just hangs. My drivers are up to date, GPU is NVIDIA RTX 4070. I use Nvidia Driver Version: 560.35.0313:46
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=== toolz is now known as Daniel
spinningCatsnap has more up to date packages right16:19
ravageNot by definition but it can16:20
=== DeJoenge is now known as MazzTraummz
=== MazzTraummz is now known as DeJoenge
=== budisukabapak1 is now known as budisukabapak
SquareAnyone experience this bug. After you issued suspend, when the machine is actually entering suspension, your fans go full throttle and remain so until you manually shut down the computer?19:21
SquareLike I've come to my machine after I slept and discover it's been going full throlle on fans all night. This started to happen with ubuntu 24.04.1 I believe. It's not happening every time though.19:23
SquareShows the last log statements, before next reboot.19:23
bpromptSquare: no  myself, then again, I don't use suspend :), however the power status features are mainly handled by the videocard drivers19:26
Squarebprompt, ok. I need to google19:27
Squarebprompt, You sure it's a video card thing?19:27
bpromptSquare: most likely, usually the issue comes down to video drivers and hardware compatibility19:28
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sixwheeledbeastI'd be looking at motherboard related things myself.20:01
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=== WrathOfAchilles is now known as IchabodCrane
bpromptsixwheeledbeast: ok, and?20:02
sixwheeledbeastFirmware, which fans/headers, if others on the same board have similar20:03
winswhere can I ask for technical support 24.04 making the audio driver work ?20:17
BSaboiaIs there a way to make the MOTD per user? I want the `git` user to have a simple, static MOTD instead of the dynamicly-generated `/run/motd.dynamic`.21:00
gordonjcpBSaboia: yes and no21:08
gordonjcpBSaboia: https://serverfault.com/questions/653399/ssh-motd-per-user21:09
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