
d3_2024hey all01:24
d3_2024new to kde here, is there an easy way to mount a network path in dolphin?01:25
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Navigating and bookmarking a network path in Dolphin is possible. But under  Linux, persistent mounts are established during boot. If you need to use the mount as a "path" for applications, follow a guide such as this one: https://docs.digitalocean.com/products/paperspace/machines/how-to/mount-shared-drives/01:33
=== s is now known as Guest6229
* VanUnamed is still angry04:27
IrcsomeBot<plutorocks> K24.10 getting plasma 6.2?04:56
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Not in the main archive, as major versions are frozen in that. For backports PPA maybe/maybe not. 6.2 requires newer Qt, which would break some non KDE apps in the archive. (re @plutorocks: K24.10 getting plasma 6.2?)05:03
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> So at the moment can't make promises05:03
IrcsomeBot<Akshatsoft> 23 version reached to EOL , good idea is do clean installation (re @kekkocs87: Hi, I have Kubuntu 23.10 on my PC and I would like to upgrade to 24.10 but I can't. Does anyone have any suggestions?)05:07
IrcsomeBot<Akshatsoft> 6.1 (re @plutorocks: K24.10 getting plasma 6.2?)05:10
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> 25.04 will have 6.2 at least. Very likely 6.305:12
IrcsomeBot<Zebraherz> If Kubuntu 24.10 sticks to Plasma 6.1, you can forget about this version. It makes no sense at all to implement a project that is still in full development and then not update it. 24.10 has so many bugs that you can't really use it and many of them relate to plasma 6.05:20
=== pick is now known as pickanick
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> 25.04 will have 6.2 at least. Very likely 6.311:52
IrcsomeBot<plutorocks> Hmm I still gotta say 5.27.11 is by far the most stable plasma I’ve seen in a while (re @Zebraherz: If Kubuntu 24.10 sticks to Plasma 6.1, you can forget about this version. It makes no sense at all to implement a project that is still in full development and then not update it. 24.10 has so many bugs that you can't really use it and many of them relate to plasma 6.)11:53
BluesKajHi all12:03
=== ankur is now known as testing
abhi_how to install onscreen keyboard with ctrl key13:41
BluesKajinstall onboard then configure the KB in the app settings13:45
BluesKajor use KB shortcuts in the system settings13:46
=== gregor is now known as Guest5831
IrcsomeBot<plutorocks> Onboard crashes on X11. (re @IrcsomeBot: <BluesKaj> install onboard then configure the KB in the app settings)19:30
=== akira is now known as motherfukdotcom

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