
fuxachesI am wondering why in Ubuntu server 24.04  - I noticed today while copying files from one machine to another that there is only 128GB available to me. df confirms this. Yet when I run fdisk --list it shows the entire 1tb. help in understanding...?00:17
rboxpastebin the output00:18
tomreynsudo lvs    should explain it00:21
fuxachestomreyn: it shows me that 100gb is allocated for LV.  How can I mount the rest of the space?00:23
tomreynfuxaches: you can resize logical volumes, optionally the file systems on them as well, or you can add new ones.00:23
fuxachestomreyn: will it autosize as I need the space?00:24
fuxachesthank you for your help - much appreciated.00:24
tomreynyou're welcome. i think this was also documented somewhere in the server manual. but i can't find it now.00:27
fuxachesIt's too bad that I didn't pay attention to the partition sizes as I was blasting through installing this os. My fault. Lesson learned.00:30
tomreynthe idea there is that LVM makes it easier to reassign disk space to partitions (here: logical volumes) and file systems post-installation00:31
fuxachestomreyn: I am ahead of schedule... So I am reading about it now. I usually avoid LVM and thought I did on this install... Anyways, probably time I learned something about it. Again - thank you.00:33
tomreynyou're welcome - note there's also #ubuntu-server (but asking *here* is fine, too)00:34
fuxachesnote there's also #ubuntu-server - good to know, I didn't know this.00:35
Marzwhy is arm version of noble hidden?01:09
Marzcan't find it on download page01:09
ravagenot really hidden01:11
tomreynmaybe you missed this https://ubuntu.com/download/server#architectures01:16
tomreynMarz: ^01:16
ravagebut chances are that not all of your hardware will just work on a desktop01:20
ravagethose ISOs are usually taken by OEMs and customized for their products01:20
MarzI use a vm01:20
ravagethats why https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/noble/daily-preinstalled/current/ exists01:20
ravagefor the pi01:21
Marzdebian advertise their arm version. I was wondering why ubuntu wasn't the same01:21
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hex0ri publish food of thought open debate at https://twitter.com/skraito303:29
hex0rhi all i can be reach at hackint.org channel #0x7104:52
hex0rsorry for ctrl + v04:53
=== budisukabapak1 is now known as budisukabapak
hex0rhi all i can be reach at twitter.com/skraito305:19
hex0rsee ya all05:19
hausofphoenyxWhats up, everyone>?05:55
hausofphoenyxHow is every one doing today?>05:55
hausofphoenyxSorry - I keep slipping and hitting the other key with my big ass fingers.05:56
=== pick is now known as pickanick
Luna_UKHappy 20 years to Ubuntu07:36
CoOlGhOsTMorning - anyone experiencing network instability issues after upgrading to 24.04 LTS? I had no issues on 22 but after upgrading sometimes one of my servers (running on an older Mac Mini) loses network connection as its unavailable to SSH and even a simple ping. Anyone else seeing this?08:01
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: wich chipset would that be08:09
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: pretty sure it was Intel-based but I cant login again - let me go and do a hard reboot. BBIAS08:10
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: was mistaken - it's broadcom based08:15
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: can you share your dmesg of the affected machine?08:16
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: yup give me a sec08:17
lotuspsychjetry dpaste CoOlGhOsT08:27
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:27
vendettahi all08:28
lotuspsychjewelcome vendetta08:28
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit08:28
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: you can also try termbin08:29
loveyallZelensky fuck me08:29
loveyallZelensky i wanna cuddle08:29
loveyallLick your chest08:29
loveyallTouch ur biceps08:29
loveyallAnd yes08:29
loveyallCum on your body08:29
=== loveyall is now known as LoveZelensky
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: pastebinit did the trick :-) https://dpaste.com/GG7TDVT4508:30
lotuspsychjestop that LoveZelensky08:31
LoveZelenskyFuck me hard08:31
LoveZelenskyFuck me my boi08:31
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: this could be something b43: probe of bcma0:1 failed with error -9508:32
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: sounds a bit like bug #201323608:37
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2013236 in broadcom-sta (Ubuntu) "b43 driver conflicts with bcmwl driver for some Broadcom devices" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201323608:37
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: it may be so but its not a consistent thing. Now for example it works fine08:41
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: you might wanna try Proprietary vs opensource drivers, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:43
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: the bug report mentions a wireless reference - and also the bug was fixed in mantic08:43
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: if you keep having issues, i would advice to file a new bug on 24.0408:43
lotuspsychjeyeah but you're on 24.04 right08:44
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: I am not using a wireless connection - its the ethernet which goes dead08:44
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: I am yes08:44
lotuspsychjeoh right08:44
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: sudo lshw -C network please08:45
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: https://dpaste.com/6U6WRD3F708:46
lotuspsychjeNetXtreme BCM57766 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe it is!08:47
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: and also I see a whole lot of this in syslog: https://bpa.st/I5B4K08:51
lotuspsychjethink i seen an askubuntu with a timeout08:51
lotuspsychjebut no answers yet08:52
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: do you know howto file a bug?08:53
CoOlGhOsTthe askubuntu post looks very relatable - and yes I know how to file a bug in general but never in relation to Ubuntu08:54
CoOlGhOsT*done so08:55
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: ubuntu-bug linux ,from a terminal08:55
lotuspsychjeor in case its server, manualy from launchpad itself CoOlGhOsT08:56
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: pretty sure the box was install with the server edition back in the day, in that case you suggest filing the bug on launchpad web?08:59
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: well ubuntu-bug pulls a browser window forwarding to launchpad, wich a server cli wont do08:59
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: just make sure you file against packahe 'linux' (the kernel) the developers can change it after if it seems to target another package09:00
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: haha I see - again as I said never tried filing a bug in regards to Ubuntu even though been using it since Breezy Badger09:00
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: will do - thanks a lot for helping out09:01
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: feel free to share the bug ID once its created09:01
CoOlGhOsTwill do09:01
mgedminubuntu-bug on a server can (1) collect information about a bug, upload it to launchpad, and then (2) give you a link you can click on to open a browser window locally, then file the bug with the information collected in step 1 attached to it09:02
mgedmineach package can shipt apport bug collection scripts that ubuntu-bug will use to collect system information that would make that package's bugs easier to diagnose09:02
lotuspsychjeoh tnx mgedmin09:03
lotuspsychjenever done it myself09:03
mgedminif you skip the initial bug info collection, you can do that later by running apport-collect (IIRC) on the machine affected by the bug, with the launchpad bug number09:04
lotuspsychjehow does it send it without a browser then?09:04
mgedmincommand line applications are capable of making http/https connections09:04
CoOlGhOsTmgedmin: do you suggest I try filing the bug directly from the server then?09:04
mgedminCoOlGhOsT: yes (unless the server has no internet connectivity, which would make ubuntu-bug unable to do its job)09:05
CoOlGhOsTmgedmin: and that is the problem from time the time that it looses its connection. But I have SSH access to it now though09:06
lotuspsychjeyou can try it CoOlGhOsT09:07
CoOlGhOsTso do "ubuntu-bug linux" ?09:10
OutOfCheesegreets, I have a strange BT connection problem: connection to a BT amp doesn't work (connects as keyboard only, no audio, disconnects after a short while) on my main user, on the same machine when I log in as a dummy user the connection works just fine. Connecting to a BT "relay" (bluetooth device that has chinch outputs) works fine from the main09:12
OutOfCheeseaccount. Some configs in my main user home may be very old since /home is a partition I carried along a number of ubuntu releases. I deleted every pulseaudio config I could find and also everything that's named .gnome/* .gnome2/* .config/gnome-* .gconf/*  - with no luck, BT still not connecting to that amp (rebooted inbetween). Does anybody have09:12
OutOfCheesean idea on what I am overlooking? Which config do I have to reset/delete? After deleting everything gnome (in my mind) I still have my Desktop background so obviously I didn't do much...09:12
OutOfCheeseany pointers on where I can start to look are very much appreciated09:12
lotuspsychjeOutOfCheese: wich ubuntu release is this please09:13
OutOfCheeseupgraded from 22.04 via ubuntu builtin upgrade facility09:13
lotuspsychjemgedmin has a similar bluez bug, but thats on 24.10 OutOfCheese09:13
mgedminyeah, bluetooth worked fine for me on 24.04 (as much as it's possible for bluetooth to be "fine", which is not much)09:14
OutOfCheesethe thing is blöuetooth has absolutely no problem when I login as a different user which makes me think it must be something in my account09:14
OutOfCheeseor is that assumption wrong?09:14
mgedminI don't _think_ gnome stores anything bluetooth-related in $HOME, but I might be wrong09:16
mgedmindo you see anything interesting in the logs (i.e. journalctl) around the time the device connects and at the time when it disconnects?09:16
mgedmincan you compare the logs with those you get when you log in as a different user?09:16
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/208501109:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2085011 in linux (Ubuntu) "Broadcom based ethernet loses connection inconsistently" [Undecided, New]09:18
OutOfCheeseyeah when I do it in my main account it says "event22 - Fosi Audio BT20A (AVRCP): is tagged by udev as: Keyboard"09:18
OutOfCheeseon the dummy account it registers as an audio sink and audio transport is set up09:18
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: looking good, tnx to file your bug and make ubuntu better!09:19
mgedminthat may be fine, BT headsets have buttons that generate key events09:19
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: and thanks for helping out and making this an awesome community!09:19
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: maybe just mention your NetXtreme BCM57766 in title or description09:19
OutOfCheeseMy amp has only a power switch as a button09:20
CoOlGhOsTwill do09:20
mgedminAVRCP is the "Audio/Video Remote Control Profile"09:20
OutOfCheeseand in the other user account the keyboard stuff doesn't show up09:20
OutOfCheesetrue that a lot of headsets have "Keyboard" buttons tho09:20
OutOfCheesebut it shouldn't be the only thing registering09:21
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: also handy to mention this started after LTS upgrade (worked fine on 22.04)09:21
OutOfCheesein the dummy account it's immediately set up as a2dp sink device F4:4E:FD:8E:6A:07 profile a2dp-sink state changed: connecting -> connected09:21
CoOlGhOsTlotuspsychje: thanks to the suggestions - updated the ticket09:24
lotuspsychjelooking good!09:24
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: now to follow up when the devs ask you some tasks09:25
lotuspsychjeCoOlGhOsT: or if you do tests yourselfs, you can make new comments09:25
CoOlGhOsTwill do09:25
lotuspsychjeis that a production or testmachine CoOlGhOsT09:25
CoOlGhOsTproduction machine09:26
lotuspsychjekk, so no playing with mainline kernels :p09:26
CoOlGhOsThaha nope all vanilla upstream09:27
OutOfCheeseis there a way for me to manually switch the bluetooth profile from a connected device to a2dp?09:52
OutOfCheeseubuntu 24.04 wireplumber09:53
mgedminsettings -> sound -> output something something had a dropdown for that09:55
mgedminmy headset is currently charging so I can't check (besides I'm on 24.10)09:55
mgedminsometimes on 24.04 I had an issue where a2dp would suddenly disappear and hsp/hfp remained the only choice09:55
mgedminpower-cycling the headset was the quickest fix09:56
OutOfCheesemine is in avrcp profile only09:56
OutOfCheeseif I go to settings->sound a connect/disconnect cycle starts and never ends09:56
OutOfCheesepower cycled multiple times09:57
OutOfCheese(the amp)09:57
OutOfCheeseworks perfectly when I login as a different user09:57
OutOfCheeseok I worked out that the BT20A chip on my amp can work as a remote control as well, just my amp doesn't have any keys (other amps with that chip do have keys)10:13
OutOfCheesedoesn't explain why it's not registering a2dp on my main user account and only in a dummy account10:14
=== Dieu is now known as yuta
BluesKajHi all12:03
maggaanyone know how i can see how much dl/upload an application uses in ubuntu? im considering limiting some with 'trickle'12:48
wim__how can I mixing paint with #code's12:54
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WaVmagga: nethogs12:58
maggahmm ok i'll check it out WaV12:58
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SlickRicksomeone have some free psyBnC?:P13:15
=== linux is now known as Guest7144
=== pc is now known as pc_masterrace222
Guest73Zelensky, cum on my chest please13:56
lotuspsychje!ops | Guest7313:57
ubottuGuest73: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant13:57
Guest73Zelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.13:57
Guest73Zelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.13:58
Guest73Zelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me IF YOU AGREE.13:58
Guest7Zelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:01
Guest7Zelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:01
Guest7Zelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:01
BrownieZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:02
BrownieZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:02
BrownieZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:02
BrownieZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:02
BrownieZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:02
Guest7Zelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:06
Guest7Zelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:06
Guest7Zelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:06
Guest7Zelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:06
Guest7Zelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:06
setExpirationZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:10
setExpirationZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:10
setExpirationZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:10
setExpirationZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:10
setExpirationZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:10
SingleButFreeZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:14
SingleButFreeZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:14
SingleButFreeZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:14
SingleButFreeZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:14
SingleButFreeZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:14
garbageCollectorZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:15
garbageCollectorZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:15
garbageCollectorZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:15
garbageCollectorZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:15
garbageCollectorZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:15
mexa1098 user,lol14:18
garbageCollectorZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:18
garbageCollectorZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:18
garbageCollectorZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:18
garbageCollectorZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:18
garbageCollectorZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:18
garbageCollectorZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:19
garbageCollectorZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:19
garbageCollectorZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:19
garbageCollectorZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:19
garbageCollectorZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:19
btnUpZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:21
btnUpZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:21
btnUpZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:21
btnUpZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:21
btnUpZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:21
btnUpZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:23
btnUpZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:23
btnUpZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:23
btnUpZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:23
btnUpZelensky is the sexiest man in the world. Kick me out or K-Line me if you agree.14:23
=== ZelenskyHorny is now known as ZelenskyIsSexy
=== ZelenskyIsSexy is now known as WannaFuckZelensk
=== WannaFuckZelensk is now known as SuckMyDick
=== SuckMyDick is now known as ZelenskyIsHot
=== ZelenskyIsHot is now known as WannaFuckHim
Guest65does  ubuntu 24.04 has the newest kernel?15:40
ioriado you mean 6.11 ?15:42
Guest65I got no clue I mean the one that should make amd rx 7000 series better15:42
ioria24.04 has 6.8 ; 24.10 has 6.1115:43
Guest65is there a difference between 24.04 and 24.1015:44
Guest65oh no more security updates 2025 for 24.10?15:44
respawn24.04 is Lts 24.10 is non lts and has 9 monts of support15:44
Guest65is there a linux which is better than that?15:45
ravageyou can try #linux15:46
respawndepends on user level lots of distros for many uses15:46
respawntry #ubuntu-offtopic  for non help chat15:46
Guest65respawn I just need support for amd rx 7600 xd15:46
Guest65maybe debian sid is better for this?15:47
Guest65maybe I shoud just wait few years15:48
Guest65till ubuntu catch up to my gpu15:48
respawndid you try on google and ubuntu forums15:49
respawnGuest65, https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=249754415:51
mreYou are all Gold Diggers and terrible liars15:51
Guest65mre me?15:52
mreping ping ping ping15:52
respawnanother bored kid came here just to annoy people15:53
mreOh if that were only true how much easier life would be these days.15:54
mreOh no its still just me GOD. Yur Youtube is boring the hell out of me and this snadbox is starting to accumilate many caturds15:56
Guest65mre maybe check my youtube ximonism15:57
Guest65got to install ubuntu15:57
Guest65bye thanks15:57
mreYou do that all wrong to it is still LuLz always has been always will be and has always been xD15:57
mreUplinks with dishes in the sky seems rather poiently convient15:58
tomreynmre: unless you've got an ubuntu (volunteer) support question or are meaning to help others, too (which i would like but am not sure we'll have a chance to see with your approach), you're talking on the wrong channel. there are others, though. please try to be kind to others so they can be to you as well.16:08
tomreyn(more on this on the guidelines (see /topic)16:09
Guest35pls dont shoot me in my leg I installed ubuntu16:14
Guest35one question how to install rstudio on ubuntu16:14
Guest35what is the smartest way?16:14
Guest35got to restart after upgrade or not?16:15
OutOfCheesewhat kind of upgrade16:15
Guest35after installation16:15
Guest35apt upgrade16:15
OutOfCheeseif there was no new kernel or graphics driver you should be fine16:16
Guest35update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-6.8.0-41-generic16:16
Guest35is this kernel update?16:16
iorianope, 6.8.0-47 is16:17
Guest15I hope you did not answere my rstudio question already16:18
respawndid you try in software manager16:19
OutOfCheeseno I don't think we did16:19
respawnfor rstudio16:20
Guest15there are a lot of kernels in your software manager16:20
Guest15which I update now16:20
Guest9ok am back16:22
respawnguest15 i was talking about rstudio16:23
Guest9did I missed it16:23
Guest9btw is it better to take snap version of steam than steam(installer) from apt?16:24
tomreynGuest9: it's a good idea to remain connected for a bit after you asked a question. and to register a nickname, if you'll return regularly16:24
tomreyn!register | Guest916:24
ubottuGuest9: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera16:24
=== Guest9 is now known as ximonism
ximonismximonism best name16:25
tomreyni suggest to actually read up on registration, so yuo can reuse a nickname you like.16:26
ximonismrespawn would you be so kind to say again what you said about rstudio16:27
respawnximonism, try looking in software manager16:27
ximonismrstudio is not found16:31
respawnximonism, https://cran.rstudio.com/16:33
respawndid you mena that or other one16:34
respawnximonism, https://alternativeto.net/software/r-studio/?platform=linux16:35
OutOfCheeserstudio isn't in package sources, afaik you download the version appropriate for your system and install (with dpkg or gdebi)16:36
OutOfCheeseafter installing R of course16:36
respawnximonism, https://intro2r.com/alternatives-to-rstudio.html16:36
ximonismhmm cant you just pkg rstudio in a snap?=(16:38
OutOfCheeseI don't think they have it yet16:39
leftyfbximonism: please do. I'm sure others would appeciate your efforts16:39
ximonismno time bro I am jurist16:40
ximonismi only can make laws but no coding16:40
ximonismguys can I open microsoft word in some linux program16:40
ximonismmicrosoft word files16:41
ravagelibe office supports that format16:41
tomreyndon't expect things to look exactly the same, though16:41
leftyfbpretty it's still installed by default in ubuntu 24.0416:42
ximonismI always should download the snap version of stuff right?16:42
tomreynthat's up to you really.16:42
leftyfbximonism: Libreoffice is installed by default in Ubuntu 24.0.4 desktop16:42
ravageactually it is not if you select the new default option on 24.04 i think16:43
tomreynsnaps may provide newer versions of software. debian packages (installed through apt) may be more stable.16:43
ravagebut there is also a libreoffice snap 🙂16:44
ximonismschniii schna schnappi16:45
ximonismdas kleine krokodil16:45
leftyfb!de | ximonism16:46
ubottuximonism: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:46
wh0ami_all ok?16:46
respawnwh0ami_, welcome this is ubuntu help channel16:46
respawnwh0ami_, for general non help chat #ubuntu-offtopic right click join16:47
tomreynthey left16:47
respawnwh0ami_, welcome this is ubuntu help channel16:50
respawnwh0ami_, for general non help chat #ubuntu-offtopic right click join16:50
tomreynrespawn: they left16:51
respawnah standards16:51
ximonismany idea how to sort all my gibberish documents?16:55
ximonismlike how to place them from download in the correct location instantly16:55
ximonismprobably impossible right?16:56
OutOfCheeseyou could write an R program that does it for you ;)16:56
CosmicDJximonism: define documents16:56
tomreynunless you'll write a software which knowns how you want to sort which document (based on what), that's going to be a manual process.16:56
CosmicDJximonism: there's Paperless-ngx, maybe that's smth for you... https://docs.paperless-ngx.com/16:57
tomreynright, a document management system might help.16:57
ximonismcosmic can you join offtopic16:59
CosmicDJximonism: no thanks17:00
Marzwhen you install ubuntu server minimal it doesn't include the system info message when you log in. Anyone know what needs to be installed to restore it?17:42
tomreyn!info motd-news17:45
ubottuPackage motd-news does not exist in noble17:45
tomreyn!info motd-news-config17:45
ubottumotd-news-config (13ubuntu10.1, noble): Configuration for motd-news shipped in base-files. In component main, is optional. Built by base-files. Size 4 kB / 49 kB17:45
tomreynmight be this.17:45
ioriaor landscape-common, i don't remember17:46
tomreynhmm right, that's actually more likely17:55
Roeyhi, ever since upgrading to the latest release, now when I try ssh'ing into the machine, I get "connection refused", why?17:55
Roeylike, what chnaged with the open ssh server package on ubuntu in the past release that did this?17:56
RoeyI've upgraded another machine and seen the same hting happen there17:56
tomreyn"the latest" being 24.10?17:57
ubottuFor release notes of a given Ubuntu release, please refer to the 'Docs' column on the 'List of releases' table at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases17:57
tomreynhave you read those?17:57
tomreyni don't know whether anything's related to it is in there, but this should be your starting point (and what you read before upgrading)17:58
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jsmoothI ran this command and it seems to have broken mysql "sudo systemctl set-environment MYSQLD_OPTS="--skip-grant-tables --skip-networking" " .....can I just do it again with "" to fix it?22:37
srgjsmooth: `man systemctl` says there's a `systemctl unset-environment` command.22:49
jsmoothI got it. Completely removed mysql and installed again. I was only installing it anyway22:49
jsmoothThanks though.22:49
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Numline1Hey guys, so I installed a fresh Ubuntu Server 24 and something probably went very wrong with the partitioning, it appears as if the installer only decided to use about half of the available disk space on the disk - https://privatebin.net/?f5f492ce4506dd6d#FGGgDJhxtWhw1EyHfnLA94tdMKYuw2KMSthXjRTMAh2f23:05
Numline1Any idea why this might be? There was a Windows 10 installed on that disk before, I tried to get rid of it (I got the machine today). Thanks for any help! :)23:05
ravagethats the default behaviour if you choose LVM23:06
ravageyou can resize it or reinstall without LVM23:06
Numline1oh I don't even remember choosing that tbh :/ I'll deal with LVM, haven't had a chance to test it in years. Thanks ravage23:07
Numline1lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv did the trick :)23:08
d3_2024evening all23:52
d3_2024does anyone know of a cli util, or a way to download large zip files with obfuscated URLs? like https://my.cloudbackup.com/SDFGKJSDFGSDFGSDGFNERILFGNERLIGNERLKGNDALKFGNAEKL:RGNAERWKL:GNAERLKGN23:53
d3_2024wget doesn't seem to handle it right or i'm not passing it the correct options as the download size never comes out, and opening the .zip just gives me corruption errors23:53
rboxd3_2024: what does "file" say about it23:56
d3_2024d3_2024, about the corrupt downloads? i deleted them, I'll try again23:59
d3_2024ravage, no other options need to be passed to wget right?23:59
ravageif it is only a problem with the URL then no23:59

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