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IrcsomeBot<Akshatsoft> 23 version reached to EOL , good idea is do clean installation (re @kekkocs87: Hi, I have Kubuntu 23.10 on my PC and I would like to upgrade to 24.10 but I can't. Does anyone have any suggestions?)07:18
iomari891greetings, How can I stop my plasma tooltips from disappearing so quickly?07:34
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IrcsomeBot<plutorocks> BTW is kgpeg an important tool for plamsa? Do I really need this?09:11
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ElliriaIf anyone here is using Kubuntu 24.04, if you right-click on your panel, do you see the "Configure Margins Separator..." and "Add Widgets..." and "Enter Edit Mode..." entries? Those are what I see in Kubuntu 22.04 and someone I'm trying to help only sees the "Icons-only Task Manager" entry.09:46
Dino24i have problems with Kubuntu on old hp desktop ... first generation i5 3 gb ram ... frst start i get wayland diagnose ... fctx .... after settings to fctx5 ... my computer chrashes sometimes 5 minutes or 15 minutes10:18
Dino24hdd is OK10:19
tomreyn3 GB RAM is not going to be enough10:19
Dino24at specs is written 2GB10:20
tomreynwhere's this?10:20
Dino24then xfc version ???10:21
tomreyni'm afraid i don't understand this question10:21
Dino24i have ram usage about 1.4 GB10:21
tomreynyes, kubuntu should still start, it just won't be very usable with just 3 GB10:22
tomreynDino24: i assume the root cause of what you described may be something else, though. maybe upload a photo to imgur.com or similar and share it here.10:30
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> running on almost 15 year old hardware and having 3 gb of ram doesn't sound very nice. You should be able to find an used 4 or perhaps even 8gb ram module which is compatible with your system for a low price. Here you'd get a 4gb stick for about 5 eur10:33
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> even if your os can boot with 3gb of ram, it will use all of it if you attempt to do pretty much anything. And when ram runs out, applications either crash or start using the HDD/SSD instead. Both of which are much slower than ram10:35
Dino24Kubuntu was usable with 2 GB RAM10:36
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> and here I'm using about 10gb while only having dolphin, 2 firefox instances, thunderbird and latex editor open10:38
tomreynit could surely help users make the right choices if there were easily accessible minimum system requirements on kubuntu.org10:40
Dino243 GB is enough for surfing, esay text editing, and writing simple python scripts10:41
Dino24and i think 4 GB or more ram will not give me a salvation10:43
tomreynhave you tried running it on Xorg instead of wayland= maybe that will help with the crashes10:43
Dino24maby ... how10:43
tomreyni think you want 8 GB RAM minimum on a desktop10:44
tomreynyou can usually choose between Xorg and Wayland on login10:44
Dino24lol ... i maked auto login :)10:45
tomreynjust logout, and you should get there10:46
Dino24i am used to wait slow HDD :) ... i am old like pyramids in way of using computers ... my first programs i saved on Tape :)10:47
Dino24thx tomreyn10:48
Dino24now i stuck on initramfs prompt10:50
Dino24after exit he cannot mount my hdd10:51
Dino24after restart all goes good but for 10 minutes and game over10:55
tomreynDino24: this can actually be a hardware issue. i suggest you run a memtest86+ overnight.11:42
Dino24i think i will try ubuntu mate11:43
Dino24hardware is OK ... ubuntu bungie worked nice11:44
Dino24sorry budgie11:45
tomreynyes, try some budgie jumping ;-)11:48
Dino24first i will give chance to ubuntu mate ... most simple11:54
Dino24new update seams to work12:19
BluesKajHi all12:19
Dino24i instaled pycharm and tested some scripts ... works good12:19
Dino24i will stay little loger with Kubuntu :)12:19
Dino243GB RAM is not a problem12:21
Dino24Pycharm started and RAM usage is about 1.9GB12:22
Dino24system monitor sucks to much CPU ... about 40% and more12:26
BluesKajusing X11 or Wayland?12:30
tomreyn40% of one thread of a first generation i5, that's totally fine12:31
Dino24ah ... it is not usage for all cpu-s12:32
Dino24kubuntu works smooth12:33
Dino24i will start with krita now ... then open shot12:34
Dino24next problem is wakingup from sleep state12:55
Dino24i will check old bios13:03
Dino24hm again booted to initramfs13:08
iomari891greetings, How can I stop my plasma tooltips from disappearing so quickly?13:14
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> iomari891 I might be mistaken here but aren't tooltips supposed to disappear instantly when you aren't for example hovering your mouse over an ui element anymore?13:25
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