
openarunDear Mirror Admins, I have submitted a new release mirror, mirrors.nepalicloud.com-release. Please let me know if something is required further from my end.11:33
helmuthi. would it be possible to update http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/project/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg to current keys? whom would I ask about that?15:24
sajoupahelmut: Hi, we can look into it. Would you mind sending an email to the address in the topic, to create a ticket ?16:48
helmutsajoupa: my colleague created a ticket in the mean time https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-keyring/+bug/208514216:58
sajoupathanks !16:58
helmutis there any other ipv6-enabled place I could download a current keyring from?16:59
helmutI'm working on a CI system and it requires a keyring url + sha256sum. I already figured that this keyring is too old, git.launchpad.net doesn't have AAAA and that CI doesn't like file:/// urls.17:00

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