
ricotzhello :), could someone take a look at the amd64 builders, they seem to be stuck07:19
ricotzespecially the ones which pretend to be running ;), like https://launchpad.net/~mir-team/+snap/ubuntu-frame-24-edge/+build/263108707:20
nesdaI do see a lot of disabled builders, taking a look07:55
ricotznesda, hi :), any progress fixing the builder problem?10:02
nesdaStill working on it - it's related to network problems bringing up VMs. We tried a couple of things already, but no luck.I'll keep this channel posted10:03
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #launchpad to: amd64 builders are stuck, we are looking into it | Help contact: ialmeida (07:00-15:00 UTC) | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support and spam reporting: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
=== nesda is now known as ialmeida
ricotzialmeida, thank you10:09
catuminhi, I'm the maintainer of a package in Debian which is in Ubuntu as of Noble. I have been trying to create a launchpad account to indicate that I am the same person with the "Are you $person" button. but when attempting to use that I just get an error page. is this expected/is there something I should do to fix it?22:29

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