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lotuspsychje!es | jctr si03:24
ubottujctr si: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:24
skraitoxHi King lotuspsychje03:24
skraitoxyou want Me to stay here King ?03:24
=== toolz is now known as Daniel
Gone2slimeySomebody give me scam chats to join tryna start getting easy free money i have a chase bank account to05:50
Dino83any experience with freezing computer after 10 minutes ubuntu 24.0407:28
LickUrDickZelensky let me suck your dick08:08
LickUrDickZelensky let me cuddle with you08:08
LickUrDickZelensky let me touch your chest08:09
LickUrDickZelensky let me smell your body when you're sweaty08:09
LickUrDickZelensky I love you08:09
LickUrDickSexiest man08:09
=== LickUrDick is now known as SuckYourDick
=== SuckYourDick is now known as LickYourDick
=== LickYourDick is now known as KonqiIsSexy
=== KonqiIsSexy is now known as KonqiGetsMeHorny
KonqiGetsMeHornyZelensky suck my dick08:11
Guest685Zelensky, fuck me hard!08:20
Guest685Fuck me hard!08:20
Guest685You're my king08:20
Guest685Fuck me hard08:20
spinningCatwhy they targeted this channel08:24
tiffany48I will fuck Zelensky really hard08:31
tiffany48R E A L L Y08:31
tiffany48H A R D08:31
tiffany48R E A L L Y08:31
tiffany48H A R D08:31
mjt0kheck. What's the point anyway, does anyone know? Why this shit is happening?08:32
Yogaum_hey everyone08:33
=== mrpond8 is now known as mrpond
bmasonis this a support channel?09:31
ravageit is09:32
bmasoni have filed a bug report not sure if it needs more information09:32
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2085333 in ubuntu-desktop-provision "live boot installer wont install" [Undecided, New]09:32
ravagemaybe add at least a description?09:36
ravagecheck other bug reports09:36
bmasonhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-provision/+bug/2043898/comments/0 <- is all of that infor auto generated or did they manually check all of that09:38
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2043898 in subiquity "GPT+BIOS with manual desktop partitioning - absence of bios_grub partition causing grub-install to fail" [High, Triaged]09:38
solenshinerhiya. i tried dist-upgrading to 24.10 but had some problems with resuming from suspend, and now im trying to go back changing /etc/apt/sources.d to noble and using /etc/apt/preferences.d to force it to noble. It all seemed kinda fine til10:00
solenshineruntil i ran into dpkg-divert: error: 'diversion of /lib32 to /lib32.usr-is-merged by base-files' clashes with 'diversion of /lib32 to /.lib32.usr-is-merged by base-files'. Any ideas on how to get past that one?10:01
ravageyou cant downgrade10:01
mgedminapt doesn't support downgrades, unfortunately10:01
solenshinerdid it kinda like that before back when sidux was a thing...10:02
ravagegood luck10:02
solenshinerso the long and the short of it is to never try to upgrade ubuntu then10:03
solenshinercus youre shit out of luck if the update breaks your computer?10:03
ravagethe secret solution is having a backup10:04
solenshinerno wonder linux is still a sub 1% thing, 20 years later10:04
gordonjcpsolenshiner: actually 100% of people use Linux10:05
gordonjcpbut never mind that10:05
solenshinerlol ok bye10:05
gordonjcpsolenshiner: your problem is you did an upgrade10:05
bmasoncan other os downgrade?10:05
gordonjcpsolenshiner: and then in an attempt to undo it you deliberately broke it10:05
gordonjcpoh well, I was about to tell them how to fix it, but never mind I guess10:06
mgedminfor curiosity, how would one fix that?10:06
bmasonwhy didnt he want to fix the suspend / resume issue?10:06
gordonjcpmgedmin: put it all back the way it was, and fix suspend/resume10:07
mgedminah, a non-specific thing10:07
gordonjcpbut in general, the real answer is not to do that sort of thing10:07
mgedminyeah, but that requires a time machine, if you've already done that sort of thing10:07
gordonjcpanother way to do it would be to remove and purge the 32-bit crap10:08
gordonjcpit only takes a couple of minutes to do a clean install10:08
gordonjcpI don't see why people bother upgrading, it takes longer and you always have weird issues with it10:09
gordonjcpjust buy another SSD and do a clean install onto it10:09
mgedminpls send me money for another SSD10:10
mgedminalso, upgrade, when it works, is takes less time and effort than dismantling the computer to install a new ssd, installing, then restoring data from backups/coping it over from the old ssd10:12
bmasoni tried to do a fresh install with a spare ssd and Its broke should i try older version?10:12
mgedmindid you try 24.10?  yeah, try 24.0410:14
gordonjcpmgedmin: maybe my usage is atypical but I just leave the old SSD in and use data off that, along with data off the NAS10:14
gordonjcpyeah 24.10 isn't ready yet10:14
gordonjcpgive it until about april next year10:14
mgedminI don't think my laptop has slots for two NVME drives10:15
gordonjcpah, I don't use laptops much10:15
gordonjcpmy desktop has three NVMEs, four SSDs, and two spinning rust (which are mostly powered down until needed)10:15
gordonjcptwo of the NVMEs are striped for performance10:15
bmasondo each of your SSDs have your previous ubuntu installs on them10:18
bmasonim downloading ubuntu-24.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso to see if it works10:19
lotuspsychjebmason: i wonder why seb changed package to subiquity on your bug, wich ubuntu release did you try there?10:21
bmasoni think it was 24.1010:21
lotuspsychjethats weird10:21
=== hetii is now known as hetiii
bmasoni attached alot of logs and updated the info on it10:22
lotuspsychjethought the new installer is all ubuntu-desktop-provision now10:22
mgedminlotuspsychje: afaiu there's a flutter frontend (ubuntu-desktop-provision) + a python backend (subiquity); presumably that bug was attributed to the backend10:23
hetiiiI have such grub2 menuentry to start installation process from iso image that works fine:10:23
hetiiimenuentry "ubuntu-20.04.6-live-server-amd64.iso" {10:23
hetiii  set isofile="/iso/ubuntu/ubuntu-20.04.6-live-server-amd64.iso"10:23
hetiii  search --set=root -n -f $isofile10:23
hetiii  loopback loopb ($root)/$isofile10:23
hetiii  linux (loopb)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=$isofile console=ttyS0,115200n8 noeject noprompt splash10:23
mgedminhetiii: please use a pastebin site10:23
lotuspsychjemgedmin: aha, that makes sense, the dev splits to the right section10:23
hetiiiSorry for flood: here is my menuentry for ubuntu-20.04.6-live-server-amd64.iso: https://bpa.st/IEO610:28
hetiiiThis works tottaly fine. But as soon as I change image to be ubuntu-24.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso then grub is not able to boot it.10:28
hetiiiAny clue what need to be change to handle latest image ?10:29
bmasonconfirmed VERSION="24.10 (Oracular Oriole)"10:29
lotuspsychjeseems like your bug is in good hands now bmason10:29
hetiiiThe correct url is: https://bpa.st/IEO6E10:31
lotuspsychjehetiii: 20.04 doesnt have too long support anymore, maybe its wise to pick a higher ubuntu release, specialy for server/production purposes10:33
bmasonhetiii: paste what you changed it to10:33
hetiiiI only change /iso/ubuntu/ubuntu-20.04.6-live-server-amd64.iso to be /iso/ubuntu/ubuntu-24.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso so all the rest configuration is the same as it was for, Of course the iso image is in given path as well.10:35
hetiiiI will try to download iso image again and compare md5sum maybe it's broken somehow.10:36
bmasonyou didnt change the menuentry line by mistake?10:36
ravagehetiii: https://canonical-subiquity.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/intro-to-autoinstall.html10:37
ravageyou can also try if the ISO boots in general before adding it to grub10:41
hetiiibmason, don't get you. I change it by purpose, in fact my goal is to prepare different bootable menuentry with different iso images to start installation process on my NAS (ds1515+). I use grub2 manually configured. As I said before all works for  ubuntu 20.04 but not for 24.04 so there must be some difference how the latest image is handled.10:42
hetiiiNot sure about autoinstall vs debian-installer in context of booting iso via loopback on grub2.10:43
ravagethere is also https://www.iventoy.com/en/index.html10:44
ravagewhich may be better to handle different ISOs via netboot10:44
lotuspsychjeventoy is great10:44
hetiiiok something to check, so far I was able to boot system via grub-legacy, grub2, ipxe but this have broken intel stack so no network cards support. In my list I plan also add petitboot and refind, don't know about ventoy before but I will add it on my list also.10:46
hetiiiBut first I want to finish grub2 way.10:46
mgedminhetiii: ubuntu 20.04 used ubiquity, 24.04 uses subiquity + ubuntu-desktop-provision; the kernel command line needs to be different10:47
ravageif you already use ipxe chek https://netboot.xyz/10:47
mgedminfind the grub.cfg inside the 24.04 iso and see what it does10:47
mgedminhm, actually I never tried the new 24.04 images with my homebrew grub.cfg loopback booting system10:48
mgedminit suggests 'linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz iso-scan/filename=$isofile --- quiet splash'10:49
mgedminfor the 24.04 desktop10:49
hetiiiAbout iso-scan/filename= this part is kind of unclear for me. As when the kernel takes a control and iso image is on usb stick, this path is always wrong imho. I assume here that kernel is not aware here about device where the iso is stored as it.10:52
mgedminiirc the loaded initrd is what parses the iso-scan/filename part from /proc/cmdline after the kernel's been loaded10:55
itaiDoes snap have an `autoremove` or `autoclean` option to get rid of unused/disabled software?10:57
hetiiimgedmin, look at https://bpa.st/22R3M from running system the path is invalid, but I found my iso in /isodevice/iso/ubuntu/ubuntu-20.04.6-live-server-amd64.iso11:04
=== Lagair577 is now known as Lagair57
mgedminyeah, it's only valid in the initramfs environment before it sets up the live system mount namespace11:04
hetiiihmm interesting, I though when kernel start his booting all context about mounted device via grub2 loopback module is gone.11:08
sixwheeledbeastitai: the best you have is snap list to list everything so you can manually remove.11:09
hetiiiso the initrd execute from ram and is responsible to discover and mount all devices again11:10
mgedminhetiii: yeah, grub is gone - but the initramfs knows how to mount the usb drive that you booted from, so it looks in there afaiu11:10
hetiiiok but how initramfs discover the root device where the iso is? I agree he can parse /proc/cmdline to know the path but not the device itself.11:13
PeGaSuSitai: you can use `snap remove --purge <snap package>`. that will remove everything that snap installed for that specific package11:13
mgedminhetiii: the /init shell script in the initrd looks for root= in /proc/cmdline11:16
itaiPeGaSuS: Will that also remove the version in use?11:28
DoYouWannaHAX_using genymotion on linux mint 19.311:28
itaiI thought snap has an `autoremove` option; that would be handy.11:28
sixwheeledbeastautoremove would require dependencies and management like apt. It all suppose to be containerised.11:36
itaisixwheeledbeast: thanks11:37
itaisnap does not have an `autoremove` option11:37
itaifor the time being, I found a script that removes disabled software11:38
bmasonfwiw I am not having the same problem installing on 24.04.111:38
mgedmincan I ask snap to please download the new version of the snap now, before I close the app to do a snap refresh?11:54
mgedmin(I think it's supposed to do that itself automatically in the background and then show me a notification, but (1) I already know that an update is pending, and (2) I'd like to see the download progress now, instead of waiting for snapd to wake up and do its job)11:55
hetiiiHmm mgedmin If I may ask why you suggest to use --- in iso-scan/filename=$isofile --- quiet splash? I sees that sometimes -- are used at the end of kernel parameters but it's first time when I see ---12:15
mgedmingood question, I don't remember12:15
hetiiiok then I add to to my todo list -- vs --- vs place where it should be used and why12:16
mgedminmy git logs show me that --- is what ubuntu 16.04 lts started using12:17
mgedminI base my command-lines from the ones in grub.cfg inside the .iso image, except I add an iso-scan/filename=... to the left of the --/---12:18
mgedminin fact I have a Python script extract the command-line from the grub.cfg inside the .iso and generate a grub config for me listing each .iso file in a given directory: https://github.com/mgedmin/bootable-iso12:19
mgedminthis was before I knew about ventoy, I should really switch to ventoy12:19
hetiiimgedmin, I boot ubuntu 20.04 installer by using noeject "noprompt quiet splash --" and "noeject noprompt --- quiet splash" and from /proc/cmdline perspective both are added like it was in grub2 so maybe there is some postprocessing in kernel/initramfs that treat them in different way.12:35
hetiiiAbout booting ubuntu-24.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso I notice when I try to boot it I get sometimes error: start_image() returned 0x8000000000000001. and sometimes it back to grub menu,12:41
hetiiiThen I can jump to grub2 cli and type boot, kernel start booting but it fails on VFS: Cannot open root device "" or unknown-block(0,0): error -612:43
hetiiiMore info: https://bpa.st/ED6Q412:43
hetiiiI also redownloaded iso image and check m5sum and all is fine with iso image on my usb stick.12:44
hetiiiIn addition I also check grub.conf from iso and I only notice linux/casper/vmlinuz  iso-scan/filename=${iso_path} ---12:45
hetiiiI check that commands as well but with the same result.12:45
BluesKajHi all13:08
hetiiiHi BluesKaj13:10
osseHow can I make right ctrl or right shift alone act as ctrl + shift ?13:11
osseAs a combined modifier, not as a standalone keypress13:11
BluesKajhi hetiii13:14
hetiiiI also try to boot ubuntu-22.04.5-live-server-amd64.iso with such result: https://bpa.st/LACKG13:28
hetiiiMayube there is some limit of the iso size?13:28
mearpMy wifi dongle has stopped working. Says it's connected to the router but no internet13:43
mearpAlso a weird 127.0.0... IP address is appearing in /etc/resolve.conf13:43
mearpI think this is due to running apt-get dist-upgrade13:44
=== Egon is now known as EgonX
SexUtilitiesIs Ubuntu better than Fedora?14:09
rud0lfis hot-dog better than apple pie?14:09
rud0lfthen yes :P14:10
SexUtilitiesApple pie is too sweet. It's bad. So hot dog is better. Period.14:10
SexUtilitiesHaha I'm just kidding14:10
SexUtilitiesI know what you mean bro14:11
=== SexUtilities is now known as deck
deckNice to meet you, Rangifer14:12
rud0lfit means reindeer in latin14:14
deckWow such a cute name14:14
deckDo you have extra condoms?14:14
deckMaybe we can have sex14:14
deckInvite some of your friends if you prefer three some14:15
=== deck is now known as ZelenskyIsSexy
=== ZelenskyIsSexy is now known as NoNameTLDR
NoNameTLDRAnyone wanna have sex with me and Zelensky?14:20
=== paul is now known as Guest8390
vadiqueubuntu is very convenient distro14:56
vvnhi there -- on ubuntu 24.04, I use middle click scroll (hold middle click and use mouse to scroll, that is extremely convenient on a thinkpad with trackpoint) and it gets stuck, as if the middle click was kept in hold position for a variable amount of time. Anyone experiencing this?15:18
mgedminvvn: it's a trackpoint "feature", release it and wait a few seconds and it'll stop16:43
mgedminmisfeature?  anyway, a hardware thing16:44
vvnno it's buggy, it'll work just fine then sometimes will get "stuck" for a variable amount of time as I said16:46
vvnnot a feature.16:46
lotuspsychjevvn: are you sure its the trackpoint and not a glitch in wayland for example?16:54
vvnit can be16:54
vvnI have no clue what could be the cause16:54
lotuspsychjevvn: try if you can reproduce that in xorg16:55
vvnwait, ubuntu 24.04 runs xorg16:55
vvnit's not a wayland issue16:56
lotuspsychjevvn: default 24.04 is on wayland, you got an nvidia graphics?16:57
vvnyes I do16:59
mgedminI've been finding lots of posts about adjusting the drift_time parameter in the kernel driver(?)17:00
mgedminlike https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/TrackPoint#Trackpoint_moves_on_its_own17:01
lotuspsychjeinteresting mgedmin17:03
jaceduardo viado17:35
escolavinicios riquelme me pago um boquete17:35
jacpoteu pai17:35
ubottuThe main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:35
jacchico viad017:35
jacgustavo da o cu17:36
jacaiiiiiii eduardinho17:36
jaco viado17:36
=== GJdan_ is now known as GJdan
MaNa2kso whats the easiest way to expose or be able to connect to my linux pc from external networks? my laptop with ubuntu is behind a router which is behind a fiber modem.18:06
MaNa2kofc do it securely18:07
MaNa2k[ubuntu-pc]-[wifi router]-[fiber modem]-----[external network]18:07
MaNa2kravage, ofc ssh, i got that part working, but only locally18:08
ravageFind out how to forward ports in your router18:09
MaNa2kravage, so the thing is, i got dynamic ip, meaning i get new ip ever x days18:09
MaNa2kthe [fiber modem] is the one that gets a new ip every x days18:10
MaNa2kand dont tell me i have to mess with port forwarding, because i think it should be possible without that since plex is able to to the same18:10
ravageLook for a paid or free dyndns service18:10
ravageYou have to mess with port forwarding. Or you trust some 3rd parts companies like tailscale18:11
MaNa2kravage, thats all fine a free dyndns service, but first i just want to test if possible by hardcoding the temp ip address\ports or whatever i need18:11
MaNa2ki know theoretically how the free dns will work ,basiaclly, i will have a running job that will check my ip every x min, then update the dyndns server with latest18:13
MaNa2kbut i dont understand why i have to port forward, how the hell is plex and TeamViewer able to do it without portforwarding18:13
MaNa2kshit used to be easier in the 90s18:14
MaNa2ki never really understood how to overcome this problem18:14
MaNa2kbefore i could literally just rdp into my home pc from another countyr18:15
MaNa2know its not possible18:15
MaNa2kwtf, chat is telling me plex and teamviewer use a techneque called NAT Traversal and Hole Punching18:17
MaNa2kravage, if i do port forwarding, do i do it at my router node or fiber modem node ?18:19
MaNa2kor maybe both18:19
sixwheeledbeastwhere the NAT is. A modem is more media conversion than routing, assuming these are the correct terms for your equipment.18:36
sixwheeledbeastThey are often packaged together or incorrectly named.18:37
sixwheeledbeastI would want a firewall on for the devices and personally I wouldn't have anything inet facing without VLAN's.18:38
ravageAll consumer routers block by default18:40
ravageYou need to specifically open or forward ports18:40
ravageAnd a default Ubuntu installation does not expose any services externally18:40
ravageSo just make sure you only expose what you want to be accessible and you're good18:41
MaNa2ksixwheeledbeast, sorry, didnt see there your msg. so basically the fiber modem is from my isp, also owned by them. it has some ethernet ports and also has wifi. i have disabled the wifi and use my dedicated wifi router which i have connected to it on one of the ethernet ports18:50
sixwheeledbeastso they call it a modem but it's a modem/router/firewall packaged together18:52
MaNa2kthe modem is a "zyxel FMG3xxx series"18:52
ravageYou need to forward ports on the router18:52
younderfamiliar with them18:52
MaNa2kthey actually call it a home-central18:52
MaNa2ki know how to port forward stuff, but never really had success18:52
younderIt's more of a 'gateway'æ18:52
younderI guess you would want a IPV4 privet network class C18:53
younderTHa's 192.168.x.x18:54
MaNa2kwell yea, my linux pc's local ip is, 192.168.0.x18:55
younderFirst and formost you can probably log into that gateway. Probaly not sure what port18:55
MaNa2kwhile my routers internal ip is the gateway18:55
MaNa2kthe gateway18:55
MaNa2kand my fiber modem has an external dynamic ip address18:56
MaNa2kyounder, i know i can login to my gateway ip which is my wifi router, where i can do port forwarding18:57
MaNa2kbut i can also do port forwarding on my fiber modem from my isp page, am i suppose to do it on both18:57
MaNa2kyounder, and theres this question if i really need to do this ? because how is plex and teamViewer doing it, according to chatgpt they are using something called "NAT Traversal and Hole Punching"18:58
MaNa2ki have heard about NAT long time ago, but no clue what it is18:58
younderYour gateway is already doing this via DHCP. You have a IP address yes? In a gnome-terminal do a 'ip a'18:59
MaNa2kyounder, so i got an intenral address when i did a ip a,  192.168.0.x/2419:02
MaNa2kwhat is 24 ?19:02
sixwheeledbeastIf the Zyxel unit has a modem only mode I would start with selecting that. Then you need to setup ports in the router downstream from this. You mentioned "securely" I would want your ubuntu box in a VLAN on it's own if your router is capable. Also your ubuntu box would ideally have a fixed IP you can send services to.19:03
younderMaNa2k: There is a shortage of IPV¤ addresses on the internet. So you have private networks on the nodes. They muliplex a public IP to a range of IP addresses you can use. This is a The Network Address Translation or NAT.19:04
sixwheeledbeast /24 is cidr notation of the subnet19:04
MaNa2kyounder, yes i know19:05
MaNa2ki mean, i know about the shortage19:05
MaNa2kit looks like i got somethihng called bridge mode in my modem, is that it ?19:06
sixwheeledbeastwhat service do you want. some services may punch out for you. Someone mentioned ssh you need to forward that.19:07
younderMaNa2k: yop19:07
MaNa2ksixwheeledbeast, i just want to connect to my linux machine from external nettworks19:07
sixwheeledbeastvia what? for what?19:07
MaNa2kor lets say i host a db or api or webpage on this linux pc, i want to be able to access that19:07
younderMaNa2k: Now that could be a challenge for security reasons ISP's block external access.19:08
sixwheeledbeastYou can't securely just plumb your machine on to the internet.19:09
MaNa2kwell, i will be securing it ofc with ssh-keys19:09
MaNa2kand firewall19:10
sixwheeledbeastEvery service you require will need forwarding through any NAT if it's multiple services you want.19:10
younderYou Internet Service Provider allows you to call out and establish external connections, but does not allow external connections to 'call' din019:10
sixwheeledbeastUnless you plug it in before NAT and setup a firewall but then you have no router or wifi any more.19:10
sixwheeledbeastISP's can block some services ^19:11
MaNa2kbut what i dont understand is how is plex and teamviewer services working without tweking with any of my router settings\port forwarding, etc19:11
sixwheeledbeastYou may also have CGNAT but that's usual.19:11
sixwheeledbeastthey punch out19:12
younderThere are ways around that but most people establish a public website what not. From a provider say Amazon Web services or Google.. There are many more..19:12
sixwheeledbeastMost gateway firewalls setup to allow everything out but nothing in.19:12
MaNa2kim reading you can maybe use Cloudflare Tunnel for this ?19:12
younderYeah that should work19:13
sixwheeledbeastif they punch out and then connect to the client, the connection is established.19:13
slaviusHello, can someone help me with disappearing DNS servers from systemd?19:13
sixwheeledbeastVPN is an optin.19:13
slaviusI am receiving IPv4 DNS server from DHCP19:14
MaNa2ksixwheeledbeast, yes, but trying to do it without using paid services19:14
sixwheeledbeastI don't mean a VPN service, I mean what a VPN actually means.19:14
slaviusright after connection I can see "DNS Servers:" and "Current DNS Serverr" in recolvectl output19:14
sixwheeledbeastA tunnel from one client to another19:15
slaviusafter several minutes (so far it feels random) resolvectl lists no DNS server and my resolving fails19:15
slaviusit helps when I execute systemctl restart systemd-resolved19:15
slaviusI get DNS server back and it again works for several minutes19:15
sixwheeledbeastbut that means you can only connect these two devices together, you can't login from a third device elsewhere for example.19:16
slaviusI have no VPN or anything, all otherr devices on the newtowrk have no issues19:16
MaNa2ksixwheeledbeast, me ?19:16
sixwheeledbeastgreat if you have a laptop you want to always have access to a server for example19:16
sixwheeledbeastmuch safer than opening ports.19:17
slaviusmy /etc/resolve.conf points to systemd stub resolver19:17
MaNa2ksixwheeledbeast, why cant i connect with a thrid device ?19:17
MaNa2kis that even if a use the same credentials19:18
slaviusany help?19:18
sixwheeledbeasta VPN is a tunnel between two devices. You can't just tee in.19:19
MaNa2kah, like that19:19
younderIt depends on what you want.. Github is free to use and you can set up a websites from one and share code. Perhaps that is enough.19:19
sixwheeledbeastslavius: not sure on your issue, maybe start with what version of ubuntu?19:19
MaNa2ki want to host a dotnet api19:19
MaNa2kwhich will communiacate with a database in the back-end19:19
MaNa2kand i will make an app which will communicate with this dotnet api19:20
MaNa2kif i hosted this on an azure service, it would be soo easy19:20
younderslavius: Are you using a modem to connect to the internet? Because it sounds to me like it signs off and that does not usually happen on a fixed connection.19:21
slaviusI'm on 24.1019:21
slaviusno modem, IPv4 Ethernet19:22
slaviusall devices including router/dhcp server are under my control (Mikrotik device)19:22
MaNa2kand also, want to try out hosting my own cloud drive19:22
slaviusI have no dynamic interfaces, just one gigabit ethernet onboard adapter19:22
MaNa2kthat would be fun. NetworkChuck has a guide on it i havnt tried it yet.19:23
slaviusI have VPN installed (Cisco AnyConnect) but it's not running19:23
younderSlavius: How are you connecting to the internet?19:23
slavius@younder DHCP server (default gateway) assings IPv4 address including DNS and default gateway, nothing special19:24
slaviusIt works for several minutes and then resolvectl lists no DNS server19:24
slaviuseverything else including Ethernet, IP and routing works but no DNS resolving19:25
younderNow that is iteresting19:25
slaviusI see nothing in systemd-resolved neither kernel logs before or during the DNS disappearancce19:26
slaviusI can ping default GW and public IPs (e.g.
slaviusthere must be something interfering with resolved butt I cannot find out what it is19:27
sixwheeledbeastI don't know much about systemd-resolved. /etc/resolv.conf will be a symlink to /run/systemd/resolve/stub tho19:27
slaviusyes, as I mentioned /etc/resolve.conf is symlink to /var/.... stub resolver19:28
sixwheeledbeastdoes resolvctl statistics show much?19:28
slaviusand it points to
younderISP provides normally 2 DNS servers so you should always have one available.19:28
slaviusresolvectl statistics shows older success transactions but after the disappearance there's 0 failure transactions19:29
sixwheeledbeastDNS will resolve from the closest thing going out.19:29
younderHave you been blocking DNS requests (port 53)19:29
slaviuseven if i do e.g. ping google.com. I get "name or service not known"19:30
sixwheeledbeastDNSSEC thing maybe?19:30
slaviusbut it works first few minutes without issues, it works on other devices on the same nwtwork (Androids, Mac, etc.)19:30
slavius/etc/systemd/resolved.conf has no options (except commented out defaults) and [Resolve] section19:32
slaviuseverything should be coming from DHCP, which it is few minutes after fresh connect or systemd-resolved restart19:32
slaviusit's driving me nuts19:32
sixwheeledbeastdoes resolved service restart when DNS goes away?19:37
slaviusnot until I manually restart it but restart helps and there's no errors when restarting systemd-resolved19:37
younderHave you tried the google DNS
slavius@younder I don't want to manually fiddle with IP settings, DHCP is the preferred way. I travel a lot and I don't want to deal with static IP settings19:39
younderIt's a strange workaround, but it just might work (for now)19:39
slaviusyeah, I can restart resolved from time to time but I want to fix the source of the problem19:40
younderWell contact your ISP19:40
younderIT sounds like a upstream problem19:40
slaviusI am my own ISP19:40
sixwheeledbeastI can't see how, it must be the ubuntu box if other devices are fine19:41
slaviusas I mentioned every other device on the network works normally19:41
younderThen it must be whatever upstream DNS you are using19:42
slaviusI somehow suspect the Cisco VPN client. It's been messing with /etc/resolve.conf when connecting19:42
slaviusbut I doubt it's running as a daemon19:42
sixwheeledbeastsystemd probably wouldn't like that. would it have permissions to do that?19:43
younderThere is a VPN now, wow you are just full of discoveries19:43
slaviusI mentioned it in the beginning, you must have missed it19:43
slaviusIt's official client from Cisco (AnyConect) and I noticed it injected DNS and seach domains into resolve.conf after onnection19:44
slaviusbut it's deactivated now, not running at all19:44
slaviusthere was vpnagentd process running on my system and I killed it19:45
slaviusafter that I restarted resolved and now I again have no DNS19:46
slaviusso we can hopefully exclude that VPN client19:46
younderWell my impression of both you and your system have changed substantially though this conversation. You are now a sysadmin for a network directly on the net. Using what type of connection?19:46
slaviusthere's no process with vpn|cisco|anyconnect in the name running on my machine now19:46
slaviusand yet the DNS disappeared again19:46
slaviusI use regular Ethernet on the LAN side with IP addressing, then there's GPON with fiber connection to internet19:47
slaviusprovider uses IPoE but that's behind NAT and on the other side of the router, should be unrelated19:48
younderPower over Ethernet only works to meters19:49
slaviusthere's no PoE involved, ISP user IPoE to tunnel routable internet traffic to my device19:50
slaviusinstead of typical PPPoE19:50
younderOh sorry19:50
sixwheeledbeastso assuming it maybe this cisco vpn what is vpnagentd.service doing?19:51
slaviusokt 22 21:43:09 slavius-HP systemd[1]: vpnagentd.service: Deactivated successfully.19:52
slaviusokt 22 21:43:09 slavius-HP systemd[1]: vpnagentd.service: Consumed 20.150s CPU time, 50.3M memory peak.19:52
slaviusI killed it few minutes ago19:52
sixwheeledbeastit's not restarted ok.19:53
younderfucked gateway?19:53
younderOk, it's a hardware problem then?19:54
sixwheeledbeastwhat DNS are you being offered when it's working?19:54
slaviusI don't know of way how could gateway remove DNS config from a DHCP client19:55
younderbad memory chips fes19:55
slaviuseverything else works, I can ping loopback, assigned IPv4 address, gateway and public internet (,, etc.)19:55
slaviusI can even DNS lookup/resolve addresses manually from console19:56
sixwheeledbeastare they ISP DNS servers19:56
slaviusno, it's PiHole running locally on LAN. But I tried setting cloudflare and google DNS as DHCP DNS server and the same happens19:57
slaviusbesides, every other device on the LAN works19:58
slaviusI got something in the logs now shortly before DNs disappeared19:58
slaviusokt 22 21:58:11 slavius-HP kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1729627091.267:1926): apparmor="DENIED" operation="connect" class="file" profile="/usr/bin/wsdd" name="/run/uuidd/request" pid=46676 comm="python3" requested_mask="w" denied_mask="w" fsuid=1000 ouid=019:59
sixwheeledbeastwell in that case I would check manually changing DNS in ubuntu provides something stable. Then if that's fine maybe look into if there is something the pihole doesn't like20:01
younderI'm out of my deph here DNS DOS20:01
slaviusthank you for your help anyway20:05
sixwheeledbeastI mean the pi hole came up late to the story...20:07
younderA lot of things did..20:07
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MarkB2Tomreyn: Not really.  Several days ago the home computer failed with a reboot indication of an irrecoverable failure somewhere.  Another visitor to #ubuntu offered assistance.  Computer is back up and running.22:34
MarkB2Wanted to find the gentleman... (nick started with a "p"). I'd recognize it if I saw it.22:34
sixwheeledbeastpragmaticenigma on the 16 Oct UTC... they aren't here tho.22:40
MarkB2sixwheeledbeast: And THAT is the nick I was looking for.  Yes, I did look in the list for this chat.  He had some good advice.22:42
sixwheeledbeastSeemed to be generic hardware issue and not related to Ubuntu from a skim read.22:45
MarkB2First problem looked like a near-dead CMOS battery feeding garbage into the overclocking hardware.  I don't overclock... but looked at the BIOS settings and they were screwed up.22:47
MarkB2Replaced the battery.22:47
MarkB2Next: the CPU cooler fan wasn't tightly affixed to the CPU.  Two of the posts had failed (little tines were broken off).  A salesman at a local computer store suggested putting the two good posts on diagonal corners.22:48
MarkB2Today the entire fan assembly was replaced.22:49
MarkB2Temperatures hovering around 46C.22:49
MarkB2Nowadays, fans are screwed down.  Before... the posts would push into holes in the motherboard and a collar rotated to lock down the pins.22:51
MarkB2I'm in a job search... and all my records are on this computer.  Have a laptop as a spare... now giving serious consideration to a new 'puter.22:52
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cbreakMarkB2: I recommend backups.23:20
cbreakno matter what you end up doing in the end, if your data is worth anything, then it's probably worth a few cents of cloud backup, or external hard disk, or both, or what ever else.23:21

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